Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jun 1932, p. 42

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*and Kecreation board openin-g day Monday of this week. Although only the two playground. are being operated this summer on( _at the Vattman park and the othel -at the Village Green the attendanci bids fair to equal that of previouf years when three. or more. play- grounids were operated, Daniel M~ Davis, Director of, recreation an- nounces. An outline of the activities for the ne weeks the playgrou.nds are, té be operated Was made by Mr. Davis and announced -at a staff meeting hedlast Friday. Some special acý tivity is scheduled for each week, be- ginning next week- with a village wide pet shiow in which the dogs, cats, rabbits, and oéther pets belong- ing to the playground children are to be put on 'exhibition at Vattmar Park. The date, scheduled for the show is next -Thurmday. evening ai 7:30 o'clock. Hold Rallies, This opening week has been de- voted to organization of the grounds and rallies. V'attman park held a parade of all its playground children on Tuesday morning and the Village Green has scheduled a parents' day prograrn for Friday afternoon. Kick- ball for girls and'playground bail for* boys is being organized in prepara- tion for the openin g of an inter-play- grounid league in both sports. Ail activitie!z are being organiized on a, two weeks' cycle.. Local> con tests in int er-playground events are to be held one Week and the village wide contest in that event on the following week. A full prograun of the nine *weeks' activities, to which every child of the village is welcome to partici- pate free of charge, follows: Flrst week: Organization. Story tell- Ing. Garnes. Second Week; Begin- weekly b)eacni days. Vattma i31Park-on Tuesday. VI - laffe Green on Priday afternoons. An- nual Pet .Show. Vattmnan Park, 7 ;30 o'clock," Thursday evening. Start poes-teir maktng.. Start raffia work.,* .l Third Week..a Local poster naking contests. ýTr4ling -for track. Start leagues In klckbail for girls and play- ground b2ail for boys. Fourth Weck: UîÏ1Iz'na1 dol] weeik. Contest In orizinal dolle for Interniec- late a~nd JTior z £iriQ i4..oni nvir.-.',,.,. Ql a warded îeters at thle annual spring1 27, under the auspices of the Wil- Y, a éebis for athletic and field day mette Playground and Recreation Is awards last week at Howard and board. e Stolp schools. Lessons will be given to. children ~r The girls' letters were awarded to of aIl ages above five years.i th ethe upperý fourth.'of- girls receiving following schedule: Begnnrs, 2A the highe*st number 'of 'points in* a o'clock, advenced. classes, 3 o'clock L. Point system which embraces. their swimming tests and, compétitive 17 entire physical education class wr swimming, 4 o'clock. Dudley' C. eand athletic program. The boys' let- Stone, life saving examiner,, and à ters were for rnaking. the required member of the.recreation staff, wvill ýs nuniber of points 'in the dual and in-. be'in chargé of. the classes, o hc Svitational track meets held during the there will 1e no ch'arge. -srg.In addition -to.the above schedule t Gold' star awards. are the, highestwekysimgclssfopa- e athletic honors offered. by the. ath- letic department of thepublic schools ground children :who, do not knlowr and in the case of the boys are award- how .10 swim will be conducted as ed to aIl boys winning letters in the follows: Vatiman park children onU fourmajor sports, football, basketball, 'Tuesday afternoon, V .illage Green. basebal, and track in one yea r. 11, . ttecase of the girls, the gold sta .rs cide o Frayafenn. . represent the winning of four out of ýStole, wili- also be .in charge of ini- five possible letters during their threc struction of -this group.p years of competition, and hence car' In the swimming tests, which willà be awarded only to an~ eighth grade be c onducted every afternoon em-. P girl. The boys' gold star may be blenis will be awarded for swimimingb awarded to a sixth grader, since iti awarded only on a yearly basis. Thi, specified distances. A felt fisli willp year for the first time in the athletic be awarded to chilciren. who i department's history a sixth grade 50 yards and a W. B. emblem to boy withstood the competition offered children swimming 150 yards. 1 i by. upper classmen and won his letter AIl holders of beach tickets will be el in ail four sports. His name is James éligible to participate in this ,swim- Steen, from- Howard-school. ming prograni, it is anno unced by SOther boys who received the gold star Dlaniel M1. Davis, directot, of ré- award are: David Haas, Howard school; c( Frank Koenen, Howard sehool; Frank creation. vi Schaeffer, Howard school; John P Speredes, Ho*ward school; Robert Joan Porter, 452 points; Marian -Mott- Specht, Howard sehool; John Lind- sch al, 441 points; .Ruth Durham,. 