Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jun 1932, p. 39

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truck< ines, residents ofail the vij.. lages from Evanston to Lake Bluff have organized as the North Shore Property Owners' association. Wil- liant Sherman Hay of Winnetka has 4een electeci president, and Gordon i1. Pirie. of' Hubbard \Voods, treas- tirer. Tjh is iiew organizatiofi, whose Char- ter wvas recorded Tuesday, May 31, %vith the Sccretary of State. al 'op poe the widening and straiglitening oi Sheridan road, whicli, it 1is-,poi nted out. %youid, necessitate the, ,cutting (llwnîftrees, (destructioni of flowers, anîd leveliiîg of ravines.> 1; ISecretary Issues ýStateme£1t 'le folloiing statemient wvas issued. thi'N Week biv I.. W. Bemiati; secretary oi the North Shore Pro-pert% Owniers! assOciafion Sherdaîiroad, is becoming ()ver- crowded itlî through traffic. *.NWiti(ing througli woods andc ra- villes along the north shore of Lake M lichigan, it is' one of the trost beau- tiiul roads in the Midlie \\est. -To further add to the congestion,j four tlirough truck -lnies: are fighiting ,for periniÉsion, to, use Sheridan road ,or adjacenit streets for regular inter- state routes. For many weeks their, ,attornevs have -ei)cn rguing hefore, the Iiligiois Commerce commiission. -~The roar, vibration to' houses, de- structionil of road beds and danger to life wiould> greatily reduce property Values. 1f.thlese.,inigu trucks with their trailers cani tear throughi these beau- tiful. 'quie t towns, it wilI be bard to lepbuses and general factory trak$c ou't'.There are also proposais to stra ight - en int curves, cttdown trees.aiîd widen the road- and, level off the approaches ti) ravinés. This %vould $Ul)titte con- crete retainin g walls' for trees and, flow~ers. Pract icalIly ail (if the civic as.soci- atioiîs and ptublic-spirited min on the ixorth shore are opposed to changirig Shieridan road. Trcsin Anicrica., are kiliirigý finany chiidren and causing a great manv auto accidents. This is Jarty dlue to the f act thiat their lîuge bodies "Rav-inia - George Wallace Carr, IAlian Ira Wolff. "Glencoe =r- Harry C. Holloway, James C. Youngiove, Arthur G. Cable, Bruce MacLeish. "Hubbard Woods-Gro L irie,, Walter L. Fisher. "Wininetka-Wiiianî Sherman .Hay, Edgar Crill , HenrvXW. XWales. "Keniworth-james, Murray, Her- mati Hinitzpeter. XVarîîer Cary Lewis, .LI. Frederick. "Xiimette I- Charles, W. Xrigiey, Williamr KixMi lIer. Hector Dodds., "E vanston - Clayton WV. Sherman, Arlington ýC. -HarveY. ,Robert I.. Scott, Ralph E. Church. "The followiig nmen are. advisory directors of the association: "Abel Davis, Robert J.ý Thorne,' ing,. A.* B. Dick, Edward H. Bennett,' William Pidney.. AIres. Boal, James F. Porter,, John A. Stuart, Warren. A. Lawson. Max Epstein.. Edward L. Scheidenheirn, H. E. Poroiito, E. B, Knudtson, B. J. Denman. "I ". W. l3eman is Secretary of the association and the office, is at 120 South' La Salle street,_ Chicago. The Charter bas been.recorded by the Sec- >retar5r of Stat. Job's Daughters Counc'il Has Annual May Banquet Grand Guardian councii of the Or- der of Job's Dauighters held its an-. nual banquet at the 'Morrison hiotel Mfay 27. The honorary membership degree -was con ferred on one bundred daughlters f romn various Bethels. EFmily 'Mulien lionored queen of Beth- el 44, served as guide.. The annuai session of, the Grand counicil was hei.d. Saturday, ýMay 28. at the United Masonic temple. Offi- cers wvere eiected. Mrs. Edith Ludvig. past matron of Lakeside chapter. O. E. S.,. was elected1 as grand guardian of Illinois. Mrs. Minnie L. Kuelzow, past matron of Guardian chapter, O. E. S., was appointed as grand first messenger lof Illinois. r<a lUate bervîce, UIc. represented Mr. Seils and Mrs. Carolyii Lang rep- resentèd Mr. Brewer. Hughston M. McBain, manager of the Merchandise Matt, soid his red brick house at 705 Roger avenue, Kenilwor th. Miles G. Seeley -sold his- seven-r ooni Engiish bouse at 466 Poplar: street, :Winnetka. Both of these transactions were hanidled entirely by -the Real Es- tate Service, Inc. The Real Estate 'Service, mc.. also re- PACEINO1 51Main St Wi*nette I 521Phono il. 32 t~NOW Trini Your Hdg -C -nd EnjoyhI!c Electrinimer mn a k es aiii hardest garden job ajéoy. Cuti five times faster than by hand-100 feet of aver- aie:o hédie (top and aides) S in 30 minutes. Makes fr.- S quent trimming easy, ian- Sprovig growtk and uppeasr, once. Ideal for. hedges, J bushes, grass edging, etc. FOIR FRE b RANDLEV'S 111Wilnett, Ave. Plh. WiL 214 SUNER SPECL&LS I Chtair $2.50 8.ttee $3I4e 'eard to the ACME SERiVICE R. A. M. ANDERSON Wilmette 689 2738 M E Wihnette Wianietka 77*

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