Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jun 1932, p. 11

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special hônors from their respective each--senior- group--may 'spenid theé schools. Volney (Bi) Wilson, cap- nigbt in an attractive lodge in the tain of the Northwestern swining11 woods'tast vear thèse trips brouglit teani, bas chàrge of the class for real enjoyment to the children and boys from 8 to 14 years, together thev found lots of 'fun ini prepariîig withi Wheeler Tracy, wbo is also a their own meals. to say nothing of Ameinber of the teani. . Mr. Wilson the hour before bed time whe n thev bas been, awarded the' coniference sat h-efore the huge fireplace to roast medal given each year to the senior marshnîalloms anid:teli stories. student showing 'the most proficiency 'The five years' acti .vitie s and sic- in scholarship and: athle.tics.' Last cess 'of the Outdoor Recreation school vear lie-,was the Big Ten 100-yard hrings assurance to parents of the. champion. co"tec f the directoir and other Marcia lundgren, director of'class- insutri semhszd aey e~ or hilre~fro 3 o 8yeas. S frst is the %vatch word of the school. î6w teaching at the Baptist churcli Those whlo lhave charge of the-swim- kindergarten ini Evanston. She wvas ing i instruction are, experienced one of tw.o delegates selected fronm teachers-and memibers of the Amneri- the National Collège of Editcation to cati Red Cross Life Savingsrie represent the school at the NationaIl Kindergarteni convention held thisq vear at Washington, D. 'C. Sheý is a graduate of the National College of Education and this year is 5tudving, for lier degree. Another membher of the 'staff 'is Kathenine Dujncan Ganiron, experi.- eniccd teacher and athiete. who hias charge-of the class for girls fr ni 9 to 14 vears. Mriss Shapker is the general super- vison of al classes and instructs inaily in s swixnniing and physical (le- veopent., Other conipetenitinstruc- tors Wvil be added as eîîrollmuent deînands necessitate, it ii ex!laiiie< The Outdoor Recrecation school 1ks Cars Coulde and Snap Off Street, Light Pole Cars driven, by L. Deligiannes, 22 years old, 424, Lake avenue, and Wil- liam Sch loesser, 39 vears old, Lake avenue an d Wagner roa:d, collided i'uesdav everiin~g about )'20 o'ciock at the intersection of Greenleaf ave- nue and Fifth street. Neither driver ,was hurt. 1A-ccording to, the report of Chief 1Brautigaru and Capt. Albert Borre of the WVilm ette Po lice department. D)eli-' giannes. who was going north on Fifth street,' skidded about forty feet and struck Schloesser's car. tipping it over,. Deligiannes' *machine, t h e n Mrs. Maine, been mi sister,b by a SEMI-*AN'NUAL .Coats - Dresses ALL SIZES--ONE VEAR TO TH-E JUNIOR MISS An Opporfrunfy to Obtain the Highest QuaIity Bl, w 1e resent Wholesae.Cos+ la Je unesse hic. JUNIORS' AND GIRLS' WEAR' W;irneff WiL.METTrE 312 1,16eWLMETTE AVE., .1 White Flaunels, and Panamas It's timé. now to send us your summer. flannels -and last seaw son's panama. YOU'11 be agreeablysurprised when you sec how immaculate and fresh Our cleaning process makes ail flannels, gnd when we finish cleaning andi block- Now, Enkjoy the Water wath Our New Swimm , g Accessories Swiming Caps;-Tubes-ýBelts Beach Bals-Ear Stops-Water Wings For SUNBURN tay McKesson's Burntone Ointment or Sunburn Lütion I152 Central Ave., Wilmetfe 320-321-78L WiIméffe Greenleaf 7441 Member Wilmette Cltamber.o! Commer ce 1 qlp~itaea.,witsuap P I-i Ridge and Lake Aveu. C.--J. B. Su.YIr, Mgr. PhoneoNWiImUo t319 I Nembr WUlmtte Chambr of Commerce e

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