IWIL 420-1-2-3.-kS~ EVE.Y DAY I FRUITS and VEOTý.. Swoet Cherries, Largo and luscions, 14L.... Grapefruit, full of jc., 3 for.; 29c Oranges, solocted fo C Waee., 3 do .... 9 selected, 3 for Asparagubi' fancy Illli.29 niois, Ige. Lunches, 2Zfor New Potatoos, smooth and dcean, peck ....4 9 Carrots or Boots, buwuhes ...5.... Green Beans, young 1 and stringloss, 2 qts. Spinach, crisp, 1 gardon (eh, peck 2 C Radishos or Green OC Ornions, 3 Lunches i~ MEATS. aad,,15He Chilckens, for roasting i or trying, lb . ..C. Pork Reaut, IronsU Young. porkors, IL. bC Cold Moats, chokce assortmont, lb ..... Roust Beef, selected25 ib resut, 14..... 5 Pot Rostp, native iS Bacon, hickory smolcod, aliced, 2 Ib .....>45C. White Fish, fresh caulglt, lb. Trout, Lakte Supeiiov, Halibut, guarateed, choico, lb . ...... 2 1 Pe rch Fillots, fresh, l........... 29 Salm~on, fancy, fre.hI 3 u ' SPECIALS FOR ALL WEEK, c. & n. was, na-1 Disabled, In civil if e General Clinnin has Iserved in outstanding capaciies includ- Iing the office of chief deputy recorder of Cook. county *. assistant corporation counsel, City of Chicago; and first, as-* sistant U., S. district attorney. He is now chairman.of the Illinois State Ath-' letie commission. St. Francis Musice Pupils> Give Year-End Recitals The mnusic pupils of the St. Francis- Xavier school>gave their year-end re- citais, Thursday and Sunday, after-, inoons. in.the auditorium of the school. The Sehôoo orchestra, consis ting of tienit chldren, opened the pro- gram with two familiarseélections. The1 crcliestra lias played for vlarious- f unc- tions during the year. These youth- fui artists will appear for the last-time« this terni at a -pay to bc given May 26. Tlhe music pupils are looking f or- wvard (o the final examinations in mnusic. w-hich \viil take place thie first xveek n J unie. SPOKE HOSTESS MNrs. Robert 0. SmalI, 203 Seven- teenth street, enitertained Spoke Seven of the Presbvterian chutrchi at the Spoke's regular sewing iieetiing, Tuiesdav aiternoon. Colle The combined boys' gice clubs, one f rom the Howard school -and thec other from Stolp, have a membership of one hundred. There are 130 girls in the combined girls' gîce clubs of the tv&o schools. Pupils Ini both the boys' and girl1s' glee clubs are in the seventh and eighth grades. The, or- ganizations are under thie direction of Mrs. Agnes Clark. Thirty pupils are.,mnembers of the school orchestra, which. is_ under tilt direction of l Mrs. 'Catherîine Graii-, quist .Wýagner. Tliey corne fromthie fifth, sixth, seventh 'and eighth grades. In making the announ1cemient -a boult the annual concert Miss Dorothy M.\c-. Kay, supervisor of m1usicJii the \Vii- mette schools, said that siîice the: George \vashînigton Bicentennîal -is being celebrated this ye.ar (tie entîre programi for thé concert wilI bc coin- posed, of'American mus-ic.. h twIi]in- clude, the Nvorks ,of modern comjposers as %velI as that of coniposers oi, an earlier period. 'Initerpretations' ( Indian and Negro niumbl-ers, as xell as religious and secuilar \Nork, xmvil feature the prograni., Th'le combiined boys« and girls" gie Clubs. witli 230. voices, will sing tNvo numbers, "-Deep )River," 'b3 Burleigli, and -The Lord Is -NI-,Shle'Pherd.' l,)y '[lie orchestra %N"111 teature som ùi< (ie tunes, including "'tirkeNviIllHe Straw- and -"The lrisli \Va>sher \<î an.- The complete program iorr Hie concert xvi l e annoul 1ice(linu next wvLek's issue of \ViLmE'rT-1ý IFE. FLOUR, Gold Modal 24% lb. haff.....69 BUTTER. Meadlow Gold Country,RIP4 23c (Bremners)i pkg. J7 BLUE RIBRON 2 e, MAYONNAISE, 3% Pt (Including 3% lb. Chiteau Cheese FREE) EGGS, StructlY fresh, ail white, 2 doz... 39ic Every M.mth ... Buying your f ood sup- plies in, larger quantities will sv you a, minimum of 25% on every dollar... w ITH Ghic i t ia t riol 1151 v Phone Av. e 214 Member, Wlmett, Chamber of -commerce. Dr. Oscar B. Yeatman Taken by Death Sunday. Dr. Oscar B. Yeatmian.'- 521 1. ak C avenue. Wilrnette,'a dentist wïth vi- ficus at 708 Church st reet. E~vans t. î died Sunday at th e E\vanston hs1I)Iil of complications thlat *set. in folioNviîg. the remo 'val of a chicken.bone whii iodged in lis throat two week-s ago ;at a- banquet at the P ark rie Couintrv club). Two operations wvere perfornied, onie for the remnoval of the bouc iand a second for an infection which sùt in after the first operation. It was the Infection whichi caused Dr. 'ý cal- nii A én. 4 Two hui'dred zema and otil to try Erleksoi remedy on a Central.* Wl'. iue Avep. ms-ms atm ir;i