Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jun 1932, p. 49

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wilich probably speakq as well for the course as anything that migbt be said. Ehnga-te, f ormerly a private club * (knnown as Glen Acres) is Io 'cated on *Siiermier avenue, just south of Glen- view. road west of Glenview. Now a -dailv feè course Wherc you, wilI find ail the facilities of, -a private club! 1f rs. C. B. Cook' o f Winnietka is cooperating with Cleo Campbell, Who ils, in' charge, of play, in, arranging a wvomen's golfing club, to represent Elm- gate in future matches with the various nor th shore clubs. 'rhey will ail be, h'andicap matches in classes of A, B? At the prcsent time about, fifty wo1- cl plaît1 to ýattend the luncheon ýmeet- ing at the club 'rhursday of this week to elect, Officers and- mak 1e plans for thle sulmmer,, andý an invitation is ex-, tend<ed to al! womnen of -the north shore who play golf and. who are desirous of, 1)1lavýirlg witli this group .that they com- inllicate wiîth Mrs. Cook or with Lvir. Canipbell at the club. Mr. DeMfet, the Chicago candy king, là,t wekedpiayed 36 hioles at Elm- gate. After his play he had mnany :ncc things to sayabout the course and stirrouiid1nggs in àeneral. TECHNY FIELOS 'I'eciinv' Fields still runis truc tu toi 1ni the greens, the fairuavs anîd thc roughi werc *specialiy trimmed for thel loda and. miaiy players showcd tîxeir appreciatioin hy playing the, coutrse ail thrce days of the holidays; Nve also made a lot of nie\ f riends. * Mem-orial day is the starting day for thousanids of golfers aiid a large numn-, ber of this class who inale 'rcchay Field., their Hoine course were ainong tho:îe presýent ýon .Monday last. JiIîDe Forrest, who last week won the British Amaýt'eur, chamnpionship in wlich mianv wvell knoWn Americans. took part, traveled with the American prn )essionals on1 tlîeir 'inter .Circuit t)urnaments through, Cali forîxia, Texas, -ind Florida (turing the %vinter of 1930. Thuis expeýrienice and the informatioin. that wvas imparted to *him bY sone o ()nr best professionals allowved irin to Iargest crowds of the ,season and many compliments werié paid the management on the wonderful con- dition of the course as a whole: Northbrook is unusually well suited for tournainent play. 36 O iL1S OF CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF REDUCED RATES WEEKDAYS-AII Dayi $1. 18 HoIes, 75c. After 5 P. M, 50c SATURDAY A. M., 7$c-Mfternoons $1.25. Afte5 P. M., j5. SUN. & HOL.-,Morning, $*1.0. ternýoos, $1.25, After 5 P.M., 75. PHONE GLENVIEW 292 oàr 173, FOR RESERVAtIONS ¶ed3 SUNDbAY, MORNING GOLF, TWILIGHT GOLF AT REDUCED RATES GoIf in idéal surroutudeotgt e4iriy îF Pds Teeliny Ffride offers every possible aecommodation contrlbutlmg teo your Pleasuire and comfort .. the perfect golf eour.o déslgne< exprestly for You and your frienils. 8pecia.1 accommodatio>uifor iwomen Waukegatn & Wlo Roads Delightful meats Teléphoce Northbrook, 190 INORTHBROOK GOLF CLUB ~>' Formerly UNI VERSITY- CLUB Dundee Rd.. Wecek Day- 75c Sat. P. M. $125 Sundays $1.50 Phone-Northbrook 182 Reservations-Lockrs..Free 1-4 miles W. Waukegan Rd. BUy MOONSIHINE or SUNSHINE MID-DAY or MIDNIGHRT GÇOLF 50 Whenyou can "PLACE" your Ih on Shots, you will play "NEAR PAR" golf anywhere. Do you know you can follow your bail better at night than in daylight? TRY IT AT Mon. to Sat . Noon, 75c. Sun. A.M., $!.- Ladies! Play Free Golf at Glencoe on Tuesdays PHONE GLENCOE 981 ... No Charge for Reservatjonu i over the country and plays .any nutuber of courses, complimented Mr. Nilssotn, who is in charge of play, on thie won- derfuùl condition and Iayout of the course. He said ýthat neyer in his travels had'be ever playeci a bçtter f ee course thane Pickwnck. The plan off ered sorne weeks ago for men and women who play a l1ot of gÉolf to sign theircards each time tbey, play, has attfracted quite a numbe of golfers. After a certain nutnber of rounds have been played, a .card is issued for f ree golf for the remainder of the season. Cûmplete information may,be had from the starter.: Joe Roseman, golfarchitect and man-' ager of the club, is spending consid- erable turne at E~ast St. Louis super- visinig. the, construction of. a Paàrk board cotir'se there. Mr,ý Rosenan was the architect* of this new course. Teeare two 18-hole courses at ~Pik\vick. The~ North course lias a yardage of 6,710. Par is 72. The South course is 6*,59ý5 yards and par is 71. GLENCOE The holiday play at Glencoe over the holidays was a true mid-season crowd. Depression golf prices and a course that is far superior to the average in the area is the reason. In addition to the superior quality of golf offered at Glencoe, its spon- sors boas.t of having one of the hust %vonAien gotersiV. L le wning room,- serving excellent mneals and luncheons, is open to the public every day. With the exceptional clubhouse and facilities, Glcncoe is a "niatural" for tournament play. Thetotal yardage of the Glencoe course is 6,574. Par for the course is 36-36-72. Every hole bas the length memtioned on the card.' Some' few weeks ago, jini Gourlay, the pro, offered a reduced rate on instructioýns. It lias proved itsélf very round of golf.' The -sh-otto t-h'e piniis the niost important in the gaine. To hit the green and to stick there, tô get as near as possible to the .holc. These are the things which give a man 1a score. that he is, not ashained to take homle and talk about.

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