ç__l ali, l ii a er.25centi alime ln any two papers. 30cet aUne inail tbrê papera, MINIMUM X jGEO] BOLLA8 Averag of five words to the lime. No black face type ugedi, 14% dismuli on allesSb wltb order aulvertisements wheu broigistt e *uw oSees atI 11 Central Ave, Wilmett., or 641 limeola Aie@, Wlameika. Deadfi e t.or »ertaa&slfmed advertisementu willl b. ac- Deadlne fr IfS6rtOflS ed -Up to !uesday 9 ,P. IL for WILMETýTE,1 TIM -or al three - papers; Wedueaday 9 P. M. for WINNETKA TALK' and, Thuraday 5, P. M. for GLENCOII NEWB. Telephones: Wilmette 4300. Winnmetka -2000, Greenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake 6681. WILL THE TWO GIRLS WHO plcked Up white poodie.at.high.achool please return to ýN. B. Bederman, .221 Essex rd. Chlldgrievlng- for it. LOST-MALE TIGER CAT, 4 WHI. teet and White 'chest.' ChiId's 'Pet. Reward. Ph. Wilimette 1908. 2L5-ltc FOR SALE,-TWO ANTIQUE BENAR-S Inidia Bronze jardinderes ýand, trayki. WilII be sold at, bargain prîces. 1201 Sheridan Road, Highland Park'. 5LTN5-lte 9 13USIIÊSS agivici_ LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED $1 Good Work Guaranteed Saws filed and ail kinds of tgols ground. Garage in. rear 1230 Wlmette Ave. Ph. Wlmette 2543. 9LT5-ltp REAL OLD 'ASHIONED APPLE AND CHERRY STRUDEL MADE TO ORDER. Ph- Wilmette 2323. 9LT5-1tp PWVNICS - PARTIES - BIRTHI)AYS Serve angel food; double icing, large size $1, Sunshine cake 70 cts. to order. -Ph. Wilmette .3407. 9LTNS-tfc YOUR HAIR OR NAILS CARtED FO at your home. Special rates. W in 4AI.. 11911 1 (àTI % A8 l uiAA. 9T 5-t Il DRE«MAKING WVILL MAKE NEW DRESSES IN order to keep my .work roomn bus% tlurinrg depresslon. Claire Modlsto0 Wlnnetka 147. 11LTN41-tfc NEEDLEPOINT. KNITTING. FINE CROCHET WORK. < WINNeTKA 3218.' 111,5-ltp 14-Aà PLANTS AND OULBS GET YOUR DAHLIA TUBERS AND plants at the Samuelsoni's Daliap G~arden, 1220 25th St., Wllniette. Ph WILL TRÂDE BAI3Y GRA: hogany Piano, original cost with 60 rolle of muste, forÈ mortgagee, bonde or clear re Write B-67, box, 40, Wlmett ronce. EXCELLENT CAREFOR ELDERLY 1 lady In my home. $10 per- week. Tel. 552-M Libertyvlie,' or write MrB. Moore, 341 Miwaukee Ave., Liberty- 0 ville. 23LTN5-îtp 24 PANTINQ AND, DEcoOATiýiNS LOW PRICES CLEAN CGT, QUALITY inside and outslde work. Spray paint- Ing stucco hotnes. Work guaranteed. Ph. George Anderson, Juniper 4003. 24LTN4-Stp -REAT DANE PDIGREED FE- male; black; beauty., mustscice aIlso. ekdngeee ail ages, cholce specimene. 4927 Barry Ave., Chicago. Kildare 4122. 26L5-ltp FOR SALfl-COCKER-SPANIEL, FE- *maie, 2 yrs. old; 2 Cocker-Spaniel dog puppies, 8 wks. oid, 2022 Wilmette Ave. Wimette. *.26L5-ltp ENGLISH SPRINGY SPANIEL PUPS. Black or liver and white ped. (show winner) Wm. P. Kunde, 1908 50. Iar- vey . Ave., Berwyn, 111. 26LTN5-ltp FOR SALE -POLICE DO UPPIES, full blooded pedigreed. Wlnnetka 3622.ý 26L'rN5-ltip 33 WKARINC APPAREL ~FOR SALE-FURs- DUE' TO F'INANCIAL C0NDITI0MS inany customners cannot pay balances -now these fur coats muet be closed out-liere are real bargaîns in new and slightly used Hudson Seals. Squlrrels, Raccoons, Minks-a simali deposit holds any coat-shown only on request-ask for Mre. James, c/o Mîiller & Co., 166 N. Michigan Avenue. Chicago.. 33LTN4-4te 38 LOANS _____ MONEY TO LOAN-- on firet mortgagee, mnodern homtes. 6%o interest. No commissions. Cail Win- netka .1352, M. A. Gethnîan. other workl. nnetka, 2022. rirl, 22 yrs. old, à yrs.' Ireft- m. girl, 35 yirs. old, 6yr' girl, 35 yrs. old; 7 yrs.' local COOKs IGerman. 