lnure lw5K .., -- -- Margaret Victoria Cobb, Delia Margaret » Cole, George Edwin Cole, Harold Fr-ed- ontc Cole, Charles Edward Coles, Mary Elizabeth ColIyer, Robert Lion Côn- halm, Alice Josefihine Coutre. Ufllen Harriet Cozens enry Barnes Craw- ford, Jane Whitson Crawford, Amy Henrietta Crumlish, Eleanor Culver, John Harris Curtis. John Hunter Davidson. Virginia Sappho Davis, John Sterling. deBeers, Rôger John- Delander, Gladys Eliza- beth Delang, Jane Dement, John Bd- ward Dernehi, Howard Martin DeTani- ble, Betty, Jean Dostal, Edward. John Doyle,. Jr., Beatrice Qlmstead Driver,, Phyllis Anne flubsky. Margaret Louise Ebeiing, Aliee Wood- head Edmonds, Joanne Elmer, Philo- mena Epifafli,,Jane Joséphine Ericlison, Thelmal Florabel Eriekson, Martha Carolyn Erieson, George Bain Evenltt, Sibley F. Everitt. Richard Bate Fairbairn, Loring. Chap- man Fàrwell, Lindsay Locke rby Field, Osmond Francis Field, Jr., Colin Ian Finlayson, John Alfred Fischer, Hugh Patterson Flein~lg, James Edward Flynn,, Mary Elizabeth 1Fow1er, Agnes Marjorie Frasàer, Hope Arnelia PFreeman, Margaret Freyn, Helen Henrietta Fri- mand, Jack Rossetter Frost. Rose Marie Gash, Margaret Mary Gazlay, Anna Louise Gerken, Harry livers Gillogiy, Jr., Doris Irene Goode, Madge Gossett, Margaret Louise Gould, Mary Elien Grahami, Helen Wlnifred Green,, Bruce MeConfleli Griffin, Ann Griftlth, Florence . Marguerite Gripe. Mary Elizabeth Haigh, Elbert Edgar Haight, Jr., Agneq Mary Halley, Claude McLeod Hamilton & Jr., Elizabeth Hamil- ton, Jane Hankins, Preissel Ruth Happ, *Nancy Harris, Gladys Ruth Harrison, Kathleen Mavourneen Harvey, Isabel Cora Haskin, Louise Elizabeth Hauck, * Nancy Haugan, Walter Bjonllund Hawktflsofl, Vîrginia Hawley, Winifred Marie Huivxhizrst, Dorothy Alice Hazle- Wood, .1 hn N. HellmOth, Mildred Carol Hemple, Robert Donald Hess, Frank N. Hilpert, Edith* Bernice Hirsch, Grace Hirschberg, Edward -Herbert Hoffman,A * James Edward Hoffman, Jr., Def rees Holmes, Helen Woodbury Holton, Paul' Carpenter Hosking. Catherine Mary Hoth, Edward N., Howard, Ma4rgaret. Jane Hùddy, Lyman C. Huif, Donald Ewing Hughes, Rosa ýLouise Humphryes,i PaUl John Huoting. *Doris Emuma Inighetn, Marian Franceî Jannotta, Helen Gloria Janows, Ruth *Charlotte Johnson, George Robbins Jones, Helen Marr Jones, Richard *Sehyler Joslin, Jamesf Rogers Joyce. Ray, Ada Jane Reasner, Clark Lewis Réed, Helen Elizabeth Regan, Albert, Relch"rnfl Dorothy Jean Reynoldo, Arthur' Louis8 Rice, Mary Janeé Rich, Virginia:Rich,-Theo 8., Robertson, Jr., Frederic Robinson, John Ritchey: Robin- son,: Frances Maydefl Rochlitz, Helen Sarah.. Rodgers, Alfred H enry Rphol, Jerrold. M.> Rosenberg, William S. Roths- child, Jeannette Katherine Rugen, Le- roy William Rugen. .Ellen Louise Sager, Shirey Amelia Samms, Jane Sanipson, Jane Schaeffer, Girard Sthilbach,, Catherine. Jul Schmidt, Harry- L. Schramm, Henrietta Jane Sexmith, Iva Ruth. Sherburne, John 0. Simon, Kermit Topel Sinons, Elizabethý Gordon Simipson, Thomas Arnet Sinding, Marie Christine Skog, Jean Seville Smith, Robert James Sm ith, Âmes. K. Smithers,, Jane Anne SAnyder, Arnold I. Sobel,. Jane Louise Splnney, John Hainesà Stackhoüse, Jr., Edna Fraser Stiles, Kenneth Woodbury Still!ing, Craig Stoddard, Jerome Straus, ][Y, Evelyn Tryon Strom, 'John E. Struggles. Helen Eizabeth Taft, Dorim Helen TansilI, Margaret Bernice Thiel, Mary Jane Thomas, Ruth Grace Thompson, Gertrude Van Treuren. fludley F Aph Vejeklasen, Char]e, Franklin Venrick, Milton Parker Vore, Georgia Alice Vosburgh. Theodore Wachs, Jr., Elsie Knight Wade, Kenneth William Wagner, Robert Litchfleld Wagner, Walter Weil Wanger, Franklin Doland Wanner, Clyde Kenneth Warble, Marion Jayne Watson, John C. Waxler, Charles Fred- erick Weed, Margaret Rose Wegner, Kenneth Arthur Weld, Arthur B. Wel- don, Jerry Westerfeld, Ray Harvev Whldden, Joseph Howard White, Vir- ginia Mae White, Johil Francis Wiedlin, Jr., Joàn Wilder, James Alexander Will, Frank Kendrlck Williams, George Pauil Williams Anne Marie Wilson, Eunlce Mary Wilson. Jerry Wil-.Qon. John Fred- enick Withrow, Leonard Reinlmold Wolff, Walker James Wolford, Alan Fnederic Worm, Harriet Ann Wright. Carolyn 'Margaret Yerkes, 'Sally Helen Zaremba. Aucrust Gradluates Thoniao Ludwlg Brooks, Jr. Willetc* Mclntyre. Burnham, Worthv..Lovel. Chambers, >Robert T. Clo6re, Mary Jane Curtis, Mary Louise Doran,. Mary Louse Eldredge, Erwin Foslund, Doôro- thy Mae Fox, Charles W. Goit, Robert Day Hall, Margaret Harris Alice M. Jarrett, Anita June Johnson, Jean Kelth, Marcel Peter Kneip, Janet -Me- been prescribeci by pflysicians wflo have given thèir services. There are rnany badly in