were to asic me wnat practice NWould help my game most and reduce miy scoring in the quickest timie, 'd have an answer ready. 1 could l)ractire putting ail day 'tiI m,, back 1is broke.n. 1 could dIriv-e a hundre(l balis with 'my woods., I could !iit three scoreý iron sfiots to no sp)ot .is particular and then.go out and miss bhal the greens on the eighiteen holes. "But up on, Lake avenue adjoining, the Wilmette' Golf club is the \ý'est Wilmette Illumintated Iinks having an: Mion shot" course of nine-holes va- rying ini leng th* from 75 yards, to bL) yards w&ith real unidulated greens and traps. Hiere voit can play normal, iron shots and you have fuli pitches, for ni)ik.mashie niblick and mashlie iron. You rnayeven use a riumber 3 iron on the longest.hole. So mv answer' to the question, Wýhat, fo0rm of practice will help iliv ganie the most?' is simple: spend my evenings at the West ý Viimet+e Illuminated golf course tintil 1i ni shootirig in the loW 80's." The lighits arc noiv turned on at night at \Vest \Vilmette llluiniatted, and you can play golf there from earIv in the morningI until midnighit and follow your bal- with the sanie case ýat an%' time. The popularîtY, of thé Northb'rook Go~lf club,. formerlv the Lniversî .ý (;'olf clubi of Chicago (private), 11i- creases by Ieaps and bounds for dai- I lv fee and private tournament piaN. Ârnong the tourîiarnents I)layed ati Northbroo, 'during the past .veck- wvere: B'. O. Jones M anuf actu ri ng company -of Chicago. Lindbergh .,Steél tTreating comipany, Colgate, *Palmolive Pet :coînpany, and thec lZvanstôn W'o)meî's. Athletic ýassociat- The commoôdious clublhouse. locke r rooins -and a dining, room se rving de-7 l icious mpeals aidluncheonis at North- brook have beeni giving one hundred Percent 'service to meet èeery dé- mand of the tournamient and 'everv golfiîig group and individual.f To those who have always envied the playing advantages of a pr.ivà¶ae cliii) %vill find ideal golf within their reacli at NorthbroûJl where there is M D-AYo MINIGthTro 8 Whn oucai PLCE undrd4Iro. niShosW.oukewiIlR TRIDDY or ATGB WESTWILMI= EILLUMINATED Lake Ave. at Harms Rd. 2 Miles West of Wil*nette ELMGATE GOLF CLU 'B, Southwest corner Shermer and Glenvlew M. 1 mile west of Qlenivle*w. (Turu left 18 Hole Championship Course (Fornierly Private> Dlnlng Room-Lockeriu-Sboweru-Ai1 Faclltes WEEKDAYS SITIi»TS SAT1JIWÂYS 48 holes ......... lS74 Mornng . ..... ý.$1.&0 Moruings ........ Ue Extra Pondm... &O AÀtternoon.......11.26 Atternoons......51.29 Ail Day ....... 01.0 Alter S PJ. 15,... 6 Alter S P. M. 18 Alter, à P.M ......& HOH 1LFELDER LANE ... NORTH LIMITS OF GLENCOR PLAY ALL DAY AT THESE RATES' Mon. to. Sat Noon, 75c-Sat. P.M.,_S125-We.kd*ay Twinight Sec, Sun, A.M., $1.SE-P.Mp $125-Sat., Sun., Tilight, 75c Ladies! Play Free Golf at Glencoe on Tuesdays PHONE GLENCOE 1844 ... No Charge for Reseniations vin" tournamient at ickwicIC go club. Kenneth McBride got low gross* with an 84, and William O'Connor won the blind bogey, celebrating bis. birthday as it were. C. D. Nucklos had the bow,:number of putts.ý The first.Ladies club, meeting ancl luncheon was beld at the club last Friday,. a nd will continue to be held each« Friday tbroughout the. summer., Any north shore women desiring to play witb the group nôwforming are weicome to corne out to Pickwjck any Friday. Last Saturday and Sunday, brouglit out the, largest golfing crowd of the sea son. The- Sunday crowd however got quite wet -about noon, but. wba's, a little rain amongst a >crowd of good fellows like those who play at Pick-. Wick. The heav y rain bas ini no wayr hampered the golfing at Pickwick, and %why should it when thousands upon thousands-of dollars have been spent in tiling the eîtire- course so that water cannot "stand" in, puddles around the course. Monday of this week showed practically no sgns of" Sunday's downpour., Joe Rosenian, manager of the club, says that golf can alavays be played after the heavi- est rains 'on cither, course at Pick- wick. GLENCOE The greatest numnber of go] îe scason put ini their appr ers 'of playved tne course tis year were ont ari brought a new foursomne with thern. The repeat' play which Gleni- coe enjoys, is probably enough to be said about the wonderful condition of the. course and the surroundings: as a -whole. It is more than pleasing to the mana gement to, find that eV ery goifer who bas been playing at Glen- tc al)ides by the rules of the club, and iot one single complaint lias been registered. The dining roomi and elublouse meeting wiII be a luncheon, at which time about fifty women are expected to be present to elect their officers for the season. The club will be di- vided into classes A, J3, and C, 'and tourniaments will bc. played with va- ,rous daily, fee courses in the area., ways lhavîng »een irliorougiiiy seeuclen junv i9r L'.-i'uv gniivng earcy in bpanmsh court. The blatze wa early in the sunimer. and bare spots Muskegon, Mich. He is to be one con-fined to the wooden-beamed ceii- on the course are very few. of eight counselors at the camp ing and was extinguished by the pro- Last week-end brought out tiîe which is run for the members of the prietôr with the aid of volunteers ini largest play in the. history of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Mr. the neighborhood. The total dam-' club, that is,to say. in thie iast two Willis preached bis first sermon pot age will not exceed $200, it was re- years since it has been operating as -long ago at, the Kenilworth cburch. ported. 1 - - ni «P' ni rIffl ..-IR C-1.1 JR