Is LGrandi Finale for Sports Year At last the girls' athletic. season has couic to a,.,enid wth an impres- sive and grand: finale - the. an nuai G. A. A. banquet. held Iast Thurs- day night -in- the Mess hall.. QOne hundred and seven t y-five girls at- tended this, oneý of the biggest -events of the year. The members of the gmfaulty, Miss Packer, Mrs. Cor- don, and Mr. and Mrs. Gaffniey were the guests of honor at the:dinner .anid the entertainuient whichfoled During the meal,, several groups of. initiates gave stunts in the ýguise of songs composed to, the miusic of pop- ular hits. Then -'Essie Kreibcl in- tiroduced Mr. Gaff ney, who presentcd the, numerals and 30-point and 500- point emiblems. Both Miss- Fogg and Miss' Boulton gave short talks; and then Jane WVaidncr introduced the varionsheads of s'ports,'who iÎn turn presented their succes sors. This year's heads of sports were Vi rginia Smith, hockey; Mar.y juie Miller, soccer-; Lauretta Anderson., basketball; Agnes Fraser,. natural dancing-, Elizabeth Baîhatchet, clog-. ging; Elcanor Culver,, swimming: Elsa Carlen, archery; Frances Ellis. fistball; Margaret Ebeling, basebal: Lois Tucker, golf; 'Sylvia Boyntoni, tennis. Next year's heads of sports in the same order, are jean Gourlay, Bar- bara Munn, Helen Separd. Florence Carey,' (clogging to be ,anniouinced next- year), Barbara Wilder, El1sa Carlen, Cynthia Walsh, Louise -var- ney, Lois Tucker and Anme Ellis. lass Managers Are Listed The class managers are: .Senior-J. Weber, hockey ; J. Pet- rie, soccer; M. Lepman, swimminig; J. Stout. basebal; R. Booz, ýfistball; H. Clark, archery. junior-A. Jurnham, hockey;, M. Taylor, soccer; L. Eisenstadt,..s.wim- ming; D. Bergh,.basketball; A. Eb el- ing, basebal; F. McNultNy. fistball:. Sophonore-J. Harris, hockey; M. Air Castit Senior Saturday Saturday, June il, will be a big night for New TJrier's up.per-class- men, for it is then that the annual 'Senior hop will. take place -in the mess ha1ll. Because of the absence: of a Junior prom, eveéry effort is being bent, towards making, this dance even more succéssful than, previous hops. A.well known ten- picce orchestra,, the Georgians, is furnishing the nlusic, and the .Castle§-il - the -Air"' decorations are said to be,unsurpassable. The bids cati be. purchased at the door. and, contrary to the, usual rule, seniors areperrnitted'te. brinig outsiders.. As this, is' the last stu(lent dance. of the year, a large crrowd is expected. Lens Club Designates Wednesday for Pienie The Lens club picnic was schieduled for Wednesday, june 8, f rom 4:30ý o'ciock until dark at the EIder -lane beach. There \vas to be plenty of hot-. dog5 and lenionade. for everybody. There were to be baseball, othier gaines, and( :swiminig for those who could stand the water. Everybody's camera was to be there, and all the memrbers were confident of getting somne fine Anna Marie Booz Is Music Club Pr esident At a called meeting of the JuniOr Music club, june 5, the following offi- cers were elected: President, Anna, Mangel; secretary, Mary Alice leslie; treasurer. Byron Sinipson; social chair- , mani Arlene Sandy, and assistant, Jean Brown. ceded bv hem wlio 'car-: A very succcssful year for the in- tramural sports will be closed this weèk. During the year practically al boys in the school were. engaged at some time or other in this program. A total of twcnty different tourneys was held drn the year. At one time nine tournamnents were being playe at ne timie. This shows the fine direction of Mr. - Showley and the ýexcel.lent co- operation -of. the, students cn.gaged in these 'activities. It is. hoped that nfek-4 yc ar will be as successf ni as, theý past. Spring Sports Practically al championships have been played, at this ti-me. The follow- ing results have been annonnced.: Tenni s singles-Champion, F. Mer- rit (Pifer ') ;,,runiier-up, D. Eisendrath (Aschenbach). Tennis doubles-Winning team, C. Browie and J. White (Aram) ; mn. ner-up, W. Cobirene and H. -Gottub.' Handball doublles-Winiiing: team, K. Wagner and B. Bruce (Edwards) ruti- ner-up, J. Davis and J. Kraft. Golf-Champion, R. Moran (Funk- hiouser) ; runiler-up, A. Bolinenl (Var- ne'). O'Neill May Brood Over This Outingi By Jeromne Straus On Thursday, May 26, the Scrilerusý chlb held its mieetinii(ýi the Girls' club room. Plans vere mac for: a picnic- imagine' such an amngnst li)ody indulging ini .Shaw or O'Neill. on an outing I There may be :a play, written especially for the occasion by Florence Carey. Dnring the meeting, a . fe\\ of the mnembers read their essays and got a load off -their chests. Johni Matheson illustrated the evils of obedience with Block Irrints at Art Exhibit Tell Township Story', An art exhibit was. held from 3' until 5 o'clock in the Art departmcnt last Thursday -afternoon. This ex- hibit is an annual affair. Among the unusual exhibits was a display :of painted> and shellackèd paper plates. The sanie col.Drs were repeated',iii each,,plate, but the de- signis were diff erent. 0f intcrest to ail residents Of the New Trier township. are the port- folios of block prints made by Mliss Fitch's students., The prints folloW pictorially.:the development of the township from Indian days. These prints are authentic inasmuch as they have been taken from documents ownled by residents of the township.. Tliere is :a limitcd' number of these portfolios for sale. 'In the stagecraft room, the models for the settings of the reccntly pro-. duced "Purple Mask<' wcre on dis- play, Thèse scale models were first made to show the stage as, it was to appear. in the real production. Aniy changes that were1 necessary were, to De made: in, the model. There wer e also some small modelsmade individ- uially by the members ,ofthe ýstage- craft classes. The e-xhibit was. well attended, an.d the people present felt that a rt wvork at New Trier is better than ever be- fore. "Smooth Voyage-" at Speech Banquet The Public Speaking students held. theié annuil banquet (with spechles) last ,cv 1ening, June 3. Thei teachers' mess hall f urnished the loca- tion, and the va.rions classes provided the décorations. The theme of the eve- nin ~ vs 'Sailiing-Dowvn the River. of, Pulblic Sekn. Girard Séliilhach. thle toastrnaster, xvas very natical ini bis directions as to how and when the f ood cotild and Afl~ft,. y t 5, fl*uS *JiJI>3Ln8 lv . xt --aI Abbott, and Mery Fowler,, Betty Sethness, Miriam Nl 7esterfeld and lie was crazy, and they may have been.WIS .u.ET R Dostai, Doris Tansill, Jane Sampson. Priscilla Wheelock. . right, amsWhitakN.of.LEnTocrecie Elizabeth Baihatchet and Margaret 500-point awards-Beatrice Driver. On the whole; Uthc club year bas been his major letter in golf at Northwest- Lindstrom took part. Miss Bo'lton, Margaret Ebeling, Mary. Fowler, very succcssful.. The inembers have eru univcrsity this week. Varsity let. as the bride, was given awav with Jane Knowles, Jane Lunýdahl, Jane enjoyed several intércsting speakers ter and freshmen numeral awards were great gusto. by 'Mr. Gaffney to the Moore,ý Jean Munroe. and Jane and. have doncmore individual. work nmade by the:.athletic committee of the 'waiting 'groor,". Mrs. Abbott. Pré - Snydcr. than in 'the preceding year.I university.