Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jun 1932, p. 40

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the past weelc flthe memIbers Physical Educsation departinent school s and Daniàe M. Davis, di of the department, bias annc the list of pupils who attaine highest standing in the variouý given, during the past spring'. Only Ithe highest records girls of the Central, Stolp, and ard schools %vill be announcedi week's issue -of WilmETTrE LiPlEa boys'. records of the above ment -ichools will be ready orpubli( Soon. Varaety Of. Teste Tests that were given dürii spring months included50yr running broad jump,. standing1 jump, and basebali tbrow. Ont of the list of. 300: or more taking the tests, Dorotby Dav' the Howard sc.hool attained the est. number of high. records oin. schools. She establisbed a înew rt ini the '50-yard dash, running the tance in 6.5 seconds, and in the ning broad jump, m;aking aý dist of 14 feet, 4 inches. She also tie( the first place in the standingb jumnP %ith two of, ber sc'hoohim The thrtee of them jumped 7 fc inches. The other girls Who atta thsrecord were é Lois Roberts, jane Brandt. Doroth'Y Massig took. first pla( the basebail throw establishi1ng a record of 109 feet. *HOWARD SCHOOL. Highest records in 50-yard for Howard school girls: . Clatis A 1. Virgiffia Olsen, SA, 7.5 !secondh Dorothy Holmies, SB, 8.1 seeond: Virginia MXarsh, 7C, 8,2 seconds. 1. Lois Clatis B 1LosRoberts, SB, .1 eonl Dorothy 8aCgS, 7.1 seconds Jane. McClint(yek SB, '.3 secorîdýý Mary Louise 8Schaeffer,.8B, :7-41 sec 1. Aliee Wagner, 7C, '6.9 seconds ýBessie Bouechikas, 7C 7 seconds; 2. :Branîdt , 7 seconds; ?2. Héen I stroni, SA, 7 seconds; 3. Vivian Tho son, 7Ç, et. 2 seconds; 3. Carol e but-g, 7B, 7é. 2 second$., 1. Frances Coulins, . B, 7 s-econd,, Barbara Blair, 7B, 7.1 -seconds, Ethel Craft, TÏA, 7.3 ,seconds; 4. El beth Eldredge 6B, 7.4 seconds, 4.J Gordon, 7.4 seconds. of the 3~. Catherine ýymon$, SC, 6fet 1)9 mg uniipa gvemruais n the ofth "~"C lassglitluches. United States today is that the deiaiid .of the 1. Lois Roberts, SB, 13 feet, 7 Inches; Clama »1) for ecônomy wiII lead thei to try to lirector 2. Dorothy Massjg, SC, 13 feet, 3jnches; 1. Frances Collins 8B, 6 feet, 11sv nnyii h rn lcs [ounlced 3. Helen Schwall, SC, 12 feet.. Inches; 1. Barbara, Blair, 6 feet, 1svemny nielrn pae. edÇ1s th ltsc . lches; 2. Berkeley Weakley, 7B, 6 fret -Tax receipts are down ini ever% part. etet . Bessie Bouchikas; 7C, 13 feet, 1 *7 incites; 2.' Lorr-aine Richards, 6B, 6 of the country. Everywhere the city lstst nch; 2. Jn rnt SA, 12fet,9 feet 7 inches; 3. Doris Pater:on, 6 feet, ahtardicvin ta bge * inches; 3. Jerrine Fromum, 8A, 12 feet, ~ice..ftesaedsoeîgta ugt 5 lhes;* 4. Alice Wage,7 2feclassE must be cut into very 'materially. Re- raf he ~inchs. aner,'ZC 2 fet 1. Dorothy Davis, 7C, 7- feet 4 Iaches; ductios r long overu.adtir 1 Hom.