Reol arles. n where a charged 1thankà, çbl.tu- Sother affairs 41ahed, wi1b. IGrade Sépatat ion. Will Save Lif e Let'aHasten the Dagi one pf the miiajor'features'of these un-. usual. times is the widespread taking of. cuts. If4-ilies like these ever occur in the-unknown future the simil- Takngarity.w'il be'proved by this' CutS taking of ecponic. cuts. So Co mmon lis t h is experience nowadays that.those who are flot taking theni are, eextraordinary. Teachers in north shore schoûls are tak- ing cut s of 10 and 15.percent. We ýknow of other individuals who are accepting stili greater reductions, ini sotne cases as much as 30.Percent. Thle most unfortunate are those i,\hp, must get alonig somehow on a 100percent eut. Although w%\orkers .,in al. fields hiavie taken these losses patiently, coUrageously, and often .cheéèrfully, stilil the plighî 'of Chicago's Public school, teachers ;ýmerits. especial consideratioii. We certainil v be-. lieve that Dr. Strayer in his recenit report did flot exaggerate w%ýhen hie said, '"The people of Chicago ow,ýe,a debt to the teachi- ers of Chicago that they cair tever re)ayý. I know of no more hieroic sacrifice thiat bas ever been made liv aiiy grouip iin pub- lic servic: Wxt .tribte that is! When'normalç'x returnis againruho resnfor its return. can be found- in the fidelity and faith of those whp did what they could to adjust tO a situation that obliged th.em ýto;take'cuts., came niotor police, 4oing their best flot to get too far ahead of the walking veterans. The method used by the police to keep the route clear was ingenious. First one would ridle. ahead to an intersection where he kept traffic back unltil relieved by a secpnd, officer. Upon the latter's arrival the first officer. would ride on to the next crossing. where hie repeated his. actions. Meanwhile the v'an of the, parade had reached the seconidofficer. Chlrnwith smal l flags formed a large part of the procession. Spme were vers- small children. For' théir sakes. we'hopedl that- the mnarch would flot be ýlong. Onour excursion we saw, many 'takingr full a.dvantage of the holiday. They w'%ere playin.g at tennis, basebaîl and golf; manv were fishing; we wondered what kind of fish they, expected, tp 'catch and carry homne. Happy picnickers were enjoving their -outdoor lunches. The cenleteries were crowded with older people decorait- ing, graves.. Contrary- to anticipation the highways. were not crowded.l Now and. th.en*we got cagtina ,sloNv-m-ovîing line, but usually we moved along at a: confortablv rapid1 rate. We fouind that "highways can be happy w,%ays." even on holidays. XXYC (id soniething while motoring yes- tcrday, ithe like of which we neyer did bc- fore. We ran over a roblin.-\Whethier the unfortunate biid ivas young or iii wev had no mieans of finding out. But there hc stood and remained until itl xvas too late. We ihta he had.had sense or strength en ugh 10 hop. back or aheada step or t wo. The editor Newxs Scaniiing by ouir continues to hoid our ir] discernling terest. i Thte touch of your cool petals wakens . Anmerorydeep. .. . The rosy,-white hands of ny babies, Clirlcd softly tit sleep. -Adcle Jordan TarIr. DAD'S DAY We do not know wby lune 19 Was naméd Dad's Day, unless it was that the following u1 dy.Jn 21, is the longest day in tbe year. This is flot a very gooEl reason, but it's the best we can think of on the spur of the moment. Lôgically the first of each month is Father's fatal day, for on that day the bulk of the previous month's .bis arrive. We don't want to beconstrued as suggesting. that the. opening day, of each month be called Dad's Day. That would give Father eleven days more than Mother. Plainly an, unfair deal. As Shakes4peare said:- Every- dog bas. his day.. So- it looks very ruch as -if some philanthropic lady noticed some years ago that. Dad, certaînly ought to have. a day. But just why those Who decided, on june 19 bit on that special date we havent yet discôvered. At any raté if' there is among pur readers a wandering daughter Who hasn't recently ber dear old Dad, let her sit right down and get busy. How long isit, mnygirl-, since YOU have w ri1tten to your father? -Fil Ossifer. * LAKE MICHIGAN IN A STORM Opcet lour stable doors hight and wide, To Iiiehiqaijs niilk-white, ractiîg siecd. Flinpig( his heels at the .rlorm rackcd mle, Per-fect.,of form and th-oroiigh of breed! Ilis starbrig/tt eycs are aolint .uwil1 ire;- lus .screaming lips are adrip with foam;1. Ilis ç,w/ic eteelh snalp iith, impatienti ire A-s hie rides the. creçts of Jus -wta1ery home.' I)ainty cars list for thew glad, micd; ca/I. 0f. the bcoiwsut-pc. co mmqnlitf ront /wlcSa.; Strong hiccrt aquizer iii ausicring ail Tlli.e imvriad voice (of co toe. bc1. M and hlbul as/i thel'catinq ins lu-s /'roiid feet poitud o n thc hoof-sca)-red shore,' Ife flinis te spraYf roint hiss.hining sides .4nd gai/cps back Io luis hoine-onice mare. Prom IMoods anidTeiises" JP'ý' Dafirett Harvey, (.crnted froii i'1!EVANSTON REV1ENW.) Deluge Af termnith Those of uis who. have neyer lived ini Johnstown, wvere totally unprepared for last Sunday's deluge turn TO to absorb the ver If parents and teachers ,vould teachi children to look in both directions before crossing a street and then to walk across, the total of child deaths at street intersec- tions would surely be decreased,. SWe agree with the music critic who felt that the singing of the children in the North Shore Festival was "lovely beyond ail telling,. It was. One compensating feature of tbe Sabbath down- pouir was f ound in the, instance of, a Wilxnette merchant who, had bis basement well stocked witb. soap chips. --MIQUE.