Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Jun 1932, p. 23

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Whit., Eleaor SUMMARIZES WORK .T.Girls' Club Submnts Annual Repo)rt, Showing Expenditures and Sources of Funds The annual report of the Girls' club,. coverin g achivihies from june, 1931, ho Julie.,11932, fo1lows - Expenditures Scholarshipis given out: Septeniber for'12 schoirships lu coliege at present .......... ....... ......$1,250 Help for girls who- were, already . n college......................-250 Aidgiven students ln high, sehool for school and medicinal pur- poses...............400 Tax anticipation warrant........ 1,000 (Girls voted to buy warrant instead cOf giving scholarships) Paymient on piano for club roon. 5011 Total amount spent durlng present school year . .............. .. 2,150 Total amount sýpent for oue year $3,400 Sources of funds - selling: sand- %viches (first -da.N of, school), hoîdogs at. football, gaines ..and track mecet, candy ,'ai. plays, Christrnas cards, magazine suliscriptions (houhu ,th!e ear), vis-iting cards to seniors; bridgé party, two bake sales, and managing the spring concert. Praise is due the outgoing officers for the sp)lendid wmork they have' dune. They. are: President, Agnes Halley; vice-president, Betty Dostal; sýecre- lary ' Mar ' vFowler; treasurer, AMar- garet* Lindstrom.* The new officers are. in the sainie order, Janet Mc- Nultv'. Eleanor 'Chichester, Margaret Loonîis afid Betb Mcllraith. Scbooi's Worth Its, Weight in Taition By Muriel 'Waterse There lias heen muiich-grttîmhling about Ille tet] dollars tîow,(lenianded f roni cach 7 stu dy taken ini sumniiier school. ôf course thevre is a depressiol:' by- tlîilim we al realize that, but just, as surely a.ý faillfes are affected by it, st also is New Trier.. Summer scbool is forced. to demand tuition, and col.- sidering ail the many advantages we receive from it,. e should' be uiIiiîîg .L4cuity aastntDu<1yLU. Li e sen- iors are a littie shaky. about entering a higher institution of Iearning or going out to.meet life, but 1 an sure that New Trier has prepared every graduate for college or to go out 10 face life better than any other schiool could. .I1 wish to congratutate, çvery senior who is graduating upon suc- .cessfully. compieting four years ot hard study'and 1 hope that everyoîre becomes president, but flot during a depression such as this. WcIl. here I start on mly Iast writing for New Trier News Notes. ý-"UI'm-about ail in," said the worin as the crowtook another gulp. *And then again,* the littie worm was chewing in earnest. Poor E riest. larry Kinne: "Food isgting so sçarce. that a.man lived two weeks Oni o nions alone.'> Ken Stiling: "WelI, any mian hol lives on oàions otight'to live aoe" Senior (purchasing g r a d u a t lo0ii dress) : "I would like to sec a white eivening dress that would fit me." Clerk (not Fred): "So olI. The Ohio. sorag: "'Ohio Miss You Tonight." "Don't make me .laugh," chirped Jim Will as the dentist gave h im, ga s. Romance Hroward: "I take a cold shouwer every miorning." Clyde WNarble : "Why brag about it?", Romance: "Thlat's why 1 do it." Four years later- SStick Pavlicek: "That necv MOUS- tache of 'ours is a sighh." AI Lind: 'Don't k nock a m-out~l îel when it's down.j' Lt has been discovered that 57 per- cent of the Radcliffe graduates h marry .choose Dartmouth graduates. 1. wonderý why .Wachs, Ostroni Vcn- rick and Sinding are going ho Dart- mouth. and record nolder in the 220-yard 10w hurdies. copped a* third in this event oniy about two yards behind Pollard of Senn, the winner. Wilhelm of ArkansasCity, Kas., was. second.' ..Pollard's time was :24,7 anîd New- tons 24.9, indicatingý the maàrgin of victory. .Pollard, star ýof the mect, also won the 120-yard high hurdies in .15 fiat to set a new w orld's record. In the- qualifying heat Newton jumed he un wice and wak, set back two yards right against, the' wall, but quickly..made up this to g ra b a second, inches aheacl of 1)un- can of Oak Park. In the finals, New- ton Iooked mnuch, better anîd was among the.Ieadcrs from the start. Thie'other NTew. Trier entries didn't fare quite, as welI, as Newton though. liommes came t hrough in his qualify- ingý heat in good style but was elini- inated. in the semi-finals. Captain ,Quinilant, entered in the 440. ran. sc- ond