Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jun 1932, p. 53

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57 LTNItf ONE 2 AND ONE 4R. FURNISHED apt., 1598 Oak Ave. Attractive rentai. See janitor or E. E. ST ULTS REALT 1YCO. 118Davis St. -Uni. 8080 57LTN3-It,ý PolI ItEN-2 RSKITCIE.NETTE atnd bath. furniehëd., Private .en- tra nce. Gas. light. and. heat furnished. $10 a week. 1006 Fores-t Ave. Ph. -Wiirette 24. ý57L4-ltp FOiR lENT - FUIINISIIED APART- en ,2ý and '3 rjns.. $6 and $7 a tv-ek. 615 Park'Drive. Ph. Kenil- worh 146.57TN4 - it p FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED 2 and 3 roomn modern aptQ. Fine loca- tion in Winnetka. fleasonable. Win- netka 690. 5LN3t< PUJRNISHI> 1 AND 4 ROO.M APTS., convenientiy iocated. Ph. Wlmette 21399 or Wiimette 2427. 57LTN30-tfc Go- FOR RENT-HOU51ES 7 BM I! 1<1 COLONIAL. 4 BnI-1RMS., 2 bt t~~ un WLi i'.andsleeping, jioîY-(h. >cal' gar., wel l andçscàped 9zound". \ erY raonberentaI. Cal WinmIki t0O.601,TN4-ltc ~kkît olf. 466 Adamns, Glencoe. Lakev iew <'(027. ___60,TN4-ltp <ilhu:er,2-ar gar. P-h. Win1n. 6~ 601.,T-N4-1t nier cottages, time to suit. Act now., Wininetka t,17'ër61LT4-lte FOR THIE SUMMNER MONTHS, A. 5 room tiouse, excellent furniture, beau- tifill smrroundlngs, convenilent to traspotaton.Price $50 per month. Refere-nve-ýr recuired. Caîl Wil, 517. 61LTN12-tr, 63 WTD. TO RENT-FURNI., HM.' WANTED - A> FURNISHED HOME fr'rn Angust lst to Sept. lIth. Must have 4 bedrooms and be near Xil- mette beach. Write to Mr. M. E. Recu, 59 E. Van Buren. St., Rm. *2701, Chi- va go, oi~ phone Wabash,5763. 631,4-ltp S$,1ALL FUBNISHED. HOUSE IN Wilnwtte. near beach and elevated station- Best referenices. Must be rea.-onable. Cali Mansfield 9022,eve- nings, 63L,4-ltP 72 FOPR SALE-HOUSES 1043 ELM \1RIDGE DRIVIE GI<ENCOE AJ}TISTIC AND WIELL BUILT 9R 1., he.5 bedr-ms.,' 3 bith--, ,library, open poý.rches, butler's pantry, and breakfatst room. 011 bot water. heat., 2-car aittache.d grage. t.0-ft. site on iiigh' po int on Nor-th Shore with won- BAIRD & WARNER 107l' Shokic Ridge Di. Glencoe 1554 KENIL\VÔ'RTI-J HOM3E ,," 1 A f 61 FOR RENT-FURN. HOUSES I, U Attra;ctiv-e small linî IAIýIE FR NT HOME\,('ast of Ridge Road, ai wih iara Rglt aivery ~ cif of nice hon large grounds. Ideal foi* theWvnthenttoIian H1l1 smmeFr.Other fiurnished hotises ~ Oti ttos $10to $500 j)er m-on th. Qw,%ner liuilt. QUINLAN &>TYSON--. Ilue. QUINLAN & TYý Fouintin Sq., Evanston T ni. 2600 Fotintain Sq. Evanston 1,1.' - NT -FEIIED6go~ VANSTC bsefinr th(- simier mnh. 3 prheaiso, for, rent uinfumn., pleas- 'RCOM.S. -2 BATTS, DISI ant 4 m. patmet, eatd.Wil- and aIttractjiveiy arranl mett 148.. 6LTN4ltc brick colonial 'In beaut __________14.82.. ___________- wood section. 4 liedrm FOll7u. THE UMMilýlE1tATTRACTIVELY fireplace). 2 tule'baths, fiin. 11m. house, close to heacli and pri ced Weill tnder $25,000 transp. $25 pm- pmo. ýPh. Wil. 257m. ate sale. ILandaker-. 