go on record as advocating the build- ing of the proposed waterworks at the earliest possible moment,. and the president of this board and the chair- mni of the sewer and water commit- tee are hereby authorized and ûi- rected to continue negotiations .look- ing toward the consummation of a sale of saidi water revenue-bonds, and to report back to this board the re-, suit of their negotiations. "Further, resolved, that as soon as sati.sfactory -arrangements can be made for 'the sale of the wvater re- venue bonds. provided for in ordi- natice. NO,.1712, advertisement.. for bids for the construction of said, wa- terworks be again made, s50 that said waâterworks. may be 'completed at the earliest possible moment. RURGLARIZE SCHOOL Fiftv dollars in cash- and, several checks were stolen from the Howard1 school somnetime during the night1 W\ediiesday of last week, Lowell F.t Todd. 'principial of th~e school, re- ported to the Wilmette police Thurs- day.* The thief or:thieves gained eni- trance', to the' building * through ail openi window. The desk and safe ili the 1prinicipal's office were jimmied. The C. G. Nelson famhily who have, l)een residin~g at 829 Sixteenth street, Ëliovýed last week to 1252 Ash street, XV"iiinetka. T 'he Wilmette Fire department an- swered forty calls to assist residents Iwhose basements were flooded. The Village's storm sewers are flot large enough to handie such an unusuially heavy rainf ail, Village Manager C. M.. Osborn ýsaid ibis week., The fal! averaged-about an inch and a quarter Per hourr three fours. r.and 'Mrs. Leslie H., Cummings and- their small daughter, Sally, of Watertown, Coni .will, spend .the month of June with Mrs. Cummings' parents,, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Alex-, anider, 348 Washington avenue. M rs. Edith R. Reed of Beverly Hilîs, Cal. hý as' arrived' in Wilmette to spend the summer with her daughter, Mrs. William Lloyd, 823 Sixteen th street. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hansmann, 1220 Maple avenue, returned to their home last Saturday f rom a three weeks' mro- tor tour in Canada and the east,. Mir. and Mrs. William C. Buethe, 1351. Greenwvood circle, returned to their home 'last Friday after spending two mouths at. Murrieta Spýrintgs, Cal.... -o Mrs.' Elizabeth Steffens of Cleveland. Ohio, is the house guest for ten days of ber niece. Mrs. E. F. Lechler, 210 Fifth street. lb er~ waxDau 3qts ... .. .. .. Home grown, lb.............. Orangesll Beat f or juioe, FrhSotCota...4 laitgeuas 250 5 ~ 1143 WAve, SePAve Doiog"rm Delly phone ~~ DélivuriesBDely IF IT IS A FRUIT OR VEGETABLE., WE HAVE ITI Member ýWilmette 'Okamber of Commerce. HOUSEWARE* SPECIALS Friday -Saturday -Monda3 BEL UXE TOILUT TISSUF.-1,OOO.sheet roils. Miade by Northern Paper M1ilis, 12 for .................. qurtep.............. ............. .... .V~ sie............ .. ............ . 0'CEPIA~R (LAN-OSIT-Mo3fjb and pol'sh, *1êIvalue .. . . . . 63,c 1.39 19 c 79C "De Luxe Flyer" ,ýMotor Blke-tufl *ime double bar frame. Coaster brake. Priced low for a, quality bicycle $23.75 1Full six foot size. Heavy canvas with for starage ....... .... 29 Member Wilmette C1&mber of. Commerce Buy. a wnole siin-cut it yourselu. A real Chamois-cod oil tanned., Cutting diagram shows how. to inke2 or 3 $145 Chamois ............. LAWN MOWERS L owest Prices in Many Years *VALUS I Y!,UMettt Ze-vi-ZOU4