tonight, Thursdav. June 16. Charles Knapp, '33, will be announced as the winner of the Y~ale Club of Chicago award.: HonrSociety Foster Clyde Benneitt, Arthur Boya- jian, Edward Fernald Bristol, John William, Broad, Stepben Eibert Brooks, George, Cameron. Brown,. George Ed- Nvin Cole,. John Sterling deBeeis, John Edward Dernehi. George Bain Ever- itt, John N. Helimuth, Harry,,Francis Keator, Jr., Carl Shelley. Miner, Neil Hoit Putnam, Gordon Norton Ray, Charles Franklin Venrick, Milton Park- er Vore. 'rheodore Wachs, Jr., Arthur B. -WMeldon. George Paul Williams, Walker James Wolford, Elizabeth Mary P>latchet. Grace Irele Bartliig, Dapline B3jorklund,. Phyl lis Bosiey, Helen E'lizal)th Bowver, JaneIDement, Betty Jean Dostal, Beatrice Olmstead Driver. Margaret Louise Ebeliîîg, Mar- garet L.ouise Gould. Helen Winifred Greei . ikIllred Carol 'Hemple, Helen W'u)ochur.N11< >ton, Margaret MacNair Kahler,. jacinta ' Kanipnieier, Lucy Ranidai M\urison, Helen Burneli Rath- honc, Ellen Louise. Sager, Jaiie Aime Sriyder. \Iarv Jane 'Thomas, Elsie \Vade, Carolyn Margaret Verkes, T. N. T. seniors.- Elected During Théir' Junior Year) Colin -Ian Finlavson, Claude Mcl.eod Hamilton, Jr., Albert,'EaÉtman'Lind, Charles Rcinolds Ostrom, George Aus- tin Quinlan, Thomfas Arnet Sinding. Betty jean Dostal, Mary Elizabeth Fowler, Agnes Mlary Halley, Esther May Kriebel, Mlargaret Linné Lind- stroin, Jane Anne Snyder. (.Seniors Elected This. Year) F'rank- Wilson Church, Jr., Edward N. Howard, Paul \\Vagiier Netterstrotn, John F. Struggles. Theodore Wachs, J.. eo'nard Reinhok(l \Volff, ,Eliza- beth, Mary Baîhatchet, Eleanor Cul- ver, Agnes. Marjorie*. Fraser. Helenl i)Woodbury Holton, Margaret *MaàcNair Kahler, Mary 'janie. Rich. . ( Juni ors Elected TIhis Year) John Jacob. Ballenger. Charles "Har- rison 'Knapp, William Sigurd Nord- hurg, Stanton Schuman. Robeërt L. Seiler, Robert F. White, Emma Hayes Bickham, Alison Louise Burgei Mar- garet Anne Loçinis, Beth McIlraith, Janet Ruth McNulty, SalI' Romig. (Post Gradiiate Elected This Year)I Ethel Virginia Anderson..I j;IIIII. C.MTIM& M M- o. - -11.s l FIN & IMATINE LOUGE thiru iinnuai Uorigress ofthte Woni- en's Whist league. Meetings will be held at Hotel Cleveland, CleveclaiId. Ohio.1 A long list of events planned for each day with gaines starting as early as 9:30 o'clock and lasting throughi the eveniingý hours,, will keep the meml)ers and .guests busy* and tense. *The Whist contests' include con- tests for the Congress trophies, New Amsterdamn trophy, -and the Manihat-ý tan trophies. There will aiso be.coin- bination 'teain ,and pair match and open progressive Whistgaines. -Ofreater interest to the average bridge _player, are the Auction and Contract contests. AIl players regard- Iless of affiliation with any organiza- tion, are cordially invited to -take part in, any of thé open pair gaines.. the announcement reads. There will be open progressive contract and auc- tion gaines, al-Amierican Auction Pair championship, AII-American. Auction Tcam-of-Four championship, AII-American Contract Pair chain- pionship, AII-Aierican., Contra.ct Teain-of-Four chatnpionship and the Special Get-together openi contract gaine. A long list of prizes gîves a fair idea of the 'Size and interest taken-, in- these annual ineetings. Ruth Johuistoii, 21 M\elro)sc ave- nue, Kenilworth,'-lias rçturned from the University of, Iliiiois fior h 1er suinimier. vacation. Apache, Vw.m Leasall. e we6 otam 1 fonda. OIluI. cGemm en md lhforza- tien w.gmrdfumg iw.fae.e Eý i i £ILY0Z ad .ii@OfOti mlleati d: sir0c nt~~ti si ham* wotels of AnleiS.riolwd g a i.Swth Dlit"tçl;sSe.y 0.0 route. DrivC gould i.eîembRut ol o t he i. i u. ri' uii t@rat o t Inter o cliig se.e la @" gIeVY"pefnd es ttOîmse s0 tihe sight4e"' usI Dofroil, ChiCcOîî g.i 0*4..a"y CU at Ciev0.ian dâa fui daôt80~~01on gae oo .ond-38. in Wonder et ilooN FaitsSOfui w.eks Md the Gre* OII-ruW"i"dWIOUM ioseti - oluIb Au lý Foibokif»" h.GroGf Lakes ËCount" Iy u amy aiirood Ticket Of'ic,' - MAgê lorwit cO w BUY NOW! FOR -ýJULYý 4th FINE CLO0THES TO, ORDER THE ROYAL TAILORS INC. 1641, ORRINGTON AVENUE, EVANSTON Open Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday Eves. I,ý1 E