- Clae 2. Lois Kunzelmnan, 6B, 6 feet, 10 Incites is. bardiy' a mayor in the l.and.wlic isn't iiithi l~FracesColin, ~ 12f~t ~2. Shirley Garniss, SA, 61feet, 1Ô Inches; in che;1.F arbaraCo lir, B, 12 feet, o3. Beatrice Leal, 7B. 6 feet, 9 inche. 0being made .to realize the fact. and the inches; 3. Ellizabeth Eldredge 6B, il ClssF nfortunatelîy, thougb, one of the tionied feet,9 luches. 1. Irene Baron, .7B 6 feet 9 Ilnëhe.-:.2.- ain sum cation hias EDorothy , Elier, 7C, 6. feet 3 luches;3: easiest places to make aigi s 1. Dorothy Davis, 7C, 14 feet,. 4lcesBtyTod6B6fet2 inches. ually in the welfare departren-tlhe 2. Beatrice Leal, 7B, 13 feet, 3 luches.: 3. bratich that bas such 'tbings as play- Jeanne, MacrdonaIdai 7C, 12 feet, 9 Inchtes, SToL IS grounds,. swimmiing pools and the like g the 1 et odClats F PGRSude t hre dash, Ire Baron, 6B, 12 feiet, 2 inches 2. StOlp girls , tanding broad jump: neischr. 1 dç'-, ien Bt-n,7B, il feet, 6 inches; 2. . Clasa A -*T cls ewbahliris.t hroad.. .arjorie Wood, SC, il1 feet, 6 Inches; 3. 1. Natalie Yates, 4 feet, 10 Inches; . ýocoeafwbac irre.1 Jane Penberthy,. 6A, 10 feet, 7,icis Betty MeCulluni, 4 feet, 9 inchtes; - shu3 donafevlyronst oc Betty Clements, 4 feet 8 inches. the gates' on a few swvimming pools, egirls Cl B. I and to remove f rom the payroîl the 'is,. of' WIOLP GIRLS J. Estella Brenner, 6 feet, Z 'luches; 2. ffcaIs o., were ini charge of' those lagý Stolp girls"' running broad jumip: Helen Stîles: 6 feet, 3. Ruth Foy~, 5 fret, serice s, sfary ayan eril both, 1. Betty MecCulum,' 9 feet, Il Inehes; (ssC . foolish. ecord 2. Natalie Yates, 8 feet, il inches; 3. .1. Sue Spinney'. 6 feet, 8 9nhs:2 e i-Jane Ives, 8 feet, 4 Inchtes. Jean Finlayson, 6 feetl .1. Alice VarneV, "It is perfectly safe to s ay that there edi-Clats. B 5 feet, i11 chs is not' a szabie, city: in the 'omitrv tha ru-'1. Estella Brenner, 1.1,'feet, 6 inch".es: Clatis 1)ýpl1 ygond. acl tance 2. Jane Solomon, 10 feet -7 luches; 3.'1 Joa n Halluwell, 6 feet ll. i Juhes:.2 eal a aeut1pagondfci A for Charlotte Aniderson, 10 fet 6O iches. - rs lfayherc>,, 6 feet 8 inc(hes: -:* aies for its children, Tiiere is not a Clats' C Daphine Craig .5 .feet Il luches. ' City whose library facilities .are too) ex- broad 1. Sue Spinney, 12 feet, 3 luches; 2. Cat esvepcal iaun ~hnmn uates. Jean Finlayson, 12 feet; 3. Ellen Tnrrey, 1. Iathrin I Entr fe 1inches';tnie spcal t bn hnmn cet, 4 Il feet. 2..Ruth Wetzel, 6 feet; 2. Helen Peas.lec, e reueployed. Ther s lta Clats D 6 feet,. 2 Julia Booz, 6 feet. city that lias too. mati> swimming pools. -ained, 1 oa Hallimell, 12 feet, 6 iuvehes; 2. ClasF or 'basebaîl dian-onds rpbi Prs and ýDoris Mtayherecy%, il feet, 1 rïn hes;, -t Francep Akley, 6 feet 8, Incites;'>.9.i aaes Margaret Davis, il feet, 4 inchies. Beth Hindleç,6fet7lcs3 lc "This year al. of thes,-e things are te~ ~Katerie 'C9"t E Hlaake, 5 fe-t 9. inches. going to be .nee as tiever hefore. 