Rates-". cents a Ue in one pa per. 26 cents a Une In nAy two papr. IJOLLAI. Average olive words to the Uine. No black face type usedi 10% diseaut on «Il cash witb order adveriseflentm wheu broight to our o11eeet I lU Centrai Ave., WlIm.$te, or 641 Lintole Ave", Wlnntkaw 7~..,,..CiamnI d advertisements wlll be ýac- Deadline forAEUtiertDUoft$ cepted Up .to Tue8day S9 P. m. for WILMETTE LITE or .ail tiiree papers; Wednesday 9 P. M. for WINNETKA TALK and Thuraday 5 P. M. for Q LECNCOE ,NIWS. ýTelephones: Wilmette 4300. Winnetka. 2000, GreenIeaf 4300 or Sheidrake 5697. LOST-KAPPA KEY SORORITY PIN on Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wiimette 2584. 2L6-Ite LOST- RED PERSIAN CAT. MALE. Reward. Finder please.phone WVin- netka, 191,4.2LT6-itp a IDUILDINS AND CONTSACTUNgO GENERAL ALTERATION W OR K. Also interior and exterlir decorating. Estimates free. Satisfaction assured. N. S. refs.- Independence 3398. 8LTN6-ltp PICNICS PARTIES - BIRTHDAYS Serve angel food; double icing,; large size $1, Sunshine cake 70 ets. to order. Ph. Wilmette 3407. 9LTN5-tfc REAL. OLD FAýSHIONED APPLE A~ND CHERRY STRUDEL Made to order, willi serve 6-Apple, 30e;, Cherry 40c. Wilmette 2323. 9LT6-ltp Il DR5SMAK UNS WILL MAKE NEIW DRESSES IN order to keep my work rooni buny during deproamion. Claire Modie.. Winnetka 147. llLT1N41-tfc FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING -AND) reimodeling done reasonably. Cail Miss Schwvarz, Olenview 480. 11LTN6- Itlp 15 INSTRUCTION ARE YOU DEAF OR HARD OF hearing? Learn lip reading. It is the best and mnost. naturai renmedy for deaffless Lip reading wlI restore y,)u to your s;elf,- to your former youthfui- ness, to your famiiy and, friende. Write or phone, Miss Anson., 510, Fifth St.. Wilimette 3789.. 15LTNGltp EXPERT TIU TORING FOR ADULTS, high sehool or college students, by experienced University of Chicago senior. Subje ts: matheinatics, physica, astrononlyv Germnan, Prench. Trial FOR SALE,-POLICE DOG PUPPIES, fu11 blooded pedigreed. Winnetka 3622. 26LTN6-ltp 33. wERmNo APAREL FOR SALE-FURS DUE TO FINANCIAL CONDITIONS many customers cannot pay balance» ".-now these fur coats must be ciosed out-here are real bargains. ln new and, sllghtly used Hudson Seals. Squirreli3, Raccoons, Minks-a small deposit holds any coat-shown only on request-ask for lire. James, c/o Miller & Co., 166 N. Michigan Avenue. Chicago. 33LTN4-4tc 30 LOAVIS LOANS TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Make and buy lst and 2nd niortgages. EVANSTON BOND & MTG. CO. 618 Grove St. Greenleaf 5600 38LTN6- 1Ite 41 SITUATION WANTEO-FEMALE DOMESTIC HELP No charge to employer. Efficient service for the N. S. homes. We in.estigate references. SPECIAL NURSE DEPÂRTMENT Pauline's Emp. Agencies 5 Suburban Offices 522 Center St. Wlnnetka. 2662-301-4 41LTe53-tfe ELýEMENTARY TEACHER. ÂGE 25, .would assume responsibility carini for -children;. suimer, will travel; tutoring. Beatrice Jensen, 3721 Eddy St., Chicagoi 11. 41LTN6-ltc WIDOW WITH D AUGHàT EItR14 wishes generai, wor k or laundry and upstairs. Plain cooking. Refs.> Good home more than wages. Lo)ngbeach 5201.41 ,TN6-tp REFINED AMERICAN IWOMNAN Wants position as housekeeper for smali family of aduits. No Litundry. Rief. Cali Mrs. Carroll, Diversey 7966. Whmeka 167.41L6-ltp COLORED WOMAN WANTS GEN- erai housework, or day work. Fond of children. N. S. ref. Ph. Greenleaf 2376. 41L6-ltp DAY WORK. CLEANING, IRONING. also part timé work. Reasonable, good references. Ph.-Wllmette 278à. _______________41LTN6-ltc HIGH SCHOOL GâRADUATE. EXP. with children,' also, light hounework. home nights. NoSunday work. Ph. Wilinette 852. 41LTN6-ltp YOUNG GIRL, DESIRES: POSITION as niother's heiper. Can. also watt on table. Expýerienced. References. Ph. Wilmette 1640. 4LN-t EXPER. WOMAN WANTS WORK ail or part tinie. Good cook, Iaundres. P. Caable of.any work. Ph. University 8679. 41LTN6-ltp) EXP. GERMAN' GIRL WAN1TS. WORK. *by week, day, hour, cooking. serving_ housework, cleaning. Ref. ýWil. 1080. 41LTN6-ltp WANTED - GENEItAL HOUSEWORK by maid'with good, North Shore refs. Ph. Wilmette 117. 