er Values in a Mo nth-Iong Event HereareJuly:Highlights o N.-mens ped mdel swimnin suits; all.wool; .black: Or navy . $2.95 No. 3--Semi-anntial sale of white shirts for men; either collar-attaced or neck- -bhand styles .. $1.85 and $2. 65 No. 4 Men's handm ade des in cool Summner:shades. ........$ Firsi Floor N.5-Wooden bead bags-open zip- per and vagabond styles; navy, broýwnr, natural and white U..7.5 No. 6*--Hand trunks-just the thi1 for automobile mse; 28xl6x8 in.; fitte with trays; blue, green, gray. $3.95 Firsi Floor No. 7-m nthe JulySa.le of Mesh Gloves: 5-buttonf slp-on mesh gloves in.. ýWbite only. Te pair ....75c No. 8-Lace top tissue chiffon hose- for a limited time oulvy, at.. 75c Firsi Floor No. 9-Swim caps tliat straps; white onlv First Floor h a vechin . .25c No. 1O-C.andies ini an iutrigning Sum- mer assortmen t; bo of1b., 7ozrs., 75c F-irs Floor' No 1-Beauty 'naýnieure sets with nail polish, polish remover, cuticle remüover, nail "white,.emery boards, cot- ton and file..........0 First Flýoor No. 12-Cool and.comfortable 'Sum- mer'sandals; leather soles, T -strap white, bIne and green . . . $ 1.8 First Jiloor 2 No. 15-ýInfants', sheer print, panty dresses. with miatching hats; wide scal lo'ped collar of white lawn; 3 to ý6 years.............$1 No.! 16-Infants' imported French dresses of, fine lawn;' hig h waistline;, pinik, rose, bIne and yellow; 2 to 6 years..........*$9 Second.Floor No. 17-Men's trousers.o.f alI-wool flannel. Price........39 No.18--Men's suits of rnported linen; single or double-breasted.. $8.85 Second Floor No. 19-Misses' and women9' em- broidered eyelet batiste dresses .. pastel colors; four styvles; 14 to 44,$2.98 No. 20-Terry cloth beach robes for, misses and womcn .........$1 Thtird Floor No. 21-Double-thread bath towels with white body borders' in bIne, gold, green or orchid; 24 x 44 in., . 4 for $1 Thtird Floor No. 22-Misses'and women 's genuine Lanamas; imanv different styles; ail headsizes..........$2.959 * Foùrth Floor No. -23-Soft, wool bathing suits. for misses and women. new high waist- line,) solid colors, al new shades, $350 Fourth Floor co to 55 nclusive No. 24--Osillatingeletriefa>ns; green w ith.brass blades; 9 in. $.9 Lowýer Floo No. 25-~Beach or lawn ubels. spread of 6 ft.; orange and green,-,or- ange and black or 'b]ack and. white. Price . . $2.95 P-ROGRAM Onà the Roof if the we ather permit' Friday Afternoori at 3, o'ciock There will be a Fashion Show of beach apparel with mannequins modeling the smart new thin-gs for you to wear on the beach. AlSo, Mrs. Stade of our Beauty Salon wilI talk on "'The Burning Question"- and give you helpful ideas about getting the benefits without the harmnful effects of suuiburn. Saturday Morning, 11, o'clook The Magician w-ilI entertain the chil- dren On The ]Roof at l. in the morn ing ... and he ivill turn paper confetti into candy. PAN.Y 1 I L1D