Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jun 1932, p. 44

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ce committee with the uni- versity. Althoughi the morning classes are liniited to regularly enrolled members, of the institute, the evening lecturesý which are being held in the First, Meth- zodist church (having beeni moved from Harris hall because of the. large audi- ences) at 8:30 o'ciock, are open to the public ithout. charge. Sermon on Sunday ThIursday, Junie 23, James W. Garner w~as to present "ýThe United- States, and Latin-Amnerica-Proposals for a Con-. structive Policy," and on Friday, June 24,IKirby Page will speak-on the ques- tion, "Mus t We Travel the Moscow Road ?" On Sunday -morniing, June 26, the Rev. Ernest Fremont Tittle will giye the con ference sermon at the First Methodist church. That evening Groveér Clark will, speak on 'IProblems of the Far East." Oh Tuesday, June 28, Frank Maloy- Anderson.w1» . discuss, "The 'freaty of Versailles After Thirteen years." The last lecture of the con- ference, "America Is Part of the, World," will be delivered' by President Glenn. Frank.,of, the University, of Wisconsin. Annotmnçe Others Later More lectures will be announced later, as the programi is being kept flex- ible, and somne visitors ivill no doubt %vish to visit the Deimocratic national convention. Similar institutes are being lield this summer at Haverford coliege, Haver- ford, Pa., and. at Wellesley college, Wellesley, Mass. Catholie Club Plans Terrace Bridge. Teaj Mrs. F., Douglas Wilson, chairmfans of the, ex-service men 's committee forc Great Lakes hospital, is, planning the first of the surnmeir parties of the. Wom- an's Catholic club which, will be* a terrace bridge at the Chimneys Tavern, 1.50 Center street, Winnetka, on Wed- nesday, June 29, fr om 2 umtil 5 o clock. e of the J. .Nye Macali land ýavenue, bas retu studies at the Univers] for the summer vacati attending the Kappa sorority convention1 Swampscott, Mass. - - 'iRobert Geppert - *Two Duets,................. Garnsey *See Saw Marjorie Daw.......... Rea Maypole Dane . ..... Bugbee Marjorie Weil. Guitar.... ................Gaynoi. Graceful Dancer. . . Lemont Aveline lBowman *Playtinîe........ .....Ar- Grasshopper. ................. Rea Wood Nymph's Harp ............ Rea .Charlotte Langilîl Menuetto .<rom'* Don Giovanni) :Mozart Juggler ............... ...... Kern Enid Strafford Polish Dane-.- ........... Krentzlin Album Leaf:.... ............ Koe]ling Mary *May Crawford flanging. Gardn....-........Davîe.x Wariors . irim West Hle David Allen Alice Harwood Country. Gardens ........... Grainger' Elizabeth Allen Valse C sharp Minor .....Chopin Polonaise.... .........-Chopin Betty Lou Erickson Scarf Dance.......hmnd H-ungxrian......... Ma.cDoweil Two Preludes Op. 81 ... Heller From . "Senhes froîn Child-. hood"...............Sclumanul Mfazurka Dvdepr h.i+ Minuet .............PadereNvsld Valse E ininor........Chopini Jean Everson Grads Receive Gifts. Prom Higherest P. T. A. Members of the Highicrest Parent- Teacher association hield i:heir iast meeting of the season, Tuesday eve- ning, lune 14, on thxe steps of the I-igh- crest schooi. After the opening song, ."~The Star Spangled Banner," and the transaction of the usual business, the meùxbers heard Mr. Wordel, representative of the Chiéago Motor club, speak on "Safety of Our Chiildren." Mrs. Catherine Schwall acconxpanied hy MV!r. Barnich anîd Mir. M.Niller, pre- sented alharmonica selection. The Iligli- crest Community orchestra pia y e d "Driftiiig and Dreaming,"! "Moonliglit and Roses," "Somnebody1 Loves Yoýu" ýnd "The Waltz You Saved for Me." Mirs. G. Mailfald, president of the Hlighcrest P. T. A, presented the1 eleven June graduates with a gift f romI the Parent-'Veacher associat ion.1 urned îrom lier ofl arrani ity of Colorado ion. She isno Miss Kappa Gamma road, Kt being held Â-ù Seattle,m mer witli L Hie has also just been re-elected sec- retary-treasurer of the Inter-Fraternity council, an organization of fraternity presidents, and