4lLTN6-ltp GERIMAN CATHOLIC WOMAN WA NTS general housewo)rk -and cooking. Ph.- Wilmette 4309. 4ILTN6-Ilp IGH I3CUOOL CGRAiiÜAfËJ-iýILI, tatke care of children by hour. Glen- coe 1362. 41LTN6-ltl) GEFNERAL HOÙSEWORK WANTEJ) by day or hour, catre of cblîdren. 'Ph. Wiliiette 60. 41LTN6-ltpý EXPER. GIRL., WANTS GENERA houisework, no laundry. IRefs.Ph. Greenleaf 274.5. 41LTN6-lti;», 42 SITuATrION wANTEDi>-MALE- LICENSED CHAUFFEUR WISJIES. ]p(.ition. Exp)er. WiII help in house anid yard. North Shore ref. WVrite B-77_: Box 40, Wilmiette, 111. 42LTIN6-1 tl DRIIVER, GA1RDENER, HOUSEM.4N, plain cook. Filipfino wants work, prl- vate famlly. References. $30, month. Ph. Delaware 0968, Roomn 10. * 42LTN6-Itp VOUNG SWEDISH MAN WANTS garde.ning and houseeleaning. Rate 50 cents ])et-hour. Winnetka 2505. 42LTN6-ltl YOIJNG MAN WILL GIVE PART- tinteeiÉrvie_- forj furnlshed rooni. Referencem. Winnetka 1119. ______42LTN6-ltp. IIELIARLE WHITE MAN WSE gardenlng and housework. North-Shorc ref. Exp. Ph. Wilmette 316i.ý 421,TN6-lp ALL-AIIOUND HANDY MAN. WHITE~. married, wishes work. Painting, gar-- dening. housework,, etc. * FRef. PliI. GEN. H-SEWK.. IRONING, 4 IN F'AM., nust be trustWorthy. Ref. Home nights pref. $25 mo. Write B-7O, p Box 40. Wilmette. 44LTN6-ltp WHIITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 4 children. Own room. $5. Wilmiette 5017. 4ILTN6ltip 40 HEL.P WTD.-M"AI. AND FEMALEX WANT 5- COUPLES Must be exl>erlenced and bave good working ref. $100 month. Paiulli's Eiîp. Agency 522 Center St. Winnetka 2662 46LTN6-Itc, WHITE :COUPLE,> EXPER., $i7.5 month. WIfe- excellent. cook, willing assist wlth laundry. Man trained but- 1er anld houseman,,with own uniforms, able to -drive. Good n. a. ref. Glen- coe 1181. 46LT6-ltp 47A PROFSIOý8NAL SERVICE GOOD DENTISTRY Depression fees. Fililngs (smnall). 50c. Treatments. 50c. Office 1209 Willmette Ave.. Wllmette 391. 47A-LTN1-tfe 48, FOR SALE-AUTOS BLICK COUPE, MODEL 28-265. .G0571 condition; Just overhauled. l3riven 30,000 miles. Winnetka 1537. * 48L6 ltp [.ATE 1930 FORD COUPE, X cellent conldition. Bargain. 1220 For- est Ave., Wilmette, 111. 48L6-ltip 50 AUTO SERVICE FROM 315 TO 50 PERCENT DISCOUNT on generai auto repair work. l>. Lago Auto Service, No +%lan's Land. Call Wilniette 5346. 5OLTN6-flî, si___ FOR REMT-ROONU [jOMlE-lAKE . ROOM, -T IE near rasoraio. Kitchien privi- *lgsif desired. Very reasonable. C Garage tvailable. Ph. Wilmette 3730. _________________ *5ILTN6-Itu BEALJTIFI7L ROOM. IN, REFINED private home., Nr.' beaüh, 4 blks. tob -~L" and N. S. ef.. reqt. Ph. Wil- mette 171. SLN-t NICELY FUR-NISIIED)11M. INý PRI- vate ,hoýnie, closýe to tralîsp. Yoîin%: mnan ýpreferred. Garage (ltol .Plh. W"ilmette 1848. 51LT6-lte, FRiPNISHI-ED IOOM, :VERY REASON- able. Iriate fanîily. Gnlmnpe fered. Ph. WjImette 5056$. 51LTNO-Ite PLEASANT, lOMPO-1RTAB-,LE RIOOM in private residence. 3 blocks Elmi Street stations. Phone Winnetka 415. 5lLTN6-ltc. 2 BEUTTIFITI. AlMY . ICXCI1iN4 17 Ph . George Anderson, Juniper 4003. e. I> cooJDfIngan srn, riD' IU. nIutIUJ . 24LrN4-5tin -el*eaninz. City and sub. rpfs. Cali _________________________- France-s.' Kenwood 9827. 41LTN6-Iti) 394 PTS EXPER. WOMAN WrSHES LAUNDRY GRtEAT DANE PEDIGREED FE- work or housework. Ref. Ph. Wil- maie; black beauty. must sacrifice;, mette 4552.1 41LTN6-ltp also, Pekingese a Il ages, choice WASHLNG AND TRONINO TO TAKE Rspecimens.* 4927 Barry Ave., Chicago. homne.. WiII cal a deliver. Ph. Kldare 4122. 26LTN6-ltp Wllmette ý3246. 41LTN6-lie, Gencoral. 4 in family. no laundry. A -i mette** 2350.SUIEfI. W-tt- ref. recluired r e.30. *5IT6-t ~ 'osiion ro e.nerî .$1'2 RM. FURN. APT., NEAR TRANSUI. pions fowane ags$10 East side. Ph. Wilmette 3082. copl, aned wý gs 10 V .51LTNi;-Itr Paulne' Emp Agncy VERY DESIRABLE RM., EAST SIDE 522 Center St. Winnetka. Tii. near transp. and beach. Ph. Wil- 44LTN6-lItc mette 1940.* 51LTN6-ltc' MAlID FOR GENERAL. HOUSEWORK. ROOM, WITH SLEEPING POUCE- $5 a week. Cali Wilmette'3615. and garage. Suitable for, 1 or ?* Win- 44LTN,6-lte netka 1815. 5LN-t 3LOST AND FMOUND