Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jun 1932, p. 10

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Sef Short iUbu-4p.oIaI...lb..1 2o J30NELESS Rt b RoatB. .lb 4 S iU Ernd ......lb.. ..... . 29c PORK LOINS, 2is Spring LA MD LEGS, 0 8teao8l. ........lb.2 c Frmhi YOUNG ~Best Qu"lty Lu HENS ....... L23 OT ]ROAST b. BEST: YEARLING Sflonsteak ....l. 2!g Dologima verniSausage -4ver Sausage.. lb17 Swift Brookfîeld'Pork -Sausage..... l...... bo . 220 Bineess Bwket Coaned Bee ...lIbo 220 RER VEAL' j' Bornois CHOPS ...... . 2 C, VEAL STE W lb. -2 STEAKS l... .. L2 C SEW 3 lbo..2 ARMOUR STAR,, Wilmette, SIId Doon 3 bs.59e Ksuilworth GIen~oe Wiunetka 4 Deiv*ries Daily ..9 A.M., Il A. M, 2 P. M., 4 P. M. Photogiraphic Enargement of your Favorite Print from Any ýroIl of filin developed and printed at either of our stores. trip i' they car, with the staged their, tnefts. Mr.. Esentrot stated, that the boy-s were .trying. to rob bis, refreshment stand at Maple a venue and the canal bridge, wben'lie surprised.ý them. WVhiIe Esentrot lield the bandits at ,Jay with a gun, the Wilmette Police departient, which had beeîi notified, sent, Officers Herman Xance. and John Henric ksen who' seized, the youths and 4rought thern to the sta- Thev confessed to bteaking, into the Avoca school on ýthe saine morn- ing they entered Esenitrot's refresh- ment stand. Further. confessions ýby the' vouths revealed -that they had broken into about ten places on the n.jorthi shore. They also confessed to robberies. in Niles Center, it wvas stated. Tlhe trial will be lheld in \ Wilmnette o1 Friday, of this week. BACK FROM- SULLINS Phyllis Fuernann, daughter of r anîd Mrs. F. W. Fuermann,, 835 Greeniwood avenue, returned ecarly last week f rom Sullins çollege in Bristol, N'a. je-an Hall, daughiter ýof the Henry Halls, 500 Central avenue, returne(l at the same timie fromi Sul- ins. ' Miss Rita ELppig oWilinett.c was graduated recently f rom the George- mded the commencement exercise ber daughter's graduation class. 1 le stage withi Us patriotie color seheme and its oumerous flower de- corations, was a fitting background fo r the occasion. Under the direc- tion of Otto Singénberger, the Mal- linckrodt GIee club entertained with selections such as: "Father, O0 Hlar Us,". by BachGounod, ."ýOie Uncle Moon," by Scott, and "Japanese Love Song," by Thomas.ý îMiss Elizabeth Hoffman of XViI-. mette voiced the sentiments, of lier- .classmate-s, in. a beautifullyý delivered. address. The Rev. James J. Mertz. S. J., was the presiding speaker it the close.of the.exerctises. The gold. medalý for the higheit average during the four yea 'rs was awarded to Miss, Alice Brauni of Wilmette, Who, together with Miss Rosetta' Conley of Wininetka. also menrited-a gold medal for perfect ai- tendance during the fou r years oi, high school. -On june 7, Honor Day, thefoýllo'%- ing girls received highest awards: Englisb IV, Catherine .Pearson; English 111, Frances Sturm, 'Marga- ret Busscher; English I1, Dorothy Miller, Lorraine- Braun; English 1 Loi.s.Schliabeck, Mary Venturi. Science IV, Mary McNulty; Sci~ enice III,;Mary Sesterhenn, and Jac- queline Schabeck; Science I1, Marie Meyer, Lor.etta.Sturm. History. IV,' Alice Braun.; Historv III, Mar garet, Busschier; History L. Lois Schabeck, Marion Schneider. Span'ish,,Franices Sturm. Latin III and IV, Alice B1ratin: Latin II, Frances Hoffmati and- 1). Miller; Latin 1, Lois Schabeck an.d Lidwina Sest.erhenn. 1Mathematics 111, Pina Allianes.e Mathematics 11, Sylvia Keil, D.* Mil-ý ler; Mathematics Il"tois Schabeck and Marion Schneider. Typewriting IV, Alice. Braun and Rosetta Conley; Typçwriting III, El - sie Zopp. Clara, Kristof, Catherîine Schopen *Stenography, Alice, Brau.. Highest general average:. Senior: -Alice Braun.; juniors- Francei Sturm, Margaret Busscher: S00,110- and Lake Aves., Phone W M ember Wimette Chagber of Commerce I 1163 Shop iAvenue b-. caicnpGjL.iers i i v4IiIIt.- i iie sophomores were. represented with pretty musical selections and a séries of pantomim~es intended to amuse the audience. Vanious selections stu- died in the course of the year in the expression classes were also rendered. bo- r 1

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