1.'teieWenter, l", feet, 7hinchies;Mn'fmle ht~'n wyo aa 1ie 2. Julia Booz, 12 feet. 8 inches; 3. May ayfmle ht vn wyo aa Farmer, 10 feet. 9 luchesý. tions last vear m~ll flot be going away Clats Fthis summier. 1.' Frances Akley, il feet, il iclhes; S ot CaGaI ndar c 2. Mary Potter 10 feet. -s inches; 3. "hildren will plav ,,)iewhýlert, 110 daslî Maine Buck, '10 feet, 5 luches. mte what happens; if tthere are not Hige t ecrd i bsea l hrw:Friday. Juta, 10 etouigh piaygro(uids -they will jlavi in Higestrecrdslu aseailthrw:the 'streets. Young mien who can't J. .HOWÂIt I 4l4 . 7:15 p. .m.-Playground hal'for .nien. fi djob 1 p odiftit h rn s.Vgiia. Marushs A. rt; . Fast'--pitc-hin'g league. Wilmette nsohsf ar omdrtift nthe 1wmmng 1.oroty nie sh, 7(',5fre;0:.Vigina Ti2os'-s. WXest End Florists. Vil->sotf ninne fth D;.olse, S, 5 fele. 8B.ge,)Greet;i3.poOlS andi hall grotinds arid parkis aren't' .s 1. Cla, A 5 etis B .Gren.Open for themn. Famnilles whose recreaý ,;3.clDrth as.SU 0 Bee;2 7:15 p. n.-Plàaygrounid bail, for men., tion .budâgets have vanished will feel.-the mids. Dorothy Hill, SCU, 91 feet; 3. Helen, Fast Pitching' league. St. John's vs. piicli, more bitterly than ever if the S2hivli, 8, 88,eet.Wagner*s Service station. Village: iiiglilo.rlood lihrary lias bheticlosed. Jae 1.Bssie Bouhika,7, et ; 2. Gen ~i~ expeuîses have got to be cut- .id- Jane Brandt, SA, 103. feet ;3:. lelen 7:15 p. m.-Plaivgroundý bail for Mnen. but, îhev Wuntstîn'tbe cut ini the %%rong ýnip- Pearson, 81 fr'et. Fast Pitching league. st.ospiv. lae 1.n Dorl atsn6, 71t2 1. DrisPateson 6B,87' ret 2. Ankola Coffee A. C. VÎiage Green., Berkele.,,, 7B, 87 feet; 3. Marjoie' c -. ,'Mlln B, 82 feet. man~i Flo'rists vs. X'sugo ;' Clatis E Monday. Jun. 13. Parks. Village Green. lz- 1. Doroth.y Davis, 7c, 101 fret 2.7lParod alfr 71 p.n-ens Pagudhl. Jean Betty Hoar; 7A, 93 feet; 3. Peatrice -1frmn :5p i lveui al Slow P' cîuing league. Ridgel, Ave. Pharmiacv. vs. Baptis.t. Výillage Green. '7:15' p. in.-Men's Plagrotund ball. 79 feet; 3. Susan oflds. Clatis E. HOWARD» GIRLS 1. Katherine M'enter, 6.9 secunds; 2. Hlghest records lu standing broad Julia Booz, î-2 seconds; 3. Ruth M'etzî,, junw:, Cl4asesoFds.Clas A Class F 1. Dorothy Holmes, 8B, 5 feet9 1. Fratices, Akely, 7.3 seconds; 2. ýMary luches; 2. Virginia Olsen,, à feet 6 a., u. Green., Wedsesday, June 15 15P. m.-Men's Playgrouîîd bal league. Slow Pitching league. Hoff- A:15 P. ni :15 P. m.-Men's Horseshoes.. St.. Joseph vs. Lynam Texacos. Village. Green. -i"s Horseshoes. W\.ag- Station vs. St. Johîîi*s. 1 , , ', J- i

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