"NOMANS IWILMETTE. AND KENILWORTH Acres of Free Parking Spacel PICCLY. WIGGýLY,.SPECIALIZES in NationaIIyrKnown Merchandise ai onsisefyIwpie Shoppng at Pig-lgly Wîggly YOu . Not Just Another GROCERY STORE but A COMPLETE FOOD MARKET SERVE YOURSELF Take your own timne . help yourself from the open sh.lv.s ptainly mnarked . No on. lo bother or pe rsuade you. SAEMQNEY Notnowan aginbu ai th fme . ..;oujet the benefitf of eèonomhical operation of these stores. *.alil prices the speciaIIy OUR POUICY Our Policy is to carry complote stocks of hgh quality, nationaily known mer"ý' * chandse .a wide variety to suit any purse,. FOLLOWINÇ PRICES EFFECTIVE' TH'URSD A.Y CROCERI ES of known. quaIity PINKý SALMON, Happvale, solidpak 25 3 faîl cans....... ........ .........25 C.OFFEES-Chase &San born, Delmonte29 or Maxýwell House-Pound can.... ....2c TURNSTILE, reâsiteà fresh daily,59 groundta suit,. 3 poun.ds............ RAMLA. SANTOS blend,,ground t.o sui, 3 'pounis .......................... ..4 c KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES,27 3 packages......... ................27 GRAPE NUT FLAKES, a new. breake asf lO food, package............ ........... 1O -FRID A Y VAN CAMP'S MILK,19 4 taII cens............. .......... 19 GAUZE TOILET TISSUE, 4 large rilis............. ...... 19 CIGARETTES-Lucky Sf rikes, Camels, Ches+erfielcls, OIc1 GoIcs-carfon .....L.2 -CANADA DRY. Gnger Ai,, A baffle... ..... .... 14'c Dozen . ...... . . 0 Large size baffle.... .............. 2 3c Dozen...................... $2.35 QUALITY MEATS PORK LOIN ROASI, whole or ha"f, per pound I........... I2 ~c S SAIT URDAY VEAI. ROAST, boneless, 8 Pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . HAMS, natfona.lIy advertised brands, I-c whole or haif, -Pound ...... 2 PORK CHOPS, center. cut.1,c BROLESfresh killed, milk-fed. 7 Pound .................... .CENTER SLUCES, HAM,2 c Pound................ 5 SIRLOIN STEAK, fonder, juicy, Pound . ..................... 30 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES "Help' C REAT- LA KES Yourself Fro4n cICL".Y a Smiling Sheif" WIcCL Y CO MPANY "NO MAN'S Li