lias recently been initiat- ed into Phi Eta Sigma, honorary seliol- astic f raternity. efor~e bis return to *his home for the summeIr vacation 'fe had heen re- siding at the Lambda Chi Alpha bouse. *here he is serving 'as president. IChristian, Science j Churiches .66s. the Universe,- Includling, Mlin E volved by Atornic Force?" wasthe subject of the lesson-sermion ini aIl Churches of Christ,- Scientist, on Suilday, ..June, 19. The golden, text was, "The heav- ens -declare the, glory of God; . and the firmamrent sheweth, his handy- work" (Psalms 19:1). Â mong the citations which coin- prised the lesson-sernion was the following froin the Bible: "The Lord1 reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the Lord is clothed with strength. wherewith lie hathx girded bimself:,- the world also is establislied. that it cannot kç moved. Thy thro eis s tablishied of oldi: thou art from 'eV- erlasting" (Psalmns 93:;12). The lesson-sermion aiso includeA the foliowing passages froni the Christian Science textbook. "Scienlce I and Healtli with Key to thic Scrip-_ titres.» by Mary Baker E 'cl: " c naterial wei~.ld imnplies a niortal mind and man a creator. The scientific divine creation declares .-inuortai1 'Nmid and the universe created, by. God. Infinite Mind creates and gov- erns aIl. fromý the mental niolecutle to infinity" (P. 507). BACK FROM SOUTH Mr. and- Mrs! Charles' Henrv Brown returned last. week to thieir* home at 809 Lake avenue from Dur- ham, N. C., whence: they liad motered with Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. Van o-... chairman of the conimittee Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Pfeitz of Mont. gements. clair,, N. J., were the e bouse guests - last week of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Margaret Fitch, 416 Cumnpr M. Long, 401 Tenth street.' enilwortb, lef t Iast week for 0 ivhere she will spend the sum- The Kenilworth. club beach will have I f riends. . Tom Hicks as, coast guard ti season. F .~orest. JMrs. Casselberry hias supplied the Imaterials and the l.abor over and' ahove that whichl the camp could con tril])ut e by way of stones from.the beach and plants frorn the woods, aiU ivork on the part of the boys there between winter and summer camps, for the construction of an at- tr.acti%,, rock garden and. pool with N'àterfail and' founitain spray, just conîicflted. Lt i s in-tended, as. a "Fricndiy Pool" wbere. those who love growmiig tliings rnay p)la.nt their ý ffering-s. of flowers and plants to miiak-e it a cooperative interest on the !)art. of ail whlo ,visii Arden Shore. Campj wiil open o ne week later than uisuai this summner and W'il1 be -in ol)eration eight weeks instead of the usual nine. 'hie budget ha.s been, Coni- siderably 'reduced and rnucli expélise curtailed. Every two. weeks between the iast. of June 'and -the last of, A'iîgust, groups of between 350' and 400 mnothers, and. chiidren will coine to camp for fortniighitly vacations, sent by the Uniitedý Charities of Chii- cazo andl the Central as!sociatiôn of lEvanston, charities. Xorkers, with the two charities Were, guests of the nieiibers of- the Ardenl Shore b)oard at. a picnic sup- per a t camp, Thursdav June 23. The annuai midsumrner picnic for friends of the camp, at which tthe July b-oard mlleeting wiil be hield iii the morning. and. a picic. lutncheon cnjoyed at ixooli, and reports given by inembers of t!ie camp staff, ivill tak.e place at camp Friday,, July 5 w ilmetteBËoy's Among St. John's Graduates Charles -R. Ford, son of Mrs. Mary ,M. Ford, 427 Ce'ntral. avenue, Wil- mette, rece ived bis diplorna last Sun- day f rom, St. j ohn's Military acade- MnY, Deiafield, Wis, where, lieébas been at school for the past. four years. Ford held the rank of a cadet lieutenant in Company "D." .1lie was a meiberof ew wA7 Miss Eleanor Stewart, 422 Wood- stock avethue, Kenilworth, is attend- ing the national convention of.Kappa Kappaý Gamfma, sororjty being b.eld this week in Swatnpscott, Mass.

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