Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jun 1932, p. 29

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..It is hoped that everv child in Chicago, and its suburbs will be sent or brought at least once, and if pos.- sible several times, te. the museum during the 'sumnier,", Mr. Simms detar'ed. "Days -spent at the Muse um are a . continuanlce, of thée education interrupted hy vacation, but. the museum'Is form oPf in stiruction is sugar- coated, and has a tinge of adventure and .fuýn. The cbhild in the iMuseuml ahsorlis lessons unconsciouslv. while, ai l he reali2es is that1 he, is having a good tirme. "Thousands of parents i npast sum- mers have found that, on those oc- casional days when there.is to lie one at home to look afteir the voungsterS, the musetum offers a safe hayen, and at the samnetimne a formI of, pleasure wbicb costs nothing.---ChT1?Ien are always admitted to thie museurn free of charge, and it is open every day, the summer bours being from ý9 to 0 o'clock.- Since Iast summer maniv iew exhibits have been added. new groups of animais, a restoration of a Coal Age forest of 250,000.000 vear 's ago, new exhibits of North American Indian. material, and manv other I3eginning July 7_ the James Nel-: son and Anna L.ouise Ravmond Foundation wvill present at the mu- seum each Tbursday niorning uintil Auigust Il a special free entertain- ment for children. Program wilI con- sist of motion pictures, storv hours. and tours of, the exhibits g.uided by membefs of the lecture staff.. A coin-J plete scbedule of the dates. and thej feature-to be prese.ited on each. %vill be announced soon.j Lunchrooms are providcd at thej Museum where the children mav eat picnic lunches thev bring from home. or may purchase lunçh, if preferred. ,Mr. Simmis adds that the mtiseumn #building is one of thie coolegt places in Chicago no inatter hom, sweltering t heý heat may be ýoutsiide, and so is a ný espfie cially desirable place 1to send children during extremeé heat waves. June 12, ini the Forest Preserve just west of -Evanston on Harms road at Harrison street. Evanston car lines go directly to the .grounds. Trhis will bc a Washington bicen- teniiial- Flag Day celebration. 1if is explained, and the. morning session will open at 10:30) o'clock with a, meeting of thie Four County council in the pavilion. From 12 to 3 o?,clock thie prograrn will be give'p over to, games for 3young and old with prizes. There *ill be a band concert, music by the Veterans of Foreign War. band, and ti Waukeganà Fife and' Drum corps. At '3 'clock there will be an: open. meeting at thepavilion, with an ad- dress of welcome by Mayor Charles H. Bartlett of Evanston, with re- sponse by William R. Wells, -presi- dent of the Four Count3y coun*cil, foi- lowed by talks by Commander John WTar Veterans, Major General Franik -S. Parkerr Sixtfr Corps Area, U. S. Army. and the Hon. Barrett O'Hara, former Lieutenant Governor of liii-. fois. Following the afternoon open meeting at thie pavilion there will be dancing, until midn ight. An inter- esting.program for the all-daNy Flag Dav celebration bas been. arranged by the çommittee from Evanston Camp No. 57, U'. S. W. V. consisting of William H. Scott, chairman; Wil- Iiami B. Tulloch, Willard Doud, George E. Bennett. George ICerno- han., C. F. Woodwortb,. Ralph W. Faupel, A. W. Osborne, and C. W. Cozzens. RAHA'I LECTURE Mrs. Edgar Waite of. Los Angeles. will speak on "Thie Truth That Sets One Fr7ee" at the Foùndation bail of thie Baba'i temple, Linden a venue and Sheri- dan road, Wilmette, Sur Lay afternoon, June 12, at 3:-30 o'clock.. $75 Hm% bra dmowIoro md nrmadt@.. ow .elg . i yusvgth end -e ... new thrillb end eouoe- etm.. . edu"cailo oswolI os t«1601lend .nfeMble'. OverSooomiles of .ver.chainglROng scner> o4 GOO Lalrs nsmd Go .00onBoy <çi,àoo lfods> ... Uber stops o ahi lland otr -points of, ntomrb. Tht Gmat OII-sumig White Lirmr SOU& Awowkm weM oppoiitd ikse onstooer, &«uy c#gfgutnr ýuy... all ros have outulde windows or portl boles. boomy. omfortobb s ... appetirilmo . Broad om.ade dock, Grmnd Salon ... Untortain- monts&,umusic, dancing ond dock gamtes. rlvacy o galet>' as you profer.-and a ocioal hosteau to introdue a. u. Ployground for chlldron with director in iharge. r SAILINOS F101CHICAO EVET WElNRSDAY AMD SATURDAY DURINO SEASON ~g AaIcfor bc 4-Day Cr-use$ tg to Paru>' Sound, Con., via Attroctive week-end trip.MOI4D.I Love Sotkretum Wed. UnieU 11ON PATRONIZE OUR? ADVERTISERS UWi booklet"Iu theoGreat Ioke.Couoiry' mn, Railwuy Ticket Office or Tourist Agency or wite go Duluth à Gelorgi.Bay, fIanSit Comnpany wmSi

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