aod trophies. 1OnTuesday, june 7, sides werc taken at .North Shore for the first tinie. TwQ teatins were chosen by appointed cap- tains-and thien the play began. E very menmber on. the winning teain receives a prize. Satu.rday, June 11, will be the open-ý ing dintier danice. *Tuesday, June 21, inaugurates. the first guest (Iay of'the season, and seven neighhorhood clubs wil be extended invitations to joiný North Shore mein- biers. F.ach member may invite, guests asweI-so North Shore is anticipating a very full and busy montlî. Garden Part y for Relief Trhe lawn and gardenis of the 'home of Mrs. Robert Law, W3 Kenilworth, -~-enu, Will be open Friday afternoon, June 10. for tea and bridge for the henehit (À the Rector's Aid society 'cf the Cburch o6f the Holy Comforter of Keililworth. The hours.are f roni 2 un- til 5. and evervone is welcome and invited to drop in1 for a cup ~of tea, a *clhati (or a gaine of cards. .Proceeds f rom the garden party will he added to thu funds for the relief \vork done by thte Rector's Aid. Mrs. Armand H. Peycke of 20 4 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, is c hairmnan of the garden party and Mrs. Louis G. Raggio of 060 Abbottsford (o, Kenilworth, is refrenen cair- Going to Europe Miss Elizabeth Packer of Glencoe, dean of girls at New Trier High school, wvill sperid this sumnnier in Euritopeaîî travel w ith bier niece, Miss *Frances Vinal of Upper Mnêar N. J. She is sailing on june 24, on the Fraticonia and wiIl visit Eýngland. f*ol- laind,. Paris, and SwitzerIand. _Miss Packer wvas guest Of bonor at a sur- *prise bion, voyagé dinner given Iast Sat- urday by 'Miss Lucille Brad y Ôf the L'atini staff at NewTrier., Delta Gamma Tea June i11 The North Shore alumnnae of Delta Gaminia 'wil have a reunion tea at the. chapter housé in E.vanston froi,' Renaud Perfumes Noie 94,c> Purse-size, flacons of Swof Pea,.. Orchid and 'L'Acacia - deligktfuIý fràgrances. Coty's Perf umes Special :89C Regular $I1.50 sixe in me à a1 case. Odors are LOrigan, Chypre, Emheraude, LAimant, Sfyx and Paris. lu the Toiltries- LORD'S-First Floor Shower Curtainsý At Lowered Prices $5.50 Curtains Ruib.iized curfains with silk- checked self figure. Standard si»-e, in green, orchid, blue. peach, rose or gold. M efal eyclefs. Every sale must b. finali Curtis $ 3.50 Rublerized curfains witk, lusirous silky rinish. Standard size in green, arçhid, blue, peach, rose or gold. Metal eyelets. Every sale must be finali lu the Draperes- LORD'--First Floor Cutting and Pinning Service $1 .00 u - -f WH-ITE Is Flantering9 Around the Face- That's Why These HA TS. Are Such Successes! $3.5o' $5 .00 WHITE, n.xt to your face makes you look: your youngest and toveliest. WHITE gives a crisp, fresh touch to hoflday costumes -.-and these white hats are so smart you can wear them n & Summer long I OTHER WHITEHATS AS LOW AS $1 .96 lu the Milliuery Sectiou-LORD'S-Second Floor. Wloods, and .Herbert P. Hudson. Jr. of Cicago took place iii Evanston on May 28. The. former Miss Woods aid lier mother moved to E.-Eato ern- ly f romn 2144 Chestnuit avenue, WiI- mette. Both the, bride and groom are graduates of the University o lios szs 3 2 fo 38 ..jAtnac LORD'S Third Floor o ateCre ScinR'-eo nd Floorn Fine FurnitureInteCre eto-ODS-ecdFlr PHONE AND MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY, SERVICHO . .. PH4ONE WILMETTE 3700 lie.