open stock 80 your set can be repienished from time fo fime. $2530 Con plee Chest. of 3 4 Pieces $1Down-,$,.lWeokIy: No Carrying. Charge The, 26-p!ece set is noiw proced at $21 .50, and the complote 5-piece setlait $38 . . both available on our canvenient Club Plan. GenuineCommun'ity Siverware The. exquisite -and popular Deauville and Noblesse patterns, absolut.Iy tarnish-proof,:and packed in or tra'. ,_,26..PJECE CHEST. . . $30i,5. 42-PECE TRAY . .. $3975 50-PIECE TRAY...$58 Silveruare-First Floor Lov*ely ;Hope,,Chest Linens' Imported inen Damask Cloths $7-98 Wuh- Six Naphins Perfectly stunningi cloths, thoso, ali iapndr.d, ready for use. 66x86-n h z f cioths with 6 napkins, 20 inchos square, homititched. Handspmo pattorns ýfrom whch to choose. 64xl02.tnch ciotti and 12 napkins et $8.9à. FROCKS, Fashionoid With aih the intricato s.aming end.ilm- portant litti. dMails which charactorizo thé Summor mode.-flics. dainty tub frocks of handkorchioef linon provi de the ideal warm-woath.r -frock. So comfy to woarý in tiho homo . so&0 asolutly appropriat. for the stroot, toclub. the gardon. Soft >white and -pestais.. Some Are E mbroidered! Fro.cks a.t. $.95 ing liftte cap 1 Unes. On Davis Street )LDTes -VAl WHEN YOU ORDER BY 'PHONE ASK FOR "SHOPPING SERVICE" WiUmefte l1100 s $ 2ý