SPIEýEDWAY Suprws Cord Tires 29x4.75-20 29x5.OO-19 30x5.OO-21 .... 3lx5.OO.21 .. 28x5.25-18 .. 31x3l/2,Reg. 3O~~3!~jReg. Cl. Expertly Mounted:Free Wiliutte attery "Ele ei Sevc 40TWOlfthStcet iiemp' .imeteUiqrer of. Commerce Phonme Wlute691,696 Low Summer Prices Say: "FILL YOUR COAL BI N NOW" I 'I O ur sum mer prices' on the domncstilc grades of coal, and coke are low this season-the Iowest' they hav been in many years. Why not take advantage of these prices by Ietting us deliver next winter's fuel now? It will mean 'a real ô u r Service Dprmn wîll be glad ta' inspect: your heating plant and *recommend the p r o p e r gr ade and ý.ze of fuel ta use. or ia help you solve any comnbustion piroblems Yo~u may.. have. There is no charge foir this servce. I COAL FUEL QIL j I fD E LV ERY YARDS Consumers Compay A LL ONVE;R T HEF.NRT.H IWILMETE 1300j WINNETKA 3385. GLENCOE 75'. SHO0R E DI1S TRI1CT L. Braun Ico. Robt. F. Doepel Telephones' WINNETKA 3020 WILMETrE 831 ' $4.72 $4.80 $5.39 $555e $1.0 $1.14 $1.16 $02 $.86 Pl H. ýv,. e-- L v