Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jun 1932, p. 49

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ATTRACTIVE 1OOMS WITH PRI- vate bath and a comiplete kitehen ? In cholce -east section of Wilmlette. Aduits only. -Ph. University 8080. 55A-LTN-tc KITCHENETTE APT., -2 RMS., SLEEP- iîig lorch, bath. In private home. Car. avallable. Ph. Keilworth 1865. 55A-LTN6-ltc LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING R.MS.. lNEAR tran.sportation. $5. Ph. Wilmiette 4866. 55A-LT.N6-1 t» BEAUTIFUL LINDEN CREST, brlght sunny -apartments f rom 2 to ý4 rms., Available at reduced prices. Sec. thera before maklng your decision elsewhere. For Young people our 2 rm.. apartracats wlth 3 .rmn. efficièncy -are especially desirable. KROLL & SMITH 424 Linden, Ave.: Wlmette 500 56LTNS-4tp CHOICE APARTMENTS conr Elm S nd Arior,,Vitae 1 Four room (1 bedrm.) 1 Five roora (2 bedrms.) fLEASONABL12 RENTALS SIMITH & GOSS, INC. 75Elm St. Wlnnetka 142 56LTN45-tfc S.NiA LI, HS1PING. SUITE IN' HOME. 10-ft. opIen porch.- Fura or unfurn. !.ight and sunny. Garage op)tionatl. Convenient business section;a d trzins». .By ta)l)o-i nt nient. leferences. V- mnette '204. 36,64tip B EF O RE RENTING ELSEWIIERE see our very. complete 1 rm. and 2 rrn. àpts., with glazed porch. Faclng park, al moem onvealences, close to transp. and lake, at reasonable rentaIs. 1Ol1-'NT-1PLEASANT, LIGIT 4 rni. ap:1ttnent, unfurn. with roqll-aw,ýay bed,. and firepfl.ce, hieated. 1631) Wal- flut A\.e. Phi. Wilmette 1482. 56LTN6-1te 4 ROOM APARTMENT, CENTRÂI.IY, located. soutb and east front. Ph.. Wilmette 2399 or 2427. 56LTN37-tfo ONE 2 RM., ALSOONE 4 RM. KITCH-' enette apt. I*ump4rey. building. Win- 'ietkaà 98 or, 3328. 6LITN20-tt< EAST SIDE WINNETKA, LIGHT, aidrycorner, near sehoolq. Winn..1630. 56LTN-ltcý ATTRACTIVE C 010N I ALA-HOME near transp. and beach, 5 bedmns., Slp. pot ch, 3 baths, den, sun rmn., lav., oil heat. Greatly reduced to $125 a iionth. Other good rentais.both un- furn. and furn. for long or short l)eriods. FrancÉes J. Winscott 902 Sprue St. Wlnnetka 1267 6OLTN6-Ite ACT QUICK !-ON WELL ARRANGED 7 rm. brick Colonial ,In S. E. WIn-. netka. 4 bedrms., 2. baths, Sun rm., garage attached. Property lna A-i con- dition. Very reasonable rentai. Caîl *Winnetka 1800. 6OLTN6-ltc 7 ROOIM HOUSE. FURNISFIED IF.*DE- sired, 3bedrm., bath, sunirm., garage; large, beautiful lot. Convenient to transp-. 905 ,Fore.st Ave. Deerfield. Ph. Deerfield 168. 6OLTN6-ît 6 R.M. BRICK 'HOUSE, TILE BATH, bot water ht., lav. on lst fi., sunrii.. 2-car gar. Ph. Wilmpette 1665. 60LTN6-Ilp 5 RMS.. NEWL Y DEC., COMB. GAS stovNe, furnace ht.,, gar. ýReas. 1730 Walnut Ave.,ý Wilmette. Call Long- *beatch 5322. 6OLT$N6-ltp) 431 FOR RENT-FURN. HOUSES EAST WILMETTE - 9 RM. FURN. home for year or longer. 5 bedrms., glazed porch, oil heat, 2-car garage, wooded lot. Asking $ 125, waat offer. Winnetka 1800 611LTN6-Itc 69 WANTED TO RENT-"OUSES LIST YOUR HO'MES NOW Mal-ny clients looking for unfurn. rentais both. for.immeciate and Oct. occu- panc. Cîl rs.Winscott,' Ninn-, 1267. 621,TN6-ltc OCTOBER LEASE-5 ltOOM2ý HOUSE. or bungalow. Must h1ave oh hleat. Near trans»). Write B-71, Box 40, Wilniette, 111. 62)LTN6-ltcý 66 FOR RENT--STORSU OFFICES FINE STORE ROOM, 501 CHESTNUT St, Winnetka, acrosa street frora pub- lie schooL. Wlnnetka 690. :72FO SA -HUE To Avoid Foreclosure, MODERN ENGLISH- BRICK,' 3 BED- rooms. tueé bath, oil heat, in désirable. Kenlwoth ocajti. WilI sei under $13,000. For particulars, write B-72, Bx40. Wilmette, Ili... ,72LTN6-ltc W111 sacrItie Lr *1uuwj.00. uwner. Write B-76, Box 40, Wllmette, 111. 72LTN6-ltc AN OPPORTUNITY Very artlstic 6 room home with a charmling large living room, stone terrace, oil heat, on lovely wooded lot of 70-ft frontage. A woÛderful buy foir $8.000.