Bm'awm Bread PRIDAT -VRESH PITT.D. CHRRY PIE: Btter phone now and have utS ave-one27 for you ...... ... SATURDAT CHROCOLATE LAYER CAKES A anowy white, ofuy cake iced, wth old fashatoned 3 c bitter chocolate ..... ... ... MONDÂT COOKIE, DAY FUI the cookie -jar with butter cookies at, p oundý .................. ................ Free Delivery on 50e Orders from Either Store TEEWiLON DKI WILMETTE 1162 Wilmette Ave. Phone WiLmutm 414 KENILWORTH 406 Green Bay Rd. Ph..e, KRNILWOItTH 4M7 Member 'Wimette Cham&ber of Commerce WitI, Our New SWIMMINO ACCESSORIES Swinminng Caps - Tubes - Boli Beach Balis-Waterwiaigs-Ear. Stops .Beware of Sunhurn-Use be as follows: Concert Overture ln B Mînlior....... .. . ..*.. . . ....Jas. H. Rogers Three Chorale Preludes .... J. S. Bach a-O Lamb of God b-Hark! a Voice Saith l'Ail are Mortal" C-In Thee is Gladness Fugue ln Ù'Minor *. (thie lesser).... .. .... ..... J. S8. Bach, Dance 'Macabre,............ SaInt-Saens. (Arranged for two performers by *Clarence Dickinson and Charlotte Lockwood) The Offerlng Offertory 1Prayer. Rev. David R. Kabele Praeludlu'n..... -.... ...Jairnefeit-Nevin Allegretto............ Alex. Guilmant: Symphony Il (Three niovenlients)... Chas. M. Widor a-Pastorale' b--Anda nte. c--Finale MILK FUND. BENEFIT A tre,,sure hunt *for the benefit of the MiIk f und of the.United Charities, of Evanston. is to be held Saturday eveing,, june 11. The, hunt which -%vill assemhle, at 7 :30 o'clock, in ,front of the Evanston Country club, is open to any- one interested. Hostesses for the affair are Mrs. J. Horton eafl, 111, Mrs.Tim 40wry. Mrs. John Foy, Mrs. Horatio Rogers. and M.\rs. James \V. arrett, jr. NIr. and M.\rs. Williain C. Peterson, who have been residing with the lat- ter's parents, 11r. and M.\rs. John Epp, '719 Locust road , xnoved. last week to Evanston. Thev are living on Asbury :avenue. new. 7T'S revolutionary! é% revolutionary improvemnent over other machinele's, permanenit -Waves. No chemical van.touch the hair. To introduce Kemi-thermi waves- we are aflording the spc-' cial price for a limited time of ........$10 Kemi-Terin Waves are; pupils will receive . i grade àt that Dorothy Borre is valedictorian of the class, and John Schaefgen is sa- lutatorian. The graduation program- will i clude.a three-act play, 'ýCamnouflage," a ballooni dance by of girls and a tableau, "On Life's Tempestu- ous' Sea." The diplomas ýWill be pre- sented to, thegraduates by the Rev. j. A., Neumrnn, pastor of, St. joseph%. church.. List Graduates Those who will, recei ve diplornas are:? Dino Bartoli, Anthony Becker, Raiph Borre, Anthony Biagi, Frank Braun i, Anthony Busscher, William. Kroschel, Donald Lynch, Pe ter Pelt.-,, joseph, Pinkowski,. Henry Puet7 * Frank, Pietroski, Edgar Goelz, Ed- ward. Hajduk, -. Gilbert Hoffman. James Kraft, H4oward Hoffmnan,,Rolb- ert Kr.oschel, John. Schaef gen, . Ralph Schneider, Charles, Stephens, Roland Schneider, Edward ThIalmiani, Jaines Zeutschel, Mabel Awe, Margaret Backstrom, Agnes Bauer, Mary Jaite Birong, Dorothy Borre, Lucil.le Kraus!e, Elizabeth- Borre, Margaret Krousch,, Ruth tichter, ..Kathleen ÀMick, Virginia Monitonara, Çertrude Pape, Josephine Costo, Frances Demn- lein,. Lillian Falasco, Ann Hoffmaii, Rose Falasco, Loretta Hoffinani, Dor- ,othy Klein, Caroline Peekel, %arga- ret Sc 'hmitz, Anna Seizer. Virginia Tob in, Merle Vogt., Viola \Vceks and, 1Gladys White. Following is the comiplete prograni for the graduation exercises, includ- inig the cast of characters for the play and the naines of girls who, will, také,,part ini the balloon dance.:, Sàlutatorian........John Schaefgen .'Carnoufiage" -, rarnajn three act.,, wihtefolloNwing-cast: Ufch Jacob........Donal1d Lynch Mrs. NMcGeral<l,, bis niece. .Ann .Hofiman %Iildred, Dolly,, Pauline and. Betty, daughters of '.%rs. -MNCQerald-Virginia 'Pobin, JosepIhitie Costo, Annia Seîzer* and Gertrude. Pape Mrs. Important ........Ruth LichteCr Sally, househo.ld. ser-\-ant-MNaryNan Birong Mabel, Dinah. and Frncs plaft Ajiliatud seitA . 5,Se>lor, Mir. Ridge end Lake Ave.. Member W«fmettei Phone Wilmette Chamber of! Commeüoe 167 Wilmete, Avenue Member Weimette Chamber of commerce, RENNEC] Ceatral-WIIm Wilmotte T m.m RISu