Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jun 1932, p. 18

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tournament to be held at Soldier Field, Chicago, june 24 to july 4. Approximately 1,500 men f rom aIl branches of the army, including in- fantry, artillery, cavalry and aviation, will participate nightly in spectacular battles, reproducing f amous engage- "ments fromn American wars, fron the days of George',Wasbington up, tc the World .war. Ail the *articipating units.are fromf the Sixth Corps Area. roèops From 4, Poste The troops are f romn Fort Sher- idan, Fort Wayne, Michi., Jeffersoni Barracks, Mo., Scott. Field, 111.1 Wright Field,,.Ohio, and. Se lf ridggc Field, Midi. Troops are now'encamped at Sol- ier 'Field, rehearsinig their. part ,in theý program under the direction of Gencral Parker and Brig. Gen. Frank C. Bolles, past commander at Fort Sheridan. Mrs. Amelia Earbart Puitnam, fiirs woman to make a succcssful solo flight across the Atlantic occan, will be one of tbe niany notables to at- tend the tournament. Mrs. Putnam will fiy to Chicago on june 24, ta assist at the opening ceremionies that. cvcning. Army airplanes will mncci her airplane and' escorf ber to Sol-. dier Field. During ber stay in Chi- cago, Mrs. Putnam wil l be the guest of thé Army and General Parker. Legiom Parlticipates The American Legion and the Navy will take part in the prograni, as will approximately 10,000 represeîn- tativès of the various Cbicago for- eign language groups. Approximate- Iy 30 Ainerican Legion druni and bu- gle corps with a total membership of around 1,000 men, and- t1lree legion bands, ail in uniforni, will parade and play in mass formation., Froui the Great Lakes, Naval Tramning sta-, tion will come 400 or more sailors and the 'staion band on the opcning niglit, June 24.. T!Ic for-ign language groups, ini costume, will present progranis ini- cluding native dances, singing, pag- eants, floats and other activitiest typical of tie particular national vT mVai.LK. Vw. ucuear ot >ky ilar- Starting Sunday, June 26, at 10 rbor airpc>rt spends bis spare time-try o'clock in the mornng, Donald C. to find it !-making speeches. L.ast Carter, instructor of aeronautics at week lie gave five' talks in three days. Lake Forest college, will give a On Wednesday niglit lie spoke at the course of lectures on aerodynamics Seventb -district Legion meeting in for members of the S'ky Harbor Fly- SWinnetka. Thursday afternoon Major ing club and their friends who May -Schroeder talked aviation to-members be interested in bettering their aero- of Castie Post. No.. Si, American nautical education. Legion. in Chicago,. and on Tbursday _Mai' . .Screer,. nm1anager. night lie again addressed-.LegiQnnlaies, of Sky Harbor, bas announced that this tiie- at the Fifth-district session the following topiçs on'the theory in Cemkpark,ý Chicago. of fliglit will be covered: *Women members of thie Aeronautical 1. The wing or1 air .foil;.its defini-, Association of America heard Major tion and characteristics. Schroeder at ïheir meeting at, Sky».Har- 2 The complete airpiane; the for- bor airport Friday afternoon., That ces acting thereon and thé relation evening, he talked at the Eigbth-district of the wing,'to, these forces.. Legion meeting ini Fort. Sheridan. 3. The tail surfaces; their function. 4. Stability of the air.piane. Two Flyers. Introduce 5. The: propellet; its chiaracteristics. 