need of glasses, tonsil operations, and special diets, besides, there are babies who shouli bave cod liver oil. Last winter 'the Public Service lé1ompany placed in the'hands: of the Wilmette Hçalth Ceniter $125 to usel for. such emergencies among tht un- em. Iloyed. Now that th at sumn is en- tirely exhausted,* the board of Health Center hopes to find organizations and individuals who wiIl beé able and gîad to give something to creaâte ,an- other fund to meet at least some, of the most crying needs. Without it, the ýwork of the H 4ealth C enter1 is se- riously handicapped,. Many smal contributors can do it, -aIthough a substantial fund for hospitalization, especially in mater nity cases should be lookrd forw ardý to. Contributors and' suggestions wil gratefully be received by Mrs. J. J. Hunter, M)9 Ridge avenue. Telephoné Wi-niette. 496. Tht board of directors ofthe Wil- mette, Health Center. isspQnso ring a recreation program. at. the beach for chi.Idren of the unemployed who espe- cially need an outing and: who live too far f rom the beach to have> its advantages. Every -morning except Saturday and Sunday vountéer driv- ers will take twelve children betweeni the ages of five and twelve at 9 o'clock and caîl for -them at 12. After two weeks another group will go. and so on through tht 5uxmner. 'Milk and crackers .will be served in' the middle of 'tht morning. Every effort will be made to rebuild the under- weighit children. For these outings bathing suits, bath robes, and bath slippers. in good. condition are -nceded, -Mrs Rollo Gullickson, 908 «G.reenwood avenue (Tel. Wilmnette 3656) will receive these gifts and' be glad to take the names of volunteer drivers. Here is a chance to do a communitN, service. The dental -clinic which bas been, The course will Iast eight weeks,. until August 12, according to '.,r. Jackson, who, as high school sWini- ming coach and summer in5tructor,' has taught a large share of the town - ship. to1 swim -in. the years he bas spent on the north shore. The lessonsý are sponsored by the school board of the high.school as a safety, first nicasure ainied at pre- venting fatal ýaccidents on the pop- ular beaches, of the. township. Many fatalities cou Id be. prevented if more people. were able to care for theni- selves in the water,, said-,Mr. Jackson.. Water Tested D*jIy Thé New Trier natatorium is à fil-' ter-ecidaily-tested, sterilized, tile-lined pool 'of water twenty-five by sîiv feet and -is tempered. to suit the needs. of those who are beginners. Weather conditions do flot effect the pool as the water and the air is ai- Ways kept the same. No dangerous holes or, currents are to be feared and three instructors are, in charge at ali classes. Diving boards, pln'nge býoxes.' and a trapeze are provided for those who enjoy Ileariiing, to, dive or foÔr performi ng stunts.. A shallow sec- tion is prepared .for'the littie tots. Classes have been arranged to.suit the needs of. al ages and private ini. struction May be had for, those h desire it. Ail instruction- is arrange(l s0 that pupilsrmay enter at -any tiMe during the summner and progress just as fast. as they are able. At présent the ages run. from three to flfty%-fivýe years: Although the teaching of be- ginn ers.i F, emphasized, ,advanced swimmers and divers will find a group tô suit their particular fiee(ls. Register at High School New Trier's slogan is, "Be at home in- and around the water." Ev- ery parent. having- a non-.swimimer i thé home is invited to take advan- tage of this opportunity and develop a familv of sWimmers who are not only able, to take care .of themselves but may also sometime be of hel P to someonie is:e. Persons who. wish to register for the sumrner swimming lessons ,may do so at the high schooI any day from 9 to 12 o'clock. Private instruction can be arranged by appointment up- on request,. Yr....ýIIa 'wUIIiV8lwerCior me LICirstim i. 11 Ictea tte MNernifleid, mmes Robert MileS, to mmesip in the General council Over 300 children were imînunized Johni Nicholas of the Preshvterian denomination. during- tht immunization program Richard John which was carried on by tht health Mitchell, Ruith Mrs. Joseph M. T. Boyct. 718 Green- officiais of Wilmette for the past àrraine Mo'ore.,f J r.. Mfazi - avenue, is, spending this week in four weeks. This splendid record wvas Movery, Lucy Milwaukee. made possible -by the" excellent co-, ui.IversiIy O! inifOs, flas returnie( to her home at 1034 Elmwood ave- nue, for the summer months. operation of parents, children, teacll- ers, physicians, school board memn- bers, and parent teacher 'associations.. ¶t MOU., Don William ýh Mut,