Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jun 1932, p. 48

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Miss Mary. Winner Hughes, chli dren's librarian at the Wilmette Pub- lic library. Books for the St. Joseph's Reading club were furnished by thi public library. Trwo eighth grade 'pupils, Margaret Mary: Kreuscèh and Dorothy Klein, each read twenty-five books. Adoli Doetsch. who is in, :the seventh grade, read twenhty. Following' is a list of tbe pupils whc wilI receive certificates and the num- ber of books eacb read: Eightb, grade-Elizabeth Borre, 7; Margaret Mar~y Kreusch, 25;- Ruthi Lichter. 6; John Scbaefgeni, 13; Anna Seizer, .10; Dorothy Klein. 25;- Jose- phinie Costo, 17; Frances Deinlein-, 6; Lucîlle Krause, 6; Merle, Vogt' 7; Frank Pietroski, 7; Gilbert Hoffmýan, 10; Kathleen Mîck, 6;* Ralph Borre, 8;lRose Falasco, 6; Henry Puetz, 13; Gert rude. Pope,, 6;. Peter Peltz, 8; Virginia. Tobin, 10; Dorothy, Borre, 15; Mary Jane Birong, 6;. 'Dino Bar- toli, 7: Caroline Peekel, 10; Margaret Backstrom, 15. and Edgar Goelz, 6, Seventh grade - Charles KaIftes,' 15; Walter Mason, 10; Harold Kum- mer, 7;, John Mitche]], 9; Robert Kreusch,, 8; Arthur Miller. 6; Tom Kivlan, 6; *Hopee Miller, 13;- Aurelia Sesterben, 14; Genevieve 1Lervernier,: 6Frank Peltz, 15; William Beck-1 strom, 6; Leonard Keil, 10 ; Carl Trom, 10,; John .Krier, 12; Carl Mikh- elson, 15, and, Adoîf Doetsch., 20. Sixth grade,,six books each-Bar- bara Brautigam. Laura Krier, Bernice Kroschel. Jacqueline Miller. Dorothyý Neuses, Marion Miller, Ruth Steiner, Bernadine Steiner, Hilda Voeller, Ruth Zeutschel. Mary Kraft, Leonard Borre4 Walter Tobin, Jeromne Stef- fens, Howard , Bohnen. William i Levernier Michael Puetz and-Jamies Schnell. ýFifth' grade.- Marie' Coutre, 6; Kathleen Miller, 7;, Dolores, Hillinger, 7; Jack Welter, 16-, James Délai. 10:' Edward Toffenetti, 13; Mary Rein- wald, 6;,Junior Schneider. 13: Ruth Wagener, 7, and Alice Meyer, 6. Fourth grade-David Bagneli, 10: Robert J{einzen, 'l;1Josph' Tripic- chio, 7; Marie Loutsch. 8; Carl Ren- ineckar, 9; Robert Steffens, 6; Ma- thilda Hermes. 6; Esther Coatta, 6: Adoîf Puetz, 8; Betty Sullivan, 7; Jackc Birong, 6; Florence Milnikel, 6, and Jack Reinert, 6. Aïrs. John P. 'K;ünear a« 2241 Chcsçtmtit avenue Lç t/ew ,wwly clect- rd /residcnt of the Northridge Woinan's cluib aIWilmette zw/w wsli be inductcd m/io office at the aitnual 1uncheon anid installation aofai fi'cers Mfonday, iîiîw 13, at 1 o:clock, at the Nrid Ica roorn. In. addition te Mrs..Kinntear, the.f ol-, lowing oficers and committeechclairmen wîlbe installed: Mrs.'J. Van Deursen,. vicc-president; Mrs. F. Stecker, secre- tarv; Mrs. K. Long, treasuirer; Mrs. J. Pearson, membersbip) chairnian; Mr. W'Vlliamn Hughies, social chairruan ; Mrs. Williamn Edmronds, prograni; M.rs. S. Johinson, child and homne, Mrs. P. J. Chntrchi, philanthiropy; Mrs. 'E. Devlin, comrmunity interest; Mrs. H. Ingersol, garden chairman; Mrs. Stecker, litera-, turc, Mrs. Van Deursen, press and pub- licîtv. Thie retiring. oficers and chairmen are:ý Mrs. lEdi-onds., president,; Mrs& Kinnear, vice-presidenrt ; Mrs. R. Quin- leven, secretary_; Mrms. Johnson,, treas- urer.; Mrs. Vaàn Deursen, mnembersbip; Mrs. Church. prograni; Mrs. M. Borftý- sen, child and home; Mrs,. Kinnear, press and publicity; Mrs. Long, philan- thropy. ity; and Mrs. Perey H. Arden of IVi)- mette. Indian welfare. The appoint- ments were made at a board meeting held Wednesday of last week at the Rogers. Park Woman's club. Mrs. Ivor Jeffreysof Glencoe is president of, the TcnthDistrict federation. The board at this meeting alse made plans for next years programs. The opening meetingý will be' held in November at. the Ravensw*ood Mrom-, an's club. The, January, meetingiis te be'held at the Edgewater Beach ho6tel with Mrs. Grace, Morrison Poole, president-elect of the General Feder- ation of .Women,'s clubs, as guest speaker. Members of the North End WNom- an's