9n class of the Wilmette Public schools will be the major participantS in thie comnmencemen¶t program whic ,i ivili be gîven in the Howard school gymiiianaim Friday evening, Julie 17. mlhenusic departmnent of the sehiools is directing. the> prograni, iwhiceli wiIl1 consist of. ,choral, orches-. tra and b)and numbers. -A1l, of the, choral worký is to be 'funîshed l>v the class, wîth 'several of.the mcmi- bers- sharing ini the orichestral and ])and(lwurk. A new feature tli*s year bas been the ivriting of a school ioenib n eightgrade commlittee. Anmusical setting for tlis pein Iias been Comj)osed by Miss M.Nary Mc- Ka.v. , uperýîsor ut îmusic in the %Vil- miette scliuuls, and a class ctnîiitet,. 178 Graduates Diîluinîas illbe prescnted tlu 178 graduates b1w Hcnry E. Cutier, r- id.é.nt of the \Vilmiette board of, cdu- cation.. Supt. J. R. Hlarper wI pre- sent tlie çclass., Following is a coînpletc lEst of 'the \ilniette graduates Vivan . brahains, A~e M. An- ~e'~m.Charlotte J'.> Andersoni1 Ven*ta .i.AiliaîîttutGervase >L. Barnhill, Ma1i îgat et lia irowx, Frances J., Bel>am, -WillianiF. Beebe, Elizabeth Benson. JteE.Bertrani,. ilernan, F. Birîdu!f, Jr., I l'uner N. Bonneni, Ara Boyajiaýn,' J:tîie ,E. .Brandt,, S. Estella Brenner, Jtîis . lrow, Robert.J.Li-uiiibetugli, lh*,tîy .1i Butler., Nèel.'llette Chamnbers, J1amnes Chroni-c, Pal . Clak BttY jane C]ein*_.t S, Edwiki C, Colegrove, Franlcus .JCols, FI-atil 11, Collyer, Jr. George A. Colton, Hielon S. Conciit, Robert C. Cramner. .Juaîne L. CujtIer, 1towland M. Davis. Liwiretia Iekr Nancy Elizabeth Dur- gin, Ruth A. Durhamn, Jean K. Dyon, J~~ljiiiEarlywine, 'Elsie Jane Edge, Rlobert S. Etmonidis, Robert L. Eldre(,dgc, Byl .1 L. Fisher, Ji. Virginia L. Fiske, Lucille. V. Flescli, Aîtbur I. Flood, Ruth A. Foy, Carl G. Frankell, Jack M%. Freemian, Jerrine M. Fom Shirley E GaRni' ,Carl TW. Gindele, Jean 1. Gor-din, Lucille A. Grahami, Franklin L. Grinneli, Janice Diane <~Iî,sn~nRollo Gullickýson, Jr., Janice E.Guthriidge. )a vid S. Hlaas, S. ,.Bigelow' Haley, .Janet .Haîrdt, NVilliani A. Hlart, William F. Alarvey, J-r., Lawrence E. Haugs- jnéstý, Johin Paul Mawley, Craig 41.j JlI :zelw(>od, iJr, Harry Ilendricksen, 1,eanor C. Hierbon, Don fl-erniansoii, Louise lHiclzian, .Dorothy F. $M1l, Lloyd W. Hlillsberg, Dorothy A, Holines, rai ture to chaser of as cause. ,,e roa U i ias i £ cure satisfactory ter revenue bonds Ch'idren's Day-ýtermed Proîuotiôn Day in sonie inistances-will1 be ob- served iii several Wilmette cluurceles Suniday, Junie 12. Complete details. will be. found -on the Church- Pageii this issue. I Theý Village board joins the \vil- mette, .Ch'ic league .in protestiig- .4gainst the proposition to build a new post Office in Xilmette' as per Speaker Garner's proposaI. Graduation days are ai hand. 'New Trier. seniors get their diplomnas Thursday, June 16. ,Wilmette pub- lic school, the Highcerest publ ic schiool and tlie joseph Sears (Kenil- Worth) 'Public school graduation ex- eréises will l)e held Friday, june 17. Closîilg exercises- at ,St, Francîs- Xavier school are schieduiled for to- mnorrow (Friday), and similar observ- anices will Lie held for St. Joscphi's school graduates Sunnday, June .12. Stories oï graduation activities ini this issue. New Trier High ýsclhool's ,debaters Will, engage the Chicago Y. M. C. -A. High Mchoolý Fridlay of, this . week. Marks . terinination 'of, the forensic season at New Trier. *You rnla now paint your house numbers on the curbing. VilIlage board says so. Read about it. ,Dr. -Martin H. Seifert, recently ap- l)ointe.d Health. commissioner, ex- pl. ains to the Village board somne of' the essentials in health iconservation. Xarîis against false eýconony in health matters. Kenilworth officiaIs are studying the new traffic hazards incident to, thé ope ning of the Green Biay roa([ connection with Center street: in south Xinnetka. Committee is pon- dering ways and means of prescrib- ing a rernedy. »construction of a large number :of 1public buildings throughout the cour.- try. Similar action was taken recentlv by the board of directors of the Wil- mette Civic, léague. The Civic league, directors. followe.d this action by tak- ing a, post card vote of the members on the question, the resuitý of. whicli to date has indicated a vîrtual unani- mous sentiment against the 'building of a, new postoffice ini Wilmette. at this time. The Village board.'s. action on the matter was-in the form of a resoIuý tion, presented by Trustee Flarry C. Kinne, chairmani of the, judiciary committee, and tinanirnously adoptecl l)y the 'board.