iEd Liepe, formerly of the Evanston In- dex teamn, will Iead the Boosters in their game with Doc Rennold's boys. 'Hack" Wilson wiil be back at first base, and the "bail . hawk," Ralph Jan-. etz, will be at his old field. The «latter star, together with Bill Schroeder, Monte Rudolphi and DPobrv %vill g ive Wilmette an outfield: thiat is said -to lie one of the best out- side, oi organized, basebali. Eàch of, thèse* meni is a reliable bitter asý weil asý a f ast and sure fielder. .During the1 pauses -in Suliday's excit- ing battiç, the fans. ill have opportuni- tics tl) glance at the tallies of the Cuhs' gaine recorded on the new scoreboard., The Wîlmeétte _ Merrimac basebaîl gaine. scheduled for làst Sunday, was1 î>spoiied when the, bottom feli out of the sky* and transformnedthe field into a veritahie lake. Wjilmette will meet the M11errimacs about the iniddle of ,Atigust., IN BAL.LET Muriel Janicki, daughter of Mr. and -Nirs. jo hn ,Janick, 2127 Thornwood ave~nue, will dance ini the :"tider Sea" ballet Suniday afternoonî,,June 12, at the G'oodmai tlicater. The recital ýVil1 he preseited ,-bv the Betty jones studio. Mr. 1-arry Lee of 1)etro it who 'las licen visiting lier au nt, Mrs., Ottc E. Hillsberg, 1220 Gregory avenue, lias rettiried'to lier home. Bernie Captures Arioso.......................... 4tfl Aubade.......................... Lalo Elegie.....................Czerwonky Spanish Serenade ..-............ Popper Estelle Swigart, cellist Winifred 'Mickey, at.the piano Rtieetions in the Water...... Debussy E tude Opus 25, No. 1.......... Chopin Etude, -Opus 10, No. 12....... . .Chopin Marche ...1............ Prokofieif France§ Anderson, pianIst MI Sicilienne Rigaudon.......Francèeur-ýKreisier Nigun from 'Baal Schein.......... Bloch Weters Prize Song (from !The 'Meisteri-niger-s> . _Wagner 1-ungarian Dance,' No. 2...... Brahms George Swigart, viollnlst Frances Anderson,',at the, piano Highcrest Graduates: Get Diplomas Ju ne 17 The' Pareit;-Teacher association. of the. Higlbcrest school -will hold its last meeting of the school *year, Tuesday evening, june 14, and it. will begin1 promptly at 8 o'clock. The group. Will have as its guests.for the evening the *tembers of this year~s gradtuat!i>g--dIass and their parents. The speaker is to be someone f romll thie Chicago Motor club. The musical progra n wil be given by the High- crest CoitMmunityV orchestra and by ýMrs. Arthur SchWall, who wvil give a har- imonica solo. Mrs. Adeline Schaefer * xiII le ini charge. of the social hour that \%-III follow the business session. The meeting w~ill be field ini the schoolý audfitorium... Ail Children. STU RAI SSPARKLilNG TABLE WATER. Jj~ W I OUR MEALS Aise.,> u1.1 lme.1 GI1NGER'ALES AND, Ne extra charge for delivered ehhes»m. dey.. PHONE: CALumet 4230 nsw YWÇK LOS ANGINES This isthe chance of a lifethue to boy a IDeVry HotiOn Pucture. Camera Projecto r and ýsereen for ouly, This set formerly soId' for $189»O RMANDLEV9S ýFor.nerly Dan.emarleElectrle Ce. Phono Wilmett. 214 - Mem ber lVflmette Ch am ber of Isn 't it ggating WHEN youre about TO play a FIVE spade bid . TO bear the phone rin? NATURALLY, you answer. "THIS is the Cleanum the. for blah." -Better Valies" Tel. UNI. 8998. 1 152 .Cent1ral Ave. WiIm.t. 320-321-78'l iliI -Wilmette, Greenleaf 7441 Membr Wlmete Oamber of Cümm"e SPECIAL OFFER Ciommerce. 1623 ,e., Evanston t