Il ,SHIONS joyment for art loyers. Twenty- eight artists. among whomn are Nirs.. F, C. Eniglehart and A. Monroe Turner, make Up the group. Mr. and Mr s. joseph Joyce,' 531 Essex road, Kenilworth, with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. John James of Evanston, spent the week-end at Oregon and -Rockford recently. Ruth Joyce,,who bas completed her fresh- man year at Sacred H-eart academy] in Lake Forest, will return to, ber home ,today 'Tusa) Miss Dorothy. Goughi Miss Betty Weber, and Miss Martha Farmer. who ail attended Lawrence college, Appleton, Wis., last year, will attendý the com- mencement exercises aàt the college this. week. They left ýby motor on Wednes-ý day'and ill retumun next'Monda. Charles Ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ford', 427, Central. avenue, igraduating Sunday frm, St. Johns Mil.tary academy , Delafielil, Wis. His family will be going up there for the commencemTent exercises. MILWAIJKEE is 00lY 69 m ites away it tak only 116 minutes to get thereon th. North Shore Line! HAVE YOU BEEN I FOUNTAIN SQUARE S 1Greenleaf 1674 636 CHURGH STREET Evanston, Illinois CARL SCHFPLRR,. Direter nil- iLf. i 807 Greenwood avenueNN imette. lie isl9 years old and was graduated f romi New Trier High school last vear. Hlis leg was broken between the' bip anid the knee, but he is reported to be do- ing nicelv. Both. of the other býoys involved m' the accident.' Edgar WV. Powell. of Bryn M.\awr,,Pa..1 and Charlesý S. Cor- win :of Dayton. Ohio, suffecred frac- tured skulls. Onîe was -still uncoi-. scious two days, affer the accidefit and the other ivas1 parti1ally con-. scions. Kingery was not driving thec car wben the accident occ'urred. An- other machine crowded.the students.' car into a ditch and it craslied iâto a MORE MEASLES. Nineteen ne-u cases of nîcasies, and fienew cases of chicken pox were reported ini Wilmette. by. the local H ealth-departmneut for the week end- ing Tuesday, June 7. The departine, ,it also reported seven old cases of whooping cough, three old cases of. chicken pox and two of scarlet fever stillactive in the Village. PERMIT TAG DAY A perrù it to hold a tag day in Kein- ilworth on Monday, October 10, wa granted to the Chicago Children'is Benefit league by the Kenilworth Village tioard at its- regular niontly athletic filid. , The competiton on Monday was for boys weighing less than ninety pounds. The H-aven school of E-'vantonl copped first place in this section oif the meet with a total of 47¼/ points:* Trhe Nichols school of Evanston nose(l pnt joseph Sears of Kenilworth'i(,-. second place, 41 to «/2. Glencoe 1';S'a a poor fourth with six points., *Anthony Tortorello of. Kenilwortli boetwvo records, one in the ruli.- ning broad jump and the other in tut hiop-.step-jiimp. In the former tv.tiin lie jumped 14 feet, 10 inches to break. the former record of 13 f eet. 7 inches set by Fred Workman of Kenilwort li, last year. In the hop-step-jump h distance wvas. 32, feet, 34 inch»,, which bettered the former. record % -i 31 feetp 2 inches set by Billy,- son of Kenilworth last year. Brûce Granstrom of Keniiloti also broke last year's record in. the' hop-step-jump. His distance' was il feet. 11Y2 inches 1ýOther recordsbroken included the eight-poid shot put, which wvas 'woli by Paver of H-aven, and the igh juimp. In the latter e\,ent Fracer oî Nichols and Conle%, of 'Keniilworth tied for first place,' each jumiping 4. feet, 5 inches. The former record .,nf 4 feet, 3 iuches wvas set tast vear b1>' Huggins and Barry of Haven. ,-< Paul Corneil of Kenilworth o first place in the 60-yard dash,. rmn- ning the distance in s1e\ven lni111îvs, two seconds. Higherest P. T. A. to Have Meeting June 14 All teachers at the Highicrest school, Twenty-third street atI'ltlinois road, W'ilmette, will returni next year, it 'Vas- announced this week.. These teachers, include L. Ravnu' Mrph. principal, seventh and eighth gradçs,; Miss 'Nor- meé G.. Green, fourth,, fifth and' sixt l grades; Miss Iola M. Kurz. first. sec- ond and, third grades, and Mis Alice O'Connell, kindergarten. The school will close for the surn- mer on Friday, june 17, and the grad- uation 'exercises will be held that night ini the school. auditorium. E-leven pupils, rime girls and two boys,' will receive din1nms. -r TI