431 strom, Stolp scbool; Arthur Mort, Stolp points;- Mary Mordoif, 428 points; s school; Frank Swirles, Stolp school; Daphne Craig, 419 points; from Class D. P( Harold Borre, Howard school; James, Sue Spinney, 697 points; E'len Tor- pi 'Versino, Howard school; James O'Nei1, rey, 538 points, Jean Finlayson, 524-1 Stolp school.* points; Betty Rosen, 488 points; Nlary- Girls from Stolp school receiving the Lou Peterson, 45 points ; Mary June gold star were: Katherine Shank, Jean- Peterhans, 43i points; H-elen Prescott, 1 ne Cutler, Sue Spinney, Eleanor Herbon, 429 points; from Class C. Estefla, Brenner, Helen Stiles,. Ellen Jeannle Cutler, 560 points; Helen Torrey, Ruth Duorhaip.* Stiles, 512 points; Jane Solomon, 510 Girls from Howard.school * reeeivîng points; Eetella Brenner, 504, points;* the, gold star wvere:. Shirley Garniss. Natalie 'ïates, 481 points;, Katherine Jean Gordon, Frances, Collins,. Jane Shank 475 points from Classes A and B. 7: Brandt, Helen Lindstrom, Jerrine1 Boys who won track letters were: Fromm, Elsie Jane Edge, Dorothy Mas- William Wade, Howard school; winner sig', and, Lois Roberts. of the highest number of points Of the 1. irl - romHowrd chol rceiingentire list of track representatives Vif9 Gitrs foromthowaprd *smsto schooleig the Wilmette schools, James O'Neil letersfo th ~rln seesersofseholStolp. sehool; Harold Borre, Howard 1 were: Dorothy Davis, 496 points, Doro- scbool; Frank Swîrles, Sto1» se-l'O th-' Massio' A456 oints , n B a d. , 1 _ 1 _ -.- - -- ~-....... "~Cass. -StolP school; Williarn Junior group includes al children Katherine. Wenter, 655 points; Julia' school ; ROwlmd Davi under ten years of age. The Inter- Boz, 654 points; Marie Hardin, 486 Byron Pis£her, Stolps mediate group includes children ten, points; May Farrner, 455 points;,'Peggy The awards were preý eleven, and twelve years of age. The Scott, 453 points; Betty Ann Brenner, MN. -Davis, director of Senior group includes children, thi r- 447' points; from Class. E. nmenbers of his physical teen,-furten;and-fitee yers . Jan HaIliwell, 628 points; Margaret Mrs. Olga S. BaIl, taen orenadffee er f Davis, 562 Points; Doris Mayheircy,, 525 Fanckboner, D)udley, C. ag.points; Eleanor Herbon,49 points; W. Gathercoal. ,ool. ited .by Daniel creation and ducation staff, IrS. Gertrude one,, and Glen uren <>1the two W.Ilmette pubolic play- grounds Thursday, evening, junte 30; at 7:30 o'clock at the Village Green. Chikiren of ail playground ages .will bring cats, clogs, rabbits, birds, fish,, lani other pets, upon Whose character playground instruictors> have learned:flot, to predict. One year a. pony -was a prize exhibit andguinea pigs, white mnice,:fi eld mice, and other kinds of miice, and chickens of ail ages> and sexes have been no rarity. ,The childiren are al1lowed to enter; any pet of any description and they ail will be eligible' for prizes, ac- -cording to the rules and classifica- tions announced by Daniel M. Davis, director of* recreation. Only two regulations- governing the entries; niamely:- the pet must belong to the child ex~hibiting it, and it must be under control. Dogs must be leashed, and muzzled and aIl other pets nmust. be caged., The rules, f or judging 'state that no consideration w'ill be igiven to pedigrees, of the pets. and the animnais are to be judged on their nmerits as pets alone. The rules as announced )y Mr. Davis add that judging must bt made on theý following basis:- )hysical condition, apparent lack ýof ilmrents, condition. of coat, skini. face, and feet,:cleanliness, lack, of fear of its master, obedienÉe to master, gen- er al, appearance of happiness, ýablity o do tricks. The pets W~ill be classified as fol- owýs a nd ribbon $ given to first, se- coud, and third places in each di-; vision: cats, dogs, rabbits, feathered pets, and miscellaneous. Thé miscella- neous. The miscellaneous, Mr. Davis, tates is to provide for the unex- ected which always occurs ini a playground pet show. Sport 'Calendar I Friday, Julme 24> :15 p.m.-Playground bail for m en. Schultz & Nord vs. St., joseph. Vil- lage Green. Monday, Jun, 27 a.m.-Opening second week of sum- mer playgrouncls for'children. Vatt- Thuraday, June 30 2 P.m.n.-Begnners' swimiming class. Wilanette Beach. 3 P.m.-Advanced swimming class.. Wilniette Beach. 4 P.m.-Swimming tests. Wilmette Beach. 7 :30, p.m.-Annual, village wide pet show. Vattman Park.

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