ý Frances J.,Xinscott 9)02 Sprüce St. Winnetka 1267 72LTN6-lte FOR SALE OR TRADE --SHERIDAN fload, Wilmette-7 large rt-ooms. brick,- tule roof, 2-car: garage, lot 50x150, oil heât, p)001 roomi. 2 baths, 2 1Ia vs., 4 1k_ years old. Cost $45.000.00. reduced to. $32,504.100. Owner. Write B,75, Box 40. WiletI.72LTrN6-ltc GLENCOE WOODS For Immiediate sale by owner-Beauti-, fui F'rench biouse,. 5 bedrmls., 3 baths, oh heat, 2-car garage. Inspection by appointmient. Glencoe 178.3. No brokers; need eal . .72LTN6-ltip ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL 4.1EDUCED $30,000 to $20,000. 7 rms., 3 baths, 3 porches, in choice. Glencoe location. ' 'Véry 'reasonable terras9. Maison Gus- tave, 63 Crescent Drive, Glencoe. Ph. Cylen'eoe 9f50 or Dea. 2765,. 72L'IP14t1 74FOR BALE--VACANTr Beautiful Westmoor Trail' S;EVERAL BUILDING SITES AVAIL- able at prevalllng prices. Wby not Select your future homesite now. and take advantage of. present conditlons1' This property bas ail the rlequisltenes- that a family may desire for a perma- nent residence. For furtber Information cali HILL & STONE )4.3 Lincoln Ave. Wlnnetka 1544 74L'VN3-tf 76 *SUMMIER REGOUTS NWANTED VACATION PARTIE S ATF privaté cabin on Minnesota's Lake Vermillion, sportsmen's paradise, Jufly lst to Sept. 15th. Reas. rates. Write H. Frybort, 104 Prairie Ave., Highwood., iln ~761,6-1ltp FOR RENT , OR ý SALE AT SACRI-t fice attractive, Carisen. Cottage on the North Sh~ore of Crystal Lake. For information, cal1Wilmette 282. 76 L6-1 ti, FUN OG .CABIN. GNIE.ON Lake Iaubachein. near %Iiiioc(lua, Wis. July and Auguist. ~Wilmette 1490. 76LTN6-1 ti untier skilled counselors. June -25 toi August 25, enter any time. By week or month. A delightful, Instructive summer extremiely economical. For full information warite B-74, Box 40, Wllmette, Ill., or telephone Atlantic 2746. 76A-LI'N6-1tp WAXTED 5 YOUNG MEIN '0P 111GB sehool age to s'pend 4 weeks in thé wilderness of northern, Minnesota. at a private lodge oWned by a former' North Shore Instructor. $130 Includes everything. WIII give.fuli particulara, on req uest. Write H. Frybort, 10C Prairie Ave., Highwood, III. 76A-L6o-ltp. THjE BEYE AflD. BEYE CAMP S Boys and Girls. 5 to 15 U. S. Nutrition schedule., AIl out-door sports., 35.00 weeki including tranmp. Address, Marcellus, Mlch., R. R. 2. Phone 14-F-4 Vollinla, or tel. Win- netka* 428. 76A-LTOltp 8S FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD M)OD8 Low Pricés for Quick.,Sale FINEFURI EFROM BEAUTI- fâlIeGlencoe home at sacrifiece., In- cluded are 6-hurner gas range, red laceer pwde*r table, hall runner, 1 suri rooni chair and table, Graybar iaagle. Prices only smiall portion ~of cost. An opportuailty. Cail at once. 140 Euclid Avenueý- Ph. Glencoe 1376 86LTN6-1top FOR SALE-A FEW FINE RUG$, smnall lots of furniture, brlc-à-bi'ac.and porch furalture. remain uasold at BONITA -VISTA, 1201. Sheridan Rd.,. Highland Park, will close at attractive prîces.86LTN6-lte FOR SAL-OGAS RANGE, PRACTIC- alIy new. $20. Ph. Winnetka 1760. 86LTN6-ltc 89 FORl SALE-MISCULLAMERoue FOR1 S'ALE, - P ULL SIZED BRUNS- *wick Baîke n)ool and billiard table. perfect condition, cost $1,000, pricQ $300. BONITA VISTA'Co)uatry Home, 1201 Sheridan Rd., Highland Park. $SLTN6-1lte t2-FOOT REDWOOD AIL!NG SÇOW, eopper fastened., natural finis8h. Equip- mnent *includés tiller, lee boards, mast step, and thwart; also oars and, oar locks. Transora designed for outboard. $35 cash. Winnetka 1831. 88LTN6-ltc BOY'S AND GIRL'S RANGER- BI- cycle, Like new. Reasonable. Phone Glencoe, 323. 88LTN5-tfc Phone Your WJLMFTTE LIFE Phone WILMIETTIE 4300' *FOR MORE TRAN l,20, YEARS -THE. HOME. PAPER 0F iTHE CMUIY Ili 'mu uni, 1

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