Proved Its. Value, "First in lVilmette" A TRUST, authorizcd 'and, cmpow-ý crcd by Iaw ýto act as Ex ecut or Administra to r Guardian tinder:WIls: Expcric«nced in devising .TruS'ts to Meet t he par- ticular rqiemnsof any individual. AND, articularly, during, the. past two years when invest ments have required adj*ustment and values general ly have shifted, it bas been demonstrated to be the modemn method of estate administration. The Trust Plan enables you to establish--- beyond question - the f ulfiliment of your wishes with respect to an estate or the distri- bution of an, income during your lifetime. It can besigne xaty to, your individuaýl c rcumstancesanddesi'res. Our Trust* Department will welcome the opportunity 'to discuss the Trust Plan with of