alilie way, until about 75 yards froin ite. hish _where 1-he, tightened up and failed to finish .in themoney. A, mile relay teani composed of Wan- ger. Seiler, Kirby and. Pavlicek failed to Place. In the ,fleld events the.two' high .iumpers, DBllensen and Thorsen, and Schuman in the, shot put, were the New'Trier entries. Schuman shoved the shot'out 47 feet 9 inches hogan a seventh, one place too far back to count. Thorsen and Bollensen 4oh hopped 5 feet 9 iuches before they were put out. NoNN to get down to the meet itself -Junior ColleLe-Senior Ijigh of Ar- kansas City, Kas., was the winner wvith 31 and 3/7 points. Senn's one- man team of Fritz Pollard took sec- ind, tohaling 20 points with two firsts. Another one-man teani, Burnett ofi Liberty ville. copped third by colleet- ing, 18 niarkerq froni a first in the 'discus' throw and a second iÎn the sh ot put. Tlîreeý new records were set, hwo on the trackad one in the field.- Pollard in the high hurdies, jini Owen of Maplewood, Mo., in the centurv -sprint, and Orville Madsen of Ames. [a., in the higli jump are the new record lho!ders. Owen's time ôf :09.7 0*,ixi. JL-5ime, 15.0 High Jump-Won by Madsen, Senior Hligh, A-mes, la., 6 feet 41£ lnches;, Spurgeon, Centralia, 111i., second, 6 feet e l nches; Harris, Fort* Cùllins, Colo., . elson, Norman, -Okia., and Walker,, North Dalias fligh, Dallas, Tex., tied for thîrd"6 feet: I luch;'Spurlock, Cen- tral, Peorla, 11;and,,Eoesler,, Batavia, III1., tled for slxth 6 feet., 120-Yard HIgh Hurdi es-Won by Pil- lard, Senn, Chi1cago; H. Nelson, No man, Okia., second; Roberts,Btn Rouge, La., ýthird;' Wilhelm, Senior Higb, Arkansas Gity,* Kas. fourth; Turner, Berlin, W.is., fifth; Phfllips. Bristow, Okla., sixth. Time :16. One Mle-Won by Lochner, Agra,. Okla. ; Dennis, Ludington,- Mich., sec- ond; Longman, Mount Morris,, ]Ils., third; Pray, Shorewood Hlgh, Mil- wàukee, Wis., fourth; Kaiser Eastern High, Lansing, Mleh., ftfth; Garrett, Johnston City, Ill.,' sixth. lime, 4 :30.b. Discus Throw-Won by Burnett, Là- bertyville, 111., 138 feçt 10 lnches; Davia, East, High, Wichita, Kas., second, 195 feet 4%k inches; Welies, Dubuque, la., third 130 feet 63/4 inches; Frelmuth, Central Higfl, Duluth, Mlhhi., ~fourth, 126 feet 1ilnch; Stephen, Joliet, Ill., fifth, 123 feet 10. luches; Dreher, Jonesboro, Ark., sixth, 123 feet 3 luches. 440-Yard (flrf3t racé)-Won by A. Bartn, ecuseh Oka.;Bullardl, Mat- shall High, Richmond, Va., second; Range,* Elgin, 111~. third; Laird, Fort Collins, Colo., fourth; Sharp, Central High,.Tulsa, OkIa., tlfth; Morris, An n Arbor, Mich., sixth. Time, 50.9. 440-ard (second race)-Won by Mil- ler,' Maine Township High, Des Plaines, Ill.; Cagle, Shawnee, Okia., second ; Schroeder, Beudena, Kas. third; Pence, Keota, la., fourth; Bell, Greenville, Miss., flfth; Hegg, Evaraston, Ill., sixth. Time :49.8. 220-Yard Dash -. Won by Wahker, Georgia Military academy, College Park, Ga.; Helbing, -North Side, Fort Worth, Tex., second; lierman, Oak Park, Ill., third; Viekers Wyandotte High, Kansàs, City, Kas., fou rth; Nichols, Oak. Park, Ill., fifth;, Chance, Maplewood, »Ï,. sixth. Time :21.7. 220-Yard . Low . Murdles-Wou by Pol- lard, Senu, Chicago; Wilhelm, Senior, High, Arkansas, City, Kas, second; Newton, NEW TRIER, Winnetka, Ill., third ; Schiffer, Wyandotte High Kansas City, Kas. fourth; Laugford, Evanston, Ill., fifth; Warmibein, St. Josephi,Mleh., sixth. Timie 24.7. -Javelin Throw-Won bv OGrant, San- ait sposiD>ie iLenuWlff, otierwsb know aseitherI), one .good soaking in the gym is only hiaif a day, you have the after- LnWlf tews nw sshoet grsrfui o paI noons to yourself, and hhrough going "FréeeWaltz" Wolff, combs bis hair oe, w gil'rfsighsea to umner chol yu ray-n fctcac niht efoe ging tobed be tome, anhd many other consequences ho smm~e scool ou ay-mfavt eah niht efor goig h bed be h would look. very unconvention- will-receive something valuable to a cause he is afraid he'll meet the girl w l high school education. So wby not of his dreams. ai in print! çonsider- it, in spite of thé heu dollars So long, classniahes, see you i.n the whchniysenihosan btwe yu hi5 with regret that I hurn this White House. and 1h? column over ho my.successor, who- -Bob Hess. . Vd writs or phome ABu hph 1 l sour S OIMmiCHSAn A

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