ity to portray with utmost' realiili any sort of characterization w~il1 again be demonstrated to the delight of audiences at the Wilmnette thecater where -Amiateur Daddy" will be show:i Friday and Saturday, Julie 10 and IL. Marian Nixon. the wavy-' haired. soft-voiced star, is paired op- posite Baxter. The plot of "Amateur l)addy' re- volves about the experiences. of a shy bachelor Wvho takes over the caré of 'a family of waifs wben an accident robs them of their father.> John Ély- stone direct ed thepro(luctioIl wi 'ch lis a screen versionî of 'Mildred Crais, delight fui novel, .-Scotch :Valley.' The picture is full ofcoiiic(l . huini initerest and surp)rise~s. "Carniivai Bioat". and -R aciing «Youth- are the thrilling attractions for the Wilinitte theater's double featurc .lirogram ni' n1Sundav ani M lu 1~ne 12 amui 13., . Bill Boyd Ils Husky Hero . ih B oyd,' always popular athietic i star of action draina, lias one of 'his best roles i Carnival lBoat," said t., bc the romance of the iogging canmps silice soundl was conibiedt with nmotion pictures.i. A hlighilighit t the film. whicli contains somre of the most beauti ul, ,timbherland scenerv ever caught by th camera, is.the dy-ý fiamiting of a log janm. which gives the star an opportit lyto prove hîmii- self a liero. To wlii the racec, to save the fac- tory; to win the girl-that's wvv Frank Albcrtsoli drivýes so fast in the_ b)reath"-takiing auto speedfest whichi cliniax-es " Youth." Sim Sun- mervIlle, as the stuttering miechanic, is onle of the big bits of this picture. Louise Fazenda and June Clydle also Wvîn hionors. '()le Houir \ith Yu"the tlIleil attraction featuritig NIlauriice'Cie,.a - lier, Jeanette MacDonald.,and Genc-ý viee obnwili -entertain at the Xilmette theater on Tuesda'y., Wçd - nesday and Thursday,> june-14-16. Ernsv Lubitsch directs in ii i inînp- table style, and the resit is a sîar'K- ling conedY filled witli tunies that tel a story. Doli't MISS Roland Vounig and Cbarlie Ruiggles-thiey're funinier than. ever !. On Thursdav niglit of this week i, Two pictures .with plenty of dramn- atic ýpunch wiil feature 'the Varsity theater's programs on Thursday, IFri- day and Saturday, of this week. The films are "So Big', and "Sky Bride," Barbara Stanwyck is tbe star of "So Big," mighty film that 'retains ail the power of ýthe great .Edna Ferber novel and breathes life, into the most dramatic situations witb tbe aid of, the finest talking picture equip- ment, direction and characterization. Among the stars of th'is. piav are George Brent, Dickie Molore' 'Bette Davis, and Hardie* Albrigbt. 1 "Sky Bride"' marks Richard Arlen's first appearance ini an aviation hflm. since '"W ings." the. production' that started him on the road Ito screen faine. Wn "Sky Bride," Arien more than *ives up to bis ýearly promise. Jack Oakie, 'Virginia Bruce. Robert Coogan and Charles Stairrett, are oirswho do great work ýin this st6ry of an aviator %vho -regains bis lost courage.ý lroo Great Productioss On Mondav~ and Tuesday. June 13' and 14, the -Varsity offers WXet Par- ade" and "The Moutbpiece," botb haiied by critics as being among the best of modern pictures. 1Practicaily every angle of the drink problem is brought to light by Wet Parade," the Uptoîi Sinclair novel which lias beeti adàpted to, the screen with realism and daring. Lew- is, Stone. Dorotby Jordan, \Waiter Husto 'n, Wally Ford, Jimmv Durante and Neil Hamilton head an ail-star an excellent' account of Iimi-self as an underworld attorney, who, fallinig in love %vith bis stenographer, de- termines to break. awav,, from bhis criininal associates. S."The MiracleMan," starring Chester Morri s and Sylvia Sidney, and "E.xplorers of the1 World," in which six of the globe's greatest ad- venturers tell their exploits in words and pictures, wvill be shown at the Varsity theater on Wednesday, Thursday, Fridlay and qatturday. Turne15-18. nrst appearance in an aviation filmi since "Wings," the production that started him on the road to screen fame. It was "W ings" that installed tbree thç fore.tanks of film popu- larity. Like Arlrin, Gary Cooper and Charles "Bùddy Rogers greatly in- creased their fol iowing "through, their performances, in the picture. Twvice -Sirice "Wings," :Gary, bas appeared in air. pictures, in .*The, Legion of the Condemned" and' with Colleen. Moore in "Lilac Time." *"Buddy" p!ayed, the chief role. in. "Young Eagles," folio.w- ing, bis air debut in "Wings." BACK TO THE FORESTS'- Bill Boyd -comes'back t'O an old cali-ý ing by becoming a lumberjack, initbe starring -role of "Carnival. Boat," bis, VAISITI, Evansteu-P'bone UiTu. 800 Thurs., Fr!., Sat, June 9-10-11 EDNA FERBEIS Eple of Auterlcan Womanhood wit h Barba ra Stonwyck Dickie Moore and Richard Arien Jack Oakie in with Robert Coogan Virginie Bruce Two Plays Oniy lion., Tues., June 13-14 "-,The W.t Pawadle" Dorothy Jordan-Walter Huston Lewis Ston-Jimmie Duranite and Warren William in e1l Bo~ UeeClou...eý ,to:88p.m OR Oý,OING Pi.ANT US [. OW ýIN . OPEKATIONi Lastlimes Tonight (2 hits) 'o.r on tgome'y in "BUT THE FLESH US WEAK Stari7:Ig anid'10:03' and Lupe Veléz-Leo Carrilie in "THE BROKEN WIN4G" Stars ai 8:35 once oniy Friday,. Satirdov. June i1 l Sunday, Monday, June 12-13-2 hit, MIh Boyd-Ginger. Rogers in "CARNIVAL BOAT" S. 2, 4:48,7:884, 10: 11; M. 7: 1, 10. 0 ad Siim Summervilie in "RACING YOUTH" S. S. 3:2à, 8:13, 9; Mon. 8:43 Tuesdey te Thursday. June 14-16 WIIH YOU"f Friday, Saturday, June 1718m-2 Hit. Wheeler and Wooisey iný "'GIRL CRAZY" and-Sidney and Murray in 'Coelins and Keilys in Hollywood" June 19-2O'-"Sky Dpvils' June 21 -22-"Careless Lady" ii -ky L)evIIs,' MeIiUnowr i' u production now showing at the Teat del Lago, bas an unusual hobby-s writes songs. She was a prof essior dancer before she entered the movi( and in "Sky Devils" 'sbe both sin and dances.ý This is Miss Dviora-r first film. role. ln '«USINESS and PLEASURE" flabe Ruth, 'SIIde, Babe, Slide"l Booth Tarklngton Comiedy