- The resolutioni read, as follows: "Wheeasit as orne to our attention that the Federal Government is advocat- ing a large building îprogram of public l.)uilding.s, and included in this prograni is a new post officè building for- the Village of Wilmettè, and "Whereas, we believe that such a, pro- gawould increase the tax burdeý,, upon the people at the present time, and that 110w is an inopportune time in which Ib, carry on a public. building. î)rogram of this type.1 t'Now therefore be it resolved, that the Village Board of the Village XVil- mette hereby, recornmends to the Govern- mentt, through> Its senators and rep- presentatives that.the building of a pos-t office in the Village of Wilmet te be« poitponed> until conditions have lm-I "Now therefore be it further resolved, that we recommend to the Governmenti through our senators an1d re presen t- -ttives that the Government confine itselt' to such buildings as may be revenuet l)rfduclng projects.. "Now therefore be it further resolved,t that the Village Clei-k be, and he isc hereby, instructed to have copies, o! this resolution presented to the local news- napers and copies also sent to our Il1 t nois senators and congressmen from this distr-ict." TO GIVE CARD ,PARTY The .Royal Neighbors will give, a lîenefit card- party Friday. evening,. June 10, ýat the Wilmette Masonic' temfple 'at 8 o'clock. There wifl be-refreshiments and prizes, Mrs B. J. Hens, chairman of the_ party, announces. 1 1 Reiit Lok Jane. fRoberts, Preston .1. Itorick, Thomias, Ellen jean Torrey, I{arlow A ACasfe dl îMTT Betty Janle Rosen. Triplett, Norm~an A. TÙUrcký Rodger D. LiFE wil find agrecable occupants. DOMiS M. Saljvage, Mary Louise Venekiasen, WalIter B. von Reinsperg. S(hefr rn G. Schaefer, Vera William C. Wade, William Richard ptuth Sehapiro, Hlelen D. Schwall, Mai-- Warren, Lucille E~. Watson, Kennethi garot Schwal. A., Cordon Schuber, H. Wax, Ellene Weakly, Vincent R. Gai! W ilmette43OO Peggy Scott, Marjorie M., Seymnour. Weis,, Patricia M. Wiley. Roger E. .Wil -________________ Hielen 1. Shane. Katherine M. Shank, lam1. jialdane Y. Wilson, Marjorie A William G. Shearer. Jean Shepard, Wood, Geprge Woodbury-, Stephen U. A SK F OR A D-T A KE R C raCe -E. Smith, Marliss- D. Smith. Woodhead. Natalie, Yate.s, Roberta Yeo- Junei M. Sorsen, Robert C. Spée.ht, manl.___________________ lot tIue E aric.DUkarU JVIUlUay evVVii, june 13. MEN'S CLUB ENTERTMINS The memnbers of the Northwest Men's club of Wilmette entertained their wives at a - dinner. bridge Mon- day evening, Jüne 6, at the Normnandy Tea room. Wilmette does flot want a new $200,000 post-office building. That i8, if an unanimous postal card ballot of the Wilmette Civic league membership protesting agaînst. Speaker Garner's "pork barrel" idea to' aprinkie post, offices around the country where they. will do the most good politically is a fair criterion -of Wilmettes wishes.. Taking the point of view that the Garner plan to raise f ederal taxes and apparently to favor certain commun- ities with unneeded féederal buildings, among others several north. shore com-ý munities, the board of directors of the Civic league ordered. a referendumh ballot of the league membership lastý wveek on the subject. -A large num- ber ;of replieswas obtained anda >t the time of this writing the vote was. unanimous: against a new post office at th.is tinie. Accordingly. Herman T. Reiling, secretary of the league, at once got ini touch 'with the Illinois delegation of Congress. In view of the: fact, that *a vote bn the Garner project wvas im- pending, a teIegranm was sent to Con- gressmani Carl Cbindblom, represen- tative of the *north shore (IOth) dis- trict in-the House. of Representatives, telling him that letters were f ollow ing to hiniseif as well as, toi Senators Glenn-and Lewis and to Congressmen- at-large, Dietrich and Yates. CongresS- man Chindblom :was requested, as. the north shore representative, toi present the letter to the entire Illinois delega-. tion and on, behaif of Wilrnette to urge, opposition to the bill as a whole.and to a new Wilmette postoffice in par- ticular, on the basis that present post- office facilities are ample andi Congreas should reduce,,. fot increase fedéral taxation. New -Trier Debaters Namied League Members -Five studentsî who were memnbers of the New Trier High school debat- inig teams this year were electedIto ýhe New Trier chapter..of the Na--' tional Forensic leaigue last week. rhey were: Bruce Ellison, Glen Walker, James Kingery, Anne Lu- pean and James Donahue.