1Hc 61LTN44ltc 522 >Davis St. CTR(TIVE 7 RM. HÔUSE, EAST BAIRD & N.T A s1.Winnetka. Ph. WVinnetka 85l. 6ILTN47]tip ik home nd in fine les. Con- or Kenil- bedrooms. SON, ne. Uni. 2600 72LT.N4-1 tc, IINCTIV ELY nged, English' tiful Lincoîn- as., (onel witii matiy -extras, Mfor .iynmedi- ollycourt 1855. ýRNE R 72LTN4-Ite For further Information eall HILL & STONE 54.1 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 1544 74LTN3-tf p 66 FOR RENY-STORES & OFFICES FINE STORE ROOM> 501 ýCHESM1UT st., Winnetka, across street from pub- lic school. Wlnnetka 690. 66LTrN53-tfc 76 SUMMER RESORTS COMPLETELY. FURN. COTTAGE- Lakewood, Mlch., near Mukegon, blk'. frorni lke, fireplace in living rm., 2 bedrmn.., kitchen, dinfing and large. front porches, sereens and.awningsý. Plh. Edgewater 1518. 76LTN4-ltp 86 FORU ALE-HOU8EHOLD OD BEAUTIFUL SET 0F SMINTON CHINA' 120-PC. IN PERFECT CONDITION, preseftntimarket.value $1,500 te $1.800;) can le bought at bargain price. flonita Vista Country Home 1-0I Sheridan Rd.. Highland Park Ph. H. P. 22 «. 86LTN4-ltc T"WC GAS STOVES - LEFT AýND riht covens; white enameled Regets; fine c-ondition. $12.50 each, or both> fi $20. 1,52-4 Washington. 86LTN 4-ltlp WALNIUT BEDROOM SUITE, IVORY heti and chest, other -odd pieces. Phi. (llencoeé 1656. 8LTN4-lte COMPL 31ETl'E SET 0F SÔLID SILVERWTARE C-ON'1SISTING OF 250 PCS.: ALL IN perfect condition. Present value about $2,000;- can bce bouglit at bargain price. Bonita -\Vista Couintry Home 1201 Sheridan Rd., Highlanîd Park Ph. H. P. 22 86LTN4-ltc LAWN 'MOWER IN .GOOD COND. Standard style parrot cage,~ used 1 wveek. Winnetka 3091. -86LTN41ltë FRIGIDAIRE FOR SALE. ONLY IN u s e 2 years. Reasonable. Ph. Glencoe 1338. 86LT14-tp ne FOR BSL-MIU CELILANEOUS BOY'S AND GIR'S -RANGER BI- cycle. Like ýnew. Reasona«ble. Phone Glencoe 323. 88L4-ltp iawn rnower. portable electric sewing machine, vacuum sweeper. nmuet be in good condition and cbeap. 1527 Washington. 87111N4-tp se. WANTED TO uUY--rmEc.. A. MARTIN BUYS ALL KINDS 0F MEN'S'USED clothing and shoes, aliso ail kindse of f urs.. Phone Uni. 0347. 89LTN4-ltp * STEAK FRY TONIGHT' Menibers ofthe North ShoreAlum- nae ý chapter of the% National Collée of Education will be the guests of Mrs. Fred Porter of Ravinia 1'hursday eve- nîing, juxie 2, for a steak fry -in, her lovely %voodland gardeîî at 5 :30 o'clock. Mrs. Walter* Clark Roberts,- president of the chapter, will preside at a short business meeting f ollowing the supper. Officers for. the coming year will be elected. Mrs. E. G.' Kaupet . f Ev- anston and 'Mrs. R. H. Schmfidt ýof. Chicago have been receivinig reserva- tiofis for 'the supper as well as for transportation. Cars* are to leave the college at 5o'iclock. SEE AUTO RACE .lmer Awe, 1030,,Illinois road, Glenn Stowel, 625 Tenth.street, and Arthur Bieirsdorf of Evatiston niotored to In- dianapolis last Sunday for the five- hundred-mile auto race, which, topIk place on Memorial day. The boys miade the trip each wvay in five hoùrs. TH E G aLD 'AuRe LEI CHAS. L BLAKE Ce 5608, N. Western Ave., Chicgo, Opposite Rahl-etmAve. ent rice Tel. Longbeach 1161. Free booklet., Alsoe opp. Oakwoode & Mt. Hope ent. Loop office: 228 N. La Salle St. Plume Your Classified Ad Be fore WJLMETTE TTE 43,00 * .FOR MORE THAN 20 YEARS THE HOME PAPER 0F THE COMMUNITY" Mu I I 0 1

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