Alka CW * - ami Ramm1cfim Bay Via TelALASKA RAILROAI> Northern hôotel. Mrs.. Ada Muckle- stone, vice-president of 'the Auxil- iary for. the Departnment of Illinois. Mrs. V. E. Sisson: Ed .Hayes, past Departinent Conmmander, and Major Frank are listed aniong the speak- ers to appear on the prograni. Memu- b)ers of the executive staff of the R. 0*., T. :C., Boy and Girl Scout- or- ganiizations. the Junior Au.xiliarv,ý and other societies comnected with thme Americanism program oi the. Legicin and Auxiliary will be guests>. ,ReP-. resentatives of every unit and post, in CO ok counlty wiI be in attendance. Clauide Raber is-président > t You cn'r sSc Alaiskaprplyp. to Fairbanks - ith mýajestc tie Auxiliary counicil,adPalA - unless you go -tbroughh the, mountains and wir ovnstoiscmandr1f .eLei Joterior. Every inch of the ay cfiàhle bcauty set in your pati. couiicil. Arrangemüents for tieineet- is a-sparkle with globry ýand , Ad Mt. McKinley-one of 1 Ilg'are beiing maille by MNrs.C.B grandeur.tesbies ihsii iÇh ochiran of the Wiliiette Firstthèees thetnip by steamer worldý,cao be reached by The R .frde fCiao through the Inside Passae. Past Alaska, Railroad. Orls tn vl > acousdine brokenby mighty- You have nor senAliska Oui ls reguaàr ieig.%il Cataracts; set with glaciers; ;nîlIié ~hld next odyJuneé 13. at tie, ftined b lovly frest. util ou vsit he Iterir iomue of 'mrs. W'. D2. Grahlami, 1-104) frogdbyI9~3 1t ~ a nd the best way to see the \4lolawk road, IidianH-ilI1 estate"s Ile the ail-rail trip via The Interior is via The. Alaska l'le enitertajumiient of the evefil g Aiask Raik0ad from Seward Railroad. will be iii thie form iot a Fidac pro- Send for bookiet giving informinon o severalAisa ors.rami. Mrs. Russeil Johsison. wha i,. ThSeearileISoaeIneir S evenitb -District, Fidac chairmai,. will U-S ePr7n o h Itro ive us a talk on Portugal. anid u £ mA~U~LAi Juiors will take part iii a sketchi called heAllies Speak.. Mrs. jo- rector. wvil hbe our guest for thie eve- - ~~~. MCjJir iltà 1eevdPamrk Aente~spieGbl eet-itit l .0 SS3NOwthfiehigau Ave., Phone State 5798, Chicago,BJL01 Fridav, ue 10, t'e Sevethi About sixtv pupils, the largést class in the school's history, will receive di- pknias. Julius A. Petersen, president 'of the Icenilworth board of eductition, wil present the diplomias, and Supt.. E. L. Nygaard will prescrit theclass. This week. the clasýs will, decide upon theý gift it> will. leave tO the school. Nàtme*sof, thé graduates ill 'he an- n ouncedin i next week's issue of W\V.-, Another importan t eventi of the- school's Program. wil hbe held tomorrow (Fýriday) njght.. the annual exhibit. in 1whvlich every department. ill be rep- resented. Each Nvear a large nunher of. 1parents and othier interested citizens at- tend this evenit. CARETAKER DIES., Timnothy C.ý Saun ders, caretaker at First Church of Christ, Scientist. mý \Vilmette since. 1916. ý died Friday. Mav 27s.'He is stifvivred 1w' his widow and one so n, Timothy C. Jr. Full-" eral services and buriatl took îplace Tuesdàav. Mav 31. Mrs. J.. U. Boardman, miother qI Mrs. Joseph L. Earl,.wine. 809 Lindcîti avenue. Iefl: last Satuirday for Pari,., Kv,, where. shel will sipend thie sum- mer with another daughter. district will' give, a ci part%. ai play at Indian Boundary park, -Chi - cago. __________ Be On Haiid Saturday, June llth! - - - - - - - .11 j~ a I IllIllIl ~ liii -I I I 11111 111111 'liii Il vI I liii i I DAY "1I I I I I1~ r 1 1 1 1 :11 1 11I1 1I 1 .. md v jI.i WJEDIOLTS-EVASTON on Davis Stret ýWilnïette 1100 1I.l 1l1i1i 1--ýi 1- 1 1 1 1 1 [ 1 lml' Ili 1