1t he surveys... l'a ý,N JT JUst "king for a. day" . but monarch of lis own realm ... is palace h. is grounds . truly monarch' of albe surveys! Home ... for tune ... money ... everytbing is bis. *Tbere are many such "kings" residing in the rich suburban territory just on the outskirts of Chicago. A statesman bas said, "Sbow me a man wbo owns bhis oqwn home and 1 will show you tbe backbone. of .our- nation." Here in this territoryare many sucb nmen . men of:substance ... men of means,.. wbo have- whipped their problems and now bave spacious grounds and comfort- best of ail, Mr. Advertiser... they bhave tbe necessary funds to purchase your merchandise. Yours and yours and yours! To be sure, some have business inter. ests,,but these can "knock off" any day or at one or three o'clock and motor to the beach, the club or home. What a rich, responsive audience-for your advertising message if you approach :t. in the, right 'way. Such men, situated comfortably, dislike the whirl1, hustie and bustde of city life. The restful:comrmu- niies have won their hearts, their inter- ests and their loyalty. Among these inter- ests a re home papers, which they read state of mind. Yen 'know tkis, Mr. Adverliser.. OAK LEAVES * HIGHLAND .I 'E LIFE - WINNETKA TALK S'O LAKE FORESTER MAY EVANSTON REVIEW LENCOE J )OD HERý MI "EASE TIME"Is AD-TIME~ ý-1