Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jun 1932, p. 14

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GOLF AnuIoo~sporUesteof coue on the shas of Il il Gee kewhm etear aso offereci motor boot' ina. >yachting, horseback ridinç(, tennis and fishim,. with expert guides. Vation on- a 1200 ace estate with 16 miles of paed mads ... Finest food an macmmodatioms Bob Dlaop and l'is broadcsing orchera for Luncheon, dinner and. supper ýdancinçq. RAT ES: Double tomrs with Pivote bath and ýmeols ot $QperpersonpWedoy. $50 perpersonpweivk single siqhtly highcr. CATERINO TO Aý RESTRICTED CLIIENTELE. F& Sraxpleeinfrmaton. CbicasoOfflioe. S. Derbom St (suite33O) Phone Andover 1331 - or wite to the M'otel. A ftESORT IMOTEL. 0F SI NDESCRI13ABLE ALLURE LAwSON NA COUNTRY CLUB MOTEL. M. ÀE. Woolley.. Manager GREENI LAKE . ..WISCONSIN &OutliMy fiffshd nomes dm. a.bw MIRACLEAN Helps to Keep One Cool and Comfortable: Miraclean keeps your s um- mher wardrobe always ready- for instant. use. t keeps.colors gay, bright and rich.' It- keeps maiterials déean, f resh, and cool. It keeps the "pores" of 'the fabrics always open, so thot 'cool summner 'air' can penetrate anid refresh your body.. Please 'remember that. cit izenship, in school affairs which he had to attain to be eligible for. the award. The quota receîvîng the awards was the smnallest silice' the honor was instituted in 1928. To at- tain the award each athiete mnust make his sch.ool' letter ini the four. major sports sponsore(l by the ath.- letic department: football.' basket- bal,ý basebaîl, aind track (luriilg lis' last year, in gramimar s'chool. He must also.have a perfect record for good sportsrnanship througlîout tlhe year and mhus.t have proved hinîis;lf valuable in the c'las5rooin as Nvéll. The eight boys receiviiîg tlhe medals this year were: David Haas, Fraîik Koenen, F'rankScha.effer, John Sper- edés, Robert Specht. John -iiîdst.rom, Arthur.Morf, and Ftrank Swirles. It is in ter estiîîg to note that al- most al of the first recipieuîts of tîhe awards were ,memhbers 'of the 1932 graduating, class at New Trrier Highi school, and without exception, hiave -ýdistinguished themselves in 'athletics 'during their high' scîtool careers. In- chided in this' group %vere the New Trier stars, Colin: Fiinlayson., George Quinilani, Frank Chiurclt, .cLonard Wolfq, Hugli Saxoni, Robert \Vaters,ý Lawrence ïMlcHale, jack Stackhouse, 'and George FEber. Winners of the award in -tthe ,sec-. ond y'ear of ifs existen ce, 1929, were: Arthur Cramer, Cecil WNilliams, Cliarles Knapp,, Robert White, Otis, Goocli, George Facht, Ian I)enliolm, George. Waidîîer, Fred Leason, aîîd Lee Blaylock,.lTe vinniers ini 1930 were: Dick Preston, Robert Kiel, Mark Simonds, Warren Younîg, j.ack Allworth, Dick Culleiý, D;ck Hall, Robert Hermanson, Philip. Hoelz, Reginald Green, 'Sîteldon 'Fox, aîîd Elm-er Young. Last year's wminers .were: Dav'id Miller, Edward -Mee, XVWilliam Coiçly. Frank Hooper, Fred .Herr, Tom Finlayson,. Edward Snyder., Ludwig Skog, and George. Greenî. The Rotary.award is consi(lcred thie high.est athletic hionor a grainar;t school boy can iifl. \\Tallace Miller, Ir., ()27 Làake ave- nue, graduated last M,\ond(aN-'wt scholastic honors frointhtie nier sjty of Michigan. ' 1r. anîd Mrs. Miller miotored to Al,în Arbor for commencement .and brotught their son back with tini. t ween tnese oîtme rivais, wilmettc annexing the inaugural tilt,' 9 to 8. sevèral weeks ago. Sunday, june 26, Wiltnette en- counters the Bricklayers, who this year boast a strong aggregation, be-_ ing nosed out in a close decisioni last Suniday bv the Fvanston News-Index team, 4 to 3. H-essler, starti'ng his second gaine' of the season for the locals, was g .iven ra gged support Sunday, which all.owed Waukegan to. score aý total of eight runls in the second and third inning-S. ant advantage quite sufficient to plut the game on ice. 'Wilnfiette scored a single- run in the 'first frame and came hack in the third tô, add four more. seriously thireatening Farlev's tenure on theè hill. The Wautkegan hurler, -%eath- ered the disturbance. hloweýver,.,anci set Wilmette down witli fve scat- tered bits clurng the balance of the gaine. Watikegati clinched the gaine in, the seventh 1%ith. three muiis.'on as ntany hits plus a. couple of errors, a flurrv that took Hessler off the mouind in favor of Joe Borre. 'et- eran of nîanv local campaigns.'10 permitte(l a lotie wallop the rest of the, way..ý Box -score: Wllniettcý .Tnetz.ef. 1 S(-îrcoed'r1If4 1'2 1 N si ii r f C 1~ ~ ~~~1 2 .1bt«,f O Farcy.u -5 2 2 - - Totnls 4f; 1? 14 TotaIs 39, 7 ý. HjAVE, DiNNER GUESTS Dr. and Mrs. Edward F. Hess, 915' Ashlanld- avenue, entertained several' friends at d inner Iast Sundlay. at ýShamr- nee Country club. Their guests were Mr. anid Mrs. Hansý Hess of Highland Park and Dr. and Mrs. Frederick F.. Schtnidt of Chicago. NEW SWIMMING POOL Work iwill be started at ohîCC 011 a iiew swiutniig pool for V'attuil Member. WUmette Chamber of Commerce t if t t t

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