Friday and Saturday, june 17 and 18. wIllhe hilarious at the Wilmette theàter where "Girl Crazv-" and "The Cohens and Kellys in Hoýlly\%ood" are *the attractions. * Bert Wheeler and Bob Woolsey will fil the Friday and Saturday, entertain- ment session with prolonged Iaughter as stars of "Girl Crazy," also f eatur- ing Dorothy Lee, Eddie Quillan, Mitzi Greeun. Alne Judge and. choruses of lieautif ni girls. Mitzi. Green, by the way, does somne side-splitting imitations of modern celebrities. The Cohens and Kellys. vho have cavorte<I in- various parts of the. globe, ,were never f utner than'they are when enmeshied in Hiollywood. 'Charlie Mur-1 ray, and- George, Sidney are the head- 1liners, but* that's not all-there's a love story.that's too good to.miss. See Nor- mani Foster and june Clyde -for par- ticulars. 1Hug hes Lavîsh With' Lasmghs 1 Xouthful Howard' Hughes,' the mii- lionaire who believes ini doing things la%,islily, lias another treat in store for the public at the WVIimette th.eater on Sunday and -Monday, june 19 and 20. The young producer, who amazed thie world with "lll's Angels," has chosen to depict the funiny side of the heavens this time. And he. does it amid a whirr of propellors in "Sky Devils,' the Sun-w day and 'Monday laughifest, with Spen- cer Tracy as master of ceremonies. Thrills, stunt chilIs, fighits and laughs are blended ini a blaze of f un. Evnthotugh one lias seen "Sky DeNils," that's no reason lie should miss the 'succeeding double feature attrac- tionTiruesday and Wcednesday, june 21 andi 22-"Beauty auTd the Boss" and -Careless Lady." * Adapted f roin "A Church Mouse;' a reigning Broad\vav bit, "Beauty and the Boss", now, holds sway on the screeh, With such foremQst -stars as Warren . William, Marian Marsh.,and David Manners doing their bstto make: this pla y unforgettable. O, yes, Charles Butterworth tenipers this. gay romance with his dry humor. John Boles W~ii Sing - Careless Lady" stars Joan Bennett and John l3oles in a smart romantic "One Hourý With You," Chevalier attraiction which wins many stars f rom critics, will be shown at the Wilmette on Tbursday night of this week. HERE'S. A PROGRAM!. Films on Varsity.Theater's Schodule WiIl Afford, Plenty of Entcrtminment This Week "The Miracle Man" and "Explorers of the World," plus a snappy Laurel. and Hardy cometly, "Th e Music Boxt," will afford entertainnient _~ and then sonie!- at. the Varsity theater on. Thursday, Fridayand 'Saturday of this wveek. Director Norman McLeod has done a fine job with the taikie version of "The, Miracle Man," wvhich thrilled thirteen years aga as a silent, picture. There's a big cast in the talkingpic- ture, includig John Wray Who, plays the role of The Frog,. Lon Chaney's first big part. Others Wvho star in the present version art Hobart Bosworth~, Chester Morris, Sylvia Sidney, Jackie Coogan, Ir%,ing Pichel and Boris Kar- The Brazilian, jungle, the Southern seas,' the Antarctîc. the Arctic, Asia and 'Af rica. unfold their wonders in the film, "Explorers of the World," which gives the experiences of six of the world's greatest adveîftures, told by theni in.words and pictures. Two. Pictures to Please On Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day,- June 20-22, the Varsity presents two great pictures, "This Is the Night". and "The Trial of Vivienne Ware." 1Indeed, these are the nights (or af- terrioons) to see this double f eature program. In the midst of excellent but Publix-Bitlaban & Katz 7 nson-Phone Uni. 89000 Thurs., Young and Charles Ru ggles ar e mar- velous comnedians. Lily Damita is charming, and Thelma Todd is beau- tiful. "This Is the Night" provides excellent adult entertaitnent. .The Trial of Vivienne Ware" will not pall or depress. "What, a relief to see a court-room drama. full of ac-ý tion, but with comedy relief tucked *in every possible -corner !" the patrons will exclaim. William Howard, director, usesa new technique to. make'a fast-- moving picture. -Joani Bennett, Doni- ald Cook, ZaSu Pitts and Skeets Gai- iagber are superb in their roies. SIeu LCetrai Aue. rnom eWil. 494Z d ora opm wseelc daya et I :90 pi. 17 p.*&. Dpor0 open Sat., Sus. and Hoiidaya et 1:30 p. m. 8kG,,.,eat2 p. M. Cent. Box Offbe Closes at 9:30 P... L NO IN OAIO Lest Times Tonight Maurice Chevalier in "ONE HOUR, WITH YOU" Fr1., Sa+., June 17-18-2 MisIl WHEELER-WOOLSEY and Sidney & Murray in 'COHENS AND KELLYS IN HOLLYWOOD" St. F.. 8:43-S. 2:20; 5:33; 8:37 Mickey Mous. Club et 1:30 Set. Sun., Mon., June 19-20-2 Hifli Spencer Tracy-ýAnn Dvorak in "SKY DEVILS" Si. S, 2. 4:45, 7:30. 10:15.. M. 7:18. 10:1,3 Saturday p. m A. Doons iOpen i :30 Show Starts at. 2 p.m., Touigbt A Friday,. line 14-17 Richbard'Aricn-lJack Oakie Starts both Eves. 7:5,2; 10:01 Pitta h Todd Comnedy .. Sereen Song . . Criosity . ..ews Spener Tacy-aIpbBeliamy Stara 200;4:1; 124;8:84;- ».-48 Charlie Cihase Comely .. .Pie. tonial .. -Cartoon ... Balte Ruth Sun., Mon., T1ues, joue 19-29-21 441%= PARADE"a99 'Dorothy Jordan-Walter Huston Starts Sun. -2:00; 4:49; 7:38; 10:27 Starts Mon. & Tues. 7:19; 10:08 FIip the Frog Cartoon . . . Mol- 1ury ln Borne. . . . Sport Reed Pictorial . . . News Wed., Thurs., lune 28823 Chiester Morris & Sylvia SidIney Starts both Eves. 7:51; lîNO Our Gang Comedy . .. Sport Siats . . . Talklsntoon . . . News, Fulr., sat., lune 24-95 ~., lune 11-17-18 tIat, RONALD COLMAN Hlen ]HIayes ln Sinlair Lewis' "11AROWSITH"II Comedy NW Coniingr: Bna Ferbees. U80 Big" with. Donald Cook-Zeasu 'Pitti. ,m"aw le h