Fans are boping that Minmette will Show the saine hitting power this Sunday when Waukegan invades the Village Green to unleash a furious at- tack by way of avenging a defeat suf- fered at the hands of-Wilmnette early in the season. Wilmiette's victory over the McGar- ry Boosters, resulted fromn tiinely bit- ting, together withi Grant' Phillii;s' airtight pitch ing after relieving Luke johnsos in. the fourth îiiîlg. The, 'visitors lad scored seven runs' to tie the tally before Phillips enitered the *gaine. Foy Connecta. Five Tims Foy with five bits was the leading hatsmian of the gaine, closely followed hy Hy Gomiberg with four wallops., Monte Rudolph contributed a.borner and a triple. The Booster? started the scorirng in the first. securiin g two ruis on tbiree singles, coupled with Bill Baker's wild throw over.first base. W%%ilniette cam e back in its, haîf of the iniitial inning by counting six runs on. passes to Janetz and Baker, sinigles by Rob)inson and Goniberg, and Halon)i's hitting both Rudolph and Berol in the back. [n the 'second inning9, the McGarry lads. scored when Sheridan got a free ticket to first and Foy. drove bim haime with a single to center. Rtudolph Makes Circuit Drive «N!onte 'Rudolph slammned the bal intc deep 'righit for a homer to give t he omine Ibos a taill in their haif of the second. The Boosters miade the score -al in the third., on a pass to LaPlume; singles by Liepe, Giavin and Hanlon: a lioner Ibv O'Brien, and a triple by Bruclier. W1 irnette puit the gamne on easy street in the sixth by coutiting fiveý rur)s. Bero, got a pas s and ed On Phliti Is. double into. center field to start the rally. Japetz flied out- to deep center. Then Gomnherg singled tO cenl1ter, ,scoring ,Phillips. RUdolph got beaned. Bal Robiînson, lit, safely into righit. scoring Gomn- herg. A little later, Mon.te and Bal regastered at the plate . on Baker's triple. Yule then walked and stayed on first wblen Berol whiffed. sei is iiishijng rs colege woflc this year. -o-. Mrs. Arthur Adair of Kenilworth attended tbe commencement exer.- cises, at Wellesley college this weékl wbere lier daughter, Janae,.is graduat- Ïng., Miss Barbar-aOlesotï of 'Kenil- wortb. ret.uriied.this '.veek from Dana hall, XelIesley. Mass., where sbe was: a student in the junior class, this past year.. Miss. Inez Webste.r, daugbter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Albert \Vebster of Kenilworth, is a mnember ofthe grad- uating class of No"rthwesterti univer-.; sity completing ber work this week. a of complications, especially broncho- pneumonia. The idea that aIl cbildren must bhave measles, so. tbev migbt as well he expiosed nowv, is a crimiOnl oe in- the ligbt: of present -knowiedge. "The bealtb departmnent can do mucb with- the ýc ooperation of, the citizens, and very little without, sucb cooperation., It is earnestly, urged tbat ail parents atch for signs of colds, and keep chul-. dren, who show any indisposition wba t- soever, f rom contact witb otber chil- dren, as in the scbool, public gatberings of, any kind, and at play. *Als,,ô,wýe ask that al those with business era have. been met with new economy, performance, abiity in the new Ford trucks. Your Ford dealer is ready to the complete story.. ment for thie week ending Tuesday, june 14. In addition to the new cases there are stili active ini- the village four old cases- of measies, fôur of whooping cough and tbree of cbicken pox. STORAH 51Main St WiImette, Phone WiL 32 ________________ I and reli- give you berg at second on iRudooapnli'ruerc. Mrs. Cornelia Keith, 310 Warwick road, Keniiworth,.with Harold, Tomi, Harriet, and. jean Keith, 'and Rob Prentiss, left Tuesday- to motor to northern Wisconsin for a fei days. 435 Main Street Wilmette 955 FORD TRUJCK WEEK JUNE 18 t. 25 INCLUSIVE- FORD TRU CK WEEK. Get the facts about new transportation econom ýThis is an opportunity to see how the transportation needs of a new