lnaure appearmue alitcnrraa iau.- Résaolutions of eondolence, cardae oftbainks, obitu- ailes. notices of entertainments or other affairs !wtere an a.dmittancoe charge la paublisbed. WII1 be ch*rged at regular advertlsing rates. Sonie, wVeeks ago. a ýbill was,,introduced in Congress calling for the building of' postoffice.s in a long list of villages.and cities., In f a et . at *first' Those glance. we -ondered.,if Postoffices any Americ an com munity baleen omnitted. Appar.- eèntly. it îî'as intended as a bait for votes. Wbether or flot the bill was intended as' bp it for votes, onle fact is clear. and that, is that -north shore towns have given the bill a very cold reception. The Wilmette Civic league, empbasizing the present need for n gid econiomy in national affairs has unanimously voted _against the building of' the proposed postoffice in Wilniette. Aý postcard ballot pn the proposal bas brought out froni Wilniette ciizens a de- cided "No !" Thevillage board bas also rejected the proposai. Both elements i this issue are mwell worth underlining. Tbe introduction of such a billi such timies as these is repre- hensible. The rejection of the proposition by individual communmities is bighlv praise- ivor thy. The press informs us tbat Tom MNýix'sl horse ' the celebrated Tony, can unider- stand many Eng1isb words. Wben spoken We're flot sorry that horseback ridinig has been encouraged opn the north shore. The sight of horsemen negotiatin g 1our fairly numnerous, bridle paths makes us reau. It would reaiîy seem atter a pe- rusai of annual reports that as stocks go down people increage their reading.. Good books are an ever-present help ini trouble. They comnfort, sustain, and strengthen. If .yo u are a bigb school, student who has fallen bebind in scbool wyprk* plan ,to take a course or two in the summier at New Trier. Surnmmer schooling Will also. help you to get abead. It wili be.pleàsantas îwell. as profitable., The, tuition charge, found necessary. because' of decreased ftinds, ýis relatively smaILl Organized p lay nôt -only transforrns pro mising yoting c riminals into good citi- zens but -de-eks average yputbs into bet- ter social, material.: Our various play agen- cies make nortb shore towns. excellent bomesites. _1We advise ail. newcomers to make it thieir first business to get a-c- quainted ivith these agencies. We are glad that the Henrv P. Williains prizes continue to be awarded, at New Trier High scbool, and especially glad that the awarder is the son of the originator. The cultivation of a nice sense of the value ~flanguage is an activity that sbould neyer- cease to be stimuiilated in mir public schopls. Winnetka wvil mnake good use of infor- mation regarding damnage donc by the bheavy rainfaîl of Stinday, June 5. Thie in- formation will be used to lessen damn' ge fromn similar source, in the' future. Sufh, action is surely more sensible th-an inere regret,. The days have cpme cwben north shore, people begin to tbin-k abo ut using the Lake as iveli as the tub. But it looks to us as if it -wotild be a number of davs beïore per- sons of middle age' and beyond could %wiiI- ingiy dispense with the friendly bot wvatcr faucet. Commencements over, nortb sboreboys and girls can no,% turn their attention seri- ously to the problem of using the su-iîmer profitably. We hope that a fair nuinber of tbem bave already decided to attend suni-, m er, school. enfolds fi ph IM3ylove,, ,«tings of a doive. H-eurt, give nie courage to traveZ thaeay Stalwart hearts trayel, to 'enter thse fray, Joui i t the labor, tihe brave thsng to do, Lif e. gi-ve ine courage, mny way to Pursise, ('se fully, frutitf ily.. seec, even inow Rees luten and weave 'rounil each, rose-tîntéd' boligis. J'Eep as :1linger, 1 frel like a drone, God. <c;h r içe ourage to go , aone! -Irma Keehn, Glencoe. Thoughts while ca.tching a fetn glimpse of a National Political, Convention- Dropped off within a f ew. blocks of the Chicago Staditum last Tuclsday morning and gaily proceeded, >i the door of the convention hall. But, %ve didnt get far ...at first. Police everywhere, great long lines of bluecoats ini s-uch, close formation there wasn't a chance to slip hetween théir legs. Managed at length to flnd a spot where the line had broken temiporarily and-through courtesy of'i a gecnjal sergeant'-reached the coveteddoor ..but. flot before we. were -iniplored to, purchase eve ry.- thing. in the. càtegory of knick-knacks, indicaive Irincipally of the, "wet", trend. Under sih pressure, at length-accepted a- button fromf the hands of a pretty Miss wbich called forth to ail and sundry that "My Vote Goes Wet." Lü, and behiold. wve discovered it was a gif t. ',Wear,it wýith miy complimients," said she. And we did, at, least uiail osut of sight of the f air repealist. Inside the hall . strains of organ music, college songs, popular ballads, marches, whatnot, just by way of heralding the gathering throng . .. notables on the grent platform . . . a dozen cameramen for every notable . . . flashes, flares, racing messenger boys, .a sivarmiiig beehive of humanity .. confusion., YVetlhQw qIuickly aIl were. settled---we thought it would'be hours-Chicago and Andy Freyne know hoîw to handle crowdls. Soon the booniing of the gavel and the -%th national convention of the, Republican pa rty 'is" progres$ Tb~ %vjth the gavel doesn't forget thiat it*s rnpressive ceremony with Legion colors rPS ... a Flag Day oration ... the Star nmer. ,onvention business, but only' after the * While the stadium loo1 d nce enough at the G. O. P. reuinion, ive have decided it's much more to our iking when adorned for a bbxjnýg bout, hockey match or six-daY bike grind. -MIQUE,