open meiuvngs wnen ail resuclents of~ Wilmette Who are interested in gar- dening are invited to attend and learn of the aims of the club) and meet the members. This invitation is niost cordially given by Paul Lang, president, and the other officers.* There is perhaps no. more delighit- fui a group of 'enthusiasts than these flower'growers, Who gather once a mionthý to listen, to talks by interest- ing people and to papers. and <is- i ctissions by their owni members. The programn committee, undtr h chairmanship of Mrs. Charles B. E.wer, bas been especially 'successful in securing able speakers on the pro-* grains, many both locally and nation- aIly known as flower authorities ..ap- pearing during the year. And,,.withal. there is aninformality and a friendli-! ,oess about the, meeting which makes th~neagerly looked forward to.. At this June meeting there wiII lie a lower exhibit by the members., This - means it will be a snall flower ' show ini itself and ,wortl the seeing, for the best' specimiens wilI be brotxght. although it vvill be a no-, avvard show,. just flowers shown for!j the glory of their beauty. Tliere will .be a. talk on "M.Nap.le Trees" by ýMrs., William C. Buethe ini the series on, trees, being given tii yea r; and a "Question Box"--George Mc[ntyre. answering the, questions. 111 vou have some -problem that's bother- uig y 1ou, corne and ask aboônt it. Somne- one else may have the same p)roIlemI anud knwtheanwr Young Mothers Hear Pianist and Speakerý Mrs. Paul Stade of 835 Sixteenth, street was hostess last Monday eveiig to the Younig Mçth rs' club of WUl mlette. She vas assisted Iv MrI fS. F J. Lipsch and 'Mrs. Llarry Kerr. i you mi violinfist scheduled 9.i, o)r the eve- Iiumgw vas, unable at the last ýminute to bc, présent butý Mrs. Stade graciously of-I f eted lier talents and deliglited the club .%-ith a group ofpiano solos. She playedI thie, 'Fantasie Improtmptu" hby Chopin. -Fliglht of the BunIble B3e4 by Rini - s;kv-Korsakov, and ",ielbcstratini' hy Liszt. turned asrriuay t iLU 1-1 Miss Dorcas Branson rçtuirted f romi the University of Wisconsin last week- end to her home at 817 Central ave- ntue, for the wedding of Miss Dorothy Hartmanin in whîch she -was a brides-. nîaid., the ground following the storm last Suniday. The departmnent also re- ceived one cali last week to take a cat out of a tree. - Studio Building BOWM âme 13IS20or 2 1718 Sheman Avmnue, Evaumstom c tf1/. H A P.PI N 1ES S /,tkeu'ur/d If you ca n't attend a wedding-voice your ."best wishes"" by telephone 1 It's the next, best thing to being there. Long Distance telephone service