30 yrs. old,ý excellent, ref. o0 2 yrs. Irish-Am., 30 yrs. old, 90od local ref. French-Am., 35 yrg.. old, 3'k ;yrs.' loc» ref., ,Special Department fo r Nurses Trailied or Children's Nurses We Place Only Experienced 'Help Ail References. on Fie PAUINE'S -EMP. AGEN*CES 41LTN5-ltc EXPER. LAUNDRESS W A N T S washing, to take home. $3.50 'per, day. Called for and dell'vered. Caill eve- r ninge, Winnetka 2994., 41LTN5-ltc EXPERIENCED 'WHITE .WOMAN for general housework or cooking. Best reférences. Ph. Wliette 3143. 41LtTN'5-ltp HIGH SOHOOL GIRL WANTS, A Place to work for room, board, and reason. wages. Winn. 3456. WINNETKA GIRL WITH COLLEGE éducation and local réferences desires pos. as niurse or governess. Winn. 2795. 41L5-Il) YOUN-G GIRL DESS POSITIO)N as mother's helper. Experlenced. Ref-, erences. Ph. Wllmette 1640. 141L5-Itp REL. WTIITE WOMAN W -ANTS FAMI'- IY laundry to take home. Reas. WilI cail for and dejliver. Ph. Wilmette 4288. 41LTN5-Itp EXPER. WOMAN WANTS LAUNDR Y, or cleaning by the day. Cili Wii- mette 4288 after 5:;30 P. M. 41LTN.7-il) WýANTiED-PRACTICAL NUIRSING, BY nurse with hospital expérience. Ref .. furnished. Ph. Wilhette 3357. 41LTN5 -ltp CAPABLE MIDDLE-'GED WIDOW ivislies work ais housýekeeper. Best of North Shore references. Cali Olga Nelson, Wilinette 946. 41LTN5-Itp and teas by eprecdwiewmn Beat0f rfs.Kenilworth 4474. ILTN5-lti) cOok, Iiutier, one place ;2 and city ref. A1 houet ýars: in Fkeý,iet )lace. N. S. , ali Phil I 1 d cents Per nur. yihu'etka 505. I . 42L5.ltp SWANTIED -' G4RDEIT .WORK, WIN- dow washlng, drlving.. Cali Winnetka i.1923. For referenee all Winnetka 133. 42LTNb-ltp. 44 HECLP WFANTEO-YENALEsi POSITION OPEN IGeneral, 3 adults, no iaundryi muet take full charge .......$18. Generai, 4 ID- famfly, no laundry,. A-i ref. required.........1 5 positions for general....-.....$1 3 couples wanted . e... wages $100 Mo. PAULINES EMP. AGENCIES. 75 22 Ce nter St. Winnetka -44LTN5-lte WHITE WOMAN.,GENERAL WORK 3 includlng laundry and plain' cooking. 4. ln famlily-2 children. Home nights O)ptionai. $10 wk. 404 Woodiawn, Glen- c coe 1206.. . 4LT-t WHITE GRl[, PROTSTÂNT, UNDER 3.for generài housework. .Stay nights, $5 a weeèk. Ph. Wilrnette 992. 44LTN5-1t-. WILLINc-,. CONSCIENTIOUS WHITH girl for general housework. Must like children. Stay nlghts. Ph. WIi110. g > .44LrN5-îù.- WI1ME MAID FOR GEN. HOUSEWK,. 2 cbldren. Stay nights. $6. . Ph. Winnetka 3676. 441,TN5-lwc 45HELP WANTED-MALE SE-VERAL -HIGH CLASS SLSE for an article having instant appieal, and Where every home le a poftentiai sales prospect for one or more. Liberal commission pald to men whiO fulfii our, requlrements and who really wlehi tl .ok on somethlng worth wiife. C;al Park Ridge 19 for appointment. Fisher & Matson Co. 45LTN5-ltp SALESMEN ~- DISTRIBUTORS TOý seil air conditioning and coolln,_ equipment. , Attractive commi ssion ba-Ste! Wrl te Lewis, .Inc.,, 609 N. LaSale St., Chicago. 45LTN5-1 te 46 HELP WTD.-MA^Lg ANa FEMALE WANT 5 COUPLES Mtà.t be exçperienced, and. have ýgoïjd working ref. $100 month. PAULINE'S 522 Center St. Winnetka 2662 46LN5-lte 1AN>IRT G1ARDENiR, WIFE AS- s st. mornings in residence. No chli dren. Unfurnished quarters. Perma-' nent to right people. $100 a month.' Give references and full particulars. Write B-69, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. ,me. Gent.. or. lady ernoloyed. nette 471. 5LN-t I T plý rd