Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 May 1932, p. 7

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Thie attention of-taxpayers ini New Trier township is called to the per- sonal property assessment for the year 1931, which is now being made. 1keorganization .of the assessiÎng of- fices of the county, under recent amendments to the Revenlue Act, hiaý mnade' it necessary for, J. L. Jacobs, !lthe. county assessor, to develop def- mite procedures to: complete, correst and supplement the incomplete assessme rt for 1931. To Ithis anhd theý personal property schedule for 1.931., replacing the former 1931 'schedule, lias be'en drawn up with detailed in- structions, for filling out and 'returui- îing. à is expilained. The sehedules for New. Trier township will be mailed in unsealed envelopes, carrying one cent postage *andl taxpayers are cautioned -iot, to, consigil thé schedule to the waste paper basket, under the impression that. it is, simply another advertise- mient. Returu to Asslessor 'l'lie scheduie, .thtus sen~t ou.t, nusti Ihe returned ta the township assessor,1 at lis office, 1159 Wilmette avenue,4 W'ilixiette, L. within ten days after receipt. The schedule must be fi lied out and, .sworn -to ,either before 'a , * notary publicor brought to the of- fice cf the towvnship assessor, at thei *aIbove address, and. signed and sworii ,to there. *Notations "sanie as. last ,ear," and - all persoîial propèrty," will flot be accepted. and the words, "No A\sses- iimett" >will niot be cndorsed after any taxI)aver's liame. New Trier schedules *ShIould .be filed with the townisip assessor and1 iot at the county a ssess-! or% office. - Ten-Day Filing Timne 1f s-c .lîedules a-re--iot- returned %vith- ii iten davs- after reccipt, aý notice %ilbe sent *ta. the taxpayer, intlorii-. xng, imi 'that his ..personal property lias bcen es-tiniaàte(I it a certaini value;i With a penalty of fifty (50%1ý), per cent added-tiiercto.,and tiat, his per.sonal. !)roperty assessmnent -,vill be that total, u-nless: a proper return is made on the *scliedule or cause shown within five (5) days wxhy this should niot be donte. lui order to show cause, it wiIl Ibe necessary that taxpayers appear per- to, or fails to niake note that the tax- payer refused to sigui and swear to such schedule, the assessor shàll suf- fer a fine of tiot less than one bun- dred ($100) dollars, nor more than five :thousand ($5,000) dollars. The -values shall bc on a basis of [full, fair, cash value, which will bc equalized ini the office of the county assessor oit the same basis as the, etjualization of real . estate.. OMfce i4 Wilmette The office of -the township assessor for -New Trier township is located on the secondý floor of the Brown build- ing, 1159 Wilmette avenue,, Wilmette, III., andithere wiIl bc some one there. during business hours from,8 A. M. toS~:30 P. M., .every day except Satu r- day and Sunday. On Saturday the office will close at .1 P. M. No schedules will be received at the- liomre of the assessor.* This office will be in operation until the lSth day of Junie, A. D. 1932, at which tiine the r.etuned ,and .estima.ted schedule.s wilI be filed in the office of the couinty assessor. GRADLJATING FRQM'WILLIAMS, Amonlg the. north shore boys grad- nating f rom Williams college this sea- son a're WVilliam C. Fowle, David Sinmpson Srnid, and 'Mark W. Cresap, f ron Xinnletka, and Julian C. Smiith, ýJr. of XVilmiette. FLOWERS Sfor Memorial Day Potted Plants-buodding i O or partly in bloom-also > Annuals and Perennials r read y now -al iow priced.. 333 Ridge Rd. Wilirette 757 f We Defiver STRAWDEDRy PME Extra c Roasted fil our own kitchens, lb... .. . ..................... ...... MILK CHOCOLATEZ CAKE Don't miss this one, èac ........... > ......... .... ... 3 9 e Pupre, freish ingredients put.toiethoe skillfully, 4 '/ Pt . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . Closed Mondruy ini memory of bUr tolder.,dmd TinWILsoN DKE WILMETTE 1162 Wilmette Ave. Phone WILmRTi 414 KENILWORTH 406 Green Bay Rd. Phone IKIINILwoSTH 4775 MXember 'WilMette Chamber 01 Commerce SPECI'AL Dr. West 25c -MiIk of Magnesia Tooth Paste,> Dr. West 50e Tooth Brush..,... Bath for 490l l'or Your Week»End Sports Golf BailIs - Tennis Balls and IRackets Basebali Gloves and Bails - Indpor Balls *very "HeIp Yoursolf From a Smiling Sheif" IRidge and Lakte Aves. Phone WiImeft 316 I Mber Wilmette Chamber of Cmec Pleaty of, room le Park your -car thon

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