club will he hostesses. In April the District club mnembers will be guests of the Libertyville Woman's elub, anid then -wiIl go to Fox Lake for -the Lake County meeting. Attend Bridge House' Party in Wawrase At Lake Wawasee. md., a unique contract bridge event took placeov'er the past week-end. . Mrs. Grace1 Buschman. an cnthusiast froni mdi- anapoli$. invit ed '1al br idge loyers. from nearby cities to participate'i a bridge bouse partv. Guests iwere invited for luncheon on Fridav and from then on to Sundavý afternoon could have aIl the bridge, golf, and bathing and boatîng desired. At- tending from Wilmtette were Helen Hyde Carter and A. J. Mottat. Open and, champion shil) gamiest were played and rubber gamies when desiredl. In the Teamn of Four champ- ionship Mr. Mouiat wa on the wn ning team. Lake Wawasee pro%,ed . a place of great cbarm. Another and similar event will be beld thisfaîýl at Fec Lick. Fec Dr.- P. B. Fitzwateër, proninent bi- ble teacher at the Moody Bible in- stitute, will give an address on the îe Book of Jonah at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gash, 527 Central avenue, Wiln'ette, Monday evening, Mr.. Isel is a garclen and Ilower en- thusiast, especially a lover of peon- >ies. He gave a talk in no way a fin- ished or formaI lecture, but onie full of practical information and sug- gestions on1i the growing of roses as well as peonies.. He gave a list- of' var-ieties which were -hardy. and would be successfully grown in this locality and gave some excellent ad- vice as to fertilizationi and cultivation of. these plants.' His enthusiasmn over peonies ivas demoénstrated in the fact that h.e traveled 495 miles to see, a specimen in blbom, one plant whicb showved 163 blooms, aIll on single stems, This was grown by a man who had used .a certain kind of. corn. fertilizer of which he himself knew little. Mfore detailed information cati be obtained from Mr, Isel personally. 1After a delightful te a, the members wandered through. the garden and had a contest, in the identification of wild flowers. ,Mrs. Sniydacker's. gar- den, is informaI and most interesting -rambling irregularly through the grounds surrouniding' ber bouise- ju-St vistas of iris and' columbline-w stretches of prirnulas and unusuial blooms-to the winding paths.of reai nativemrild wýoodsy grôwth. In the cou *test- Mrs. Edward Phel' ps von first place and Mrs. Hàrry Hiar- rison. Mrs. Mark Cre'sap, and Ms Guy Littell tied. for, second, so that ail received potted plants as prizes.. Numerous gardens' were open, for visiting: 'M rs. .WalterLane, which conltains a very large and beaui- tiful showing of iris; Mrs, Hugli Foresman's, which. has some lie%%- ar- rangements, this year including small twinl pools; Mrs. Gilbert Kelle\fs, with a new and interestinig, stone %wýall;.-and Mrs. Littell's %vhich'is ai- wvays a glory, of- colôr.. The- next meeting will be on june [7,.at Mrs. Charles K. Bull's home. Mirs. Douglas Flood *Will talk on "Crab Trees.," Summer Art Classes to Begin Saturday, June 25 The summer termis of the Saturday Mrs. J. H-erman Haines of Swamp- Mr. and Mrs. 'Curtis B. WVoolfolk, Scott, Mass.. is visiting her parents, 1739 Washington avenue, announce Mr. and Mrs. George S. Fox, 1317 the birth of a daugliter, NancY, on Elmwood avenue. Mrs. Hainesý, who Monday, May 16, at the Evanston is the former Mary Elizabeth Fox, hospital.. The Woolfolks have 'a son, will be here for another ,Week. Blair, seven teçn months old. Kas. was in Wilmýette ing. ber sister-in-law, I 315 Fourteenth street. visat- 'Ott. On Tuiesday of this week, Mrs. War- ren Pease, 320 Leicester road, Ken- ilworth, was hostess te ber Kenilworth afternoon bridge club. Mrs. J. D. Roth, 1124 Forest ave- nue, entertained at luncheon and two tables of bridge Wednesday. -0 Postin White of the Kenilworth Inn left last' Saturday for a. twO weeks' vacation in Nashviille,, Tenn. T

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