dance with tables set hi the ballroom and lounge and will be a most colorful and beautiful affair. Earl VoYles and bis Recording Aces mili furnish thc mnusic. TPhese carINv summier dinner dances have usually been fflanned for. the hIomecoming college bloys and girls exclusiveiv, l)ut this year it is an- nounced that ail other niemnbers of the cub) arceîîot: oîly invited iit urged to enjoy this -festive affair and that.while it is planued to emphasizc flie coliege homie coming it is îiot. de - siglled for boys and girls exclusivelv. Social events of importance secin tobe muüch moreý in evidence tliau for some timne; whlether it is, due to a lift ini the (lepressioi or just because tliîs is tue m nonth of brides and gracl- ulations ..Certain it isthat thé ShaW- liec .club lhas beeii bu sy vith hboth smiall amnd large' lunich'eonts and 1bridge teas. ihis %veekWednesdav Ms.Eveil-nI WVolf and (laighitcr, Mýarian, gave a. "'1o\ el, for Miss hleletn Ellis -who is to l)C marrie(l Jtiv 2.î Mr.C.M. urigm gave a luncheon f ollowed by bridge i ho- nior' oif MsOtto H-enry and. ler daughiter, Mrs. Robcrtý Cresap of Be- eryHis, who are leaving, for am.n extended trip abraod.. B. Crsa'), is a recent bride and graduated fromi Northiweq.tertn iast year. Shie is ivell knownvi along the noFth shore. M rs. C. 'H. Fergesoni entertained twenty-five gtiests at luncheon ani lridlge in honor of Mrs. J. E. Jan- notta of Kc'nilwo7(rthi who lias recenit-I iy rettirned f romn California. The Alpha Ph'i .sorority, whlich is holding its animal convention this week, w'as entertained Thursday eve- iiing at Slianee, 'tvo, liundxfe d strong,1 at a buffet.with MNrs. Walter Diiiý Scott as . hostess. Thie Junie.prom ôof Iast. Friday evenit1 g as an unu su al success, thie large .(inner I)arty given by Mrý'.1 Earl Green -for the entire eith I formi graduating class of 'the Royce- more school and their escorts being' oie of the primi-e factors. The dancý_ was largely attended and proved orle of the, prettiest and gayest of. the season. On Saturdayv evening the club was tuirnpil nver to the four hundreri Herbent L. .Lucas of Wininetka and Wesley Blom of Keniiworth are driv- S-iig -to--Detreit- on f-FtidaY--wheme theY- wiii meet their wives and spe 1nd the week-end' with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodruff (Beatrice Pease of Kenil- worth)., preparing for Harvar'd, and will be a Senior at Lake Forest next year. wl Tomn Dix and his son, John, left Lake A~ Sunday morning for- Ohio. Mrs. Dix" and her daughter left -on Wednesday. Mrs. Howe wiil Kenilworth as the guest-of Mrs. John'Wilds for a P A T R. week or two.. TRY IT AT 'ST WILMHE.ILKI5NATIRD %,ve. at Harms Rd. 2 Miles West of WihtnetteI .ON"IZE ,OUR ADVERTISER-S -F OR nine years Vernon was on. of the very bot privai. club~s in the. di'îstrict. Ift ii now. open jo the public Tie. rolling fairwayu and pu ttlng- greensf are in perfect condition and the liter- aIly hundreds and hundreds of trees are now in ful !eaf. If lu indeecl. a Rout . . ny uadto aukganRoad Northto Deerfield, Then. 11/2 Miles West