Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jun 1932, p. 23

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iitee îin charge -of arrangements. As in otber years, tbe vacation chntrch schools will be openx for fo ur weeks. tbe officiai terni tbis summnee leiiig fromi Junie 20 to july 15. >Tii.s is the eighth year ini which. the chtiî-ches .participating in the project have sponsored tbe scbools and a proportional grovvth is expected. Begun ini 1925,.'the scbools bave showvn a stead%, increase i attend- anice since. During the, period froni 1926 to 1931 tIhe li.crease, bas bten froîi 148 pupils in the earlier year to 636 pupils Iast year. Almonst a score of churches bave given ,fiianicial support.. andrnany others have sent pupils Ito the scbhools. Five Meeing Placefs Ti.su Mner tbere Wil be five meeting places for the pupilsý.al but onie of which have been deterrnined. Thev are Hemenway Metbodist Epis- copal cburch, Oakton public 'school. Morthrninster IPresbyterian church. ai d Covenant Metbodist- Episceopalt church. Tbe Iast ýtbiee liave heeîx tiseil M 'past vears. The pupils ývil attenid school each morning from 9 to I :30,o'clock, except Saturdav and Clildreti'fr-orn4 to 12 vears of age are eligible to attend, at no cost to their parents. There. is., however. ail offering received I¶Meek1v for the ex- I)eNs ofthe îschool. A iacultv of leading religious edut- atc rs iîs enigaged each yéar and -wil .be atmounice( later by Mý,rs. Frank 'M. MICKihb1enl. cit.v supervisor. of tOie scII<)ils of this. suminier. Nfr.,. McKibben, an vntna. wa- citv suipervîsor for the vacationI chtirch Schools of 1931. Shielhas been suerisrof chiildren's work. in1 c!,urcli schiools of Baltimnore. Pitts-, ltirgli a('South Bend. She is an accreditedl teacher in the Interna- tioiîal Training, school. Professor MeKbl>n.her husband. is 'head oi tlhe lraduate work in the. departmnet of religions education at Nortlhwest- erii universitv. Diiring the past wvinter 34,S. ',leKibbei was one of the lead- ers in the Evaniston Fellowslip ofý Chiristian Education and is a teacher in ftie church :school. at the First Meiodist Epîscopal chuÉch of lEvaiis- ton.J Throi#gh I1TO AAK by Ralau River Steaumer Wlafer Garland1 Roberts. 449 Ida place, Glencoe., is one of six cadets zi-ho zill beinitiated, jte Cii Laude, national scholasticsociety. JItn('7 ai Culver Military academny. Cadet Roberts, hwb ' i1l receive bis dipfloma June 8, was eligible for meni- bershiip i Cuii 1Lande at the end' of last semiester. but at his request bis initiationwas to be deferred until the June. initiation wben bis parents would bit able to attend. Roberts bas re- ceived the Silver and GoId A awardsý for high. senester averages several times. He is a member of the varsity crew at Culver, and holds the raîk of 2tid lieutenant lu the Cadet corps. Miss Virginia Bidwell of 1021 G-'reenileaf avenue spent the past week-end and holidav at ber bomne î;i St. Lo0uis. Mo. prirnary anxd beginners.. and include devotio'nal mnusic, religious art, draniatization, supervised recreation, Bible Ostories, and otber subjects around such themes as nature study and world friendship. Because the m nethod was found to be advantageous last year. regi stra- tion for. the schools will, be beld on june 12. the second Sunday prior to their opening. Parents wisbing to register their cbildren now may do Evenings, 64 Take the Yukcon River Circle Tour of Alaska ehis .Sunimer.* lno the Interior via The Alaska, Rairoad- whcre you'l seS grandeur of stag- gerig dimensios-glaciers-liow. ers framed by mountains of snow; mighty cacaracts; lakes 0< ineffble- Youll takre a 'comfortable river steamer Into the weird, wild beaney of litle-known Alaska. You'il sail the fanious Yuikon, and visit Mt. McKinley National: Park. Youll peu ehrough .«Five viager, Rapidsob a ebfll to be known juac once ini alifecme. coings ad returning, you'lSai the f&mous Inside Passage of the Alaska Coseviewithng e.VaU ming 09pin- orama of the wildest and lovefies coastlie in the world. Send for descriptive, map-foldergv. h'~Inftmalonof the Yu~kon Rivt Circle Tour and several laceti or Misa rPS. The u. S. » a #of uthe Insenri ,&LASKA, RÂILROAI) _____ (Mt. McKinley Parke Route>)1 CC.. O&Cu>uma1 -Pa -EVANSTON On Davis Street Wilmeft, 1100 OAK H4LI-1 OuIy Done WhiIe You Wait or med Free to Your Home! W'uebol's Bosejset-Mvustos 4AAQ qy-r-ffl '

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