-~ U8.1. 57 bu ,34c The regular 25e cartons. f or39e Pure im oIG Cane COW MATS Ready to serve l.38c Our finest b eef I ROUND STEAK eut to order l.29c SLICED BACON Wlsn; rfe :2lbs. 49c SHOULDER LAMB fo raset orslb. 24c PEAS sftdlnN ý2setis2 for 25c ~QJ~Baby Stuart Golden Bantam In CORN the No.2 *e tis 2 or 25c JLL1I crrant and erabapple. glass AVL glass 19IC CIiEESE ln6rtio boesbox 29C SHRIMPS TUNA FISH. extra fine, Xo. i tins pare Wblte ipeat 2 for 29c, lb. 35c TO M KRAUT Tomato and kraut Jplces -9s. 25 dellg#tfuily combined Z D S ~i qPA4!WETTlInMflail's j-ogspaghetti wlth MA E~AAAA I iblet sauce. Heat and serve fl.- 21c GRAPE JUICE Cocr 2 pts. 33c CORN FLAKES leflogg's 2 for 15c TOMATO JUICE l gas btteZ2pts. 35c, WHEAT THINSIESwhoe eat wfesalte for 25c PREISERVED FIGS 16cheflen ssînjars ca. 25c lineeda Ini GRAHAM CRtACKERS cartons L 17C SHELLED ALMONDS Caflena lb. 49c BAKER'S CHOCOLATE 24c.ýs:' ea. 19c Peadies, Apricots, Pineapple......-3 tins 69C Club Iflouse No. s% tins. Fruit of 'the fOçst quaiity ln a r!eh 4/0deure S.yrulp Juice Orangesr California Valenelas Sweet and juleyJ 2a JRDAY ONL Y .......... . ... .. . ...I .... .. .. . . c j New Potatoea lieut quallty Rb1..A Rxe t blu 1rut AL and TWELFTH ..WILI Member WUlmette Chabr of Commerce' The regaliar 29e. cartoin. tin 4 9 HAMS Rirhelieui genuie, oven baked, nith tomato sauce. %NS~ 3No225c Whole or hait 0f any 'a se anhora', Dlamond K a. very excelliet quà,,Ity. t 1--