6. Performance. a W eek for Mothers 7. D ynamic loads and factors of Ma;. R. W. Schroeder and Capt. safety. George F. Fisher,, -Co-manager s of Sky Harbor, airport,. have intro ducdA eiaE ratP m * mothers' week" to aviation circles. On Sunday of last weeK, Major to $opatCurtss ild Schroeder took bis mother, Mrs. Amelia Earhart Putnami, first womail Anna Schiroeder, 80 years oldi for a solo flyer to cross the Atlantic ocean, ride ini the Stinson passenger plane. is expected to arrive at Curtiss airport After they had landed, Mrs.. Schroe- on Friday, June 24, by airpiane f rom der calmly reinarked that she biad. New York. A group of escort planesa forgotten to'take bier parachute witîî will greet bier at Curtiss field where ber.: M rs. Schrcoeder, wîo is' n she will tranfer to an amphibian ship thiusiastic about flying, lad takelx and proceed to Chicago. There she several trips before, but this ivas hier wvil1 particîpate in the hiilitary tourna-, first at Sky Harbor. nient, to 1'be staged from June: 24 to The following Thursday afternoon, __________4._ CaptainFishier gave bis mother, Mrs George F. Fisher, a ride. in the saine Arrives at Curtiss Field plane. ilix .I à Iur f Women Like Airplane Tours After Meeting Women members of tie Acronautical Association of America, Inc.~, enjoyed airplane> rides, witb Maj. R. W Schroeder as.pilot, on Friday aftcrnoon, following, a meeting in thé Sky Harbor, clubbouse. Mrs. Cbarles Severinglaus, president of tbe associaion, cxpressed her appreciation of the courtesies shown by the major, who even consent-, cd to have' bis picture taken. w ith tie group. Uuriss airport is becomig a cen-: ter for radio researchi. The Lear Development company, radio engineers moved their head- quarters fromn Chicago to Curtiss airport, near Glenview, last week. These enginee.rs specialize in short wiÀave radio receivers and transis sion' in order to perfect radio us ed in communication -from ground to slip. Work noqw being. doné by the radio engineers' at Curtis s airpért includes research. and the installation of sets in airfflanes. The Leay Developmfent conîpanv also manufactures tbe .Motorola radio receiver for automobiles. Model Airpiane»Contest, to Close This Saturday Saturday, june 25, is thé deadline for entering -planes in the model arin contes't being sponsored by: tbe Sky Harbor Flyinig c ilub, in conjunction Witl the military tournamnent to be beld at Soldier field June 24 to july 4. Maj. R. W. Schroede r and Capt. H. H. Mur-' ply, président and sccrctary., respective- ly,. of the Sky Harbor Fiying club, are among the judges in this cIontest. Each boy who eénters a plane in tbe contest will attend the military tournament as a guest of the committeç. Squadron of Army> Planes Coming to Curtiss Field Curtiss airport near Glenview l.is being painted and "drcssed up" for E. L. Eichhammer, general sales drn h iiaytunmn manager for the Acronautical Cor- in Chicago f rom June 24 to Jul-, 4. poration of America, arrived at Cur- A squadron of more than one lun- tiss airport recently in one of the ýdred United, States army planes %vill new two-place cabin Aeroncas power- be statioried at the airport during the ed w'ith an F.-113 Aeronca engine. the air ma neuvers to be cIcd, in colî»- He_ ha .be contacting-dealers in nectio n with -the mlitarytunaet the northwest,ý and was. on bis Way f rom Minneapolis to Detroit-_ Three Airports Quarterý OFFICIAL LANDS AT CURTISS UPl.anes fores Tourni , amen. Marion 0O. Dunning, collector of .. Amypaewicwilar customns in Savannahi, Ga., who flew ticipate ini the military tournanient in- fromtha cit ina Kigbid ~ Chicago june 24 to July 4 wilI be quar- ýaruorn massacre. 1%-yMl1Ir tovasao Procceds of the tournament will be Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Pontius. 770 LIGCU GRW depicting, Wash- divided betwccn the Army Relief so- Hill road, Winnetka, returned la,;,YIGCLBGRW rnes will be pre- ciety, which ministers to the needs Tuesday nizbt from an airpiane trip Several aviation students b ave ere will be an x- of rpbans and widows of soldier, to Iowa City.Iw.D.Pnii signedup for the Sky Harbor Fy- ýe in 1732 and 1932. and the joint Emergency Relief owns a Stinson whicb he keeps at ing club' bringinz the total. meini- rorks display, with Fund of Cook County. Sky Harbor airport. ,bersbip to more than 120i and a g

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