Rtte-16 cents a line in one paper. 25 cents a lie In ajy two papers. a es 0 cets aline. tail tbree papem raJ CAGI N I»OLLAE. ÀAvrag e of ive words to the line. No >black face type use4d. 16% d4smaea ll asU .sbwith order sdvertisements wben brongbtte6ou eMee at UIM Central Ave., Wiluiette, or 641 Limol Av*, Wiametka. Déadline for Inserio aub'?dadverulsementm will be&c W11JETT LIFE or ail three papers; Wednesday 9 P.- M. for' W1NNE11lCA TALIC and Thursday 56 P., M. for GLENCOB -NEWS. ThWepbonem: Wllmette 4300, Wlnnetka, 2000. Greenleat 4300; or Sheîdrake 5887. 2 Le«T AND FOUND DOGS - FOUND - AIREDALE, BLACIC and white, maIe;. police dog,- gray, maie; .mongrel, white and 'brown, * male. KENILWORTH POLICÉ. DEPT. 2LtN3-ite LOST - IN WINNETKA OR HUBý- bard Woods: Saturday, 'May 21- diamond pin contalning many smail diamonds. Reward for return. Wabash 1941., 2LTN3-ltc * STOLEN FROM ARMS, 221 WOOD- bine Ave., Saturday atternoon, be- tween 2 a nd' 5:30, mans brown and White new Ranger bike. Reward. Tel. WiInete 3583. 1. 2L3-It LOST - BLACK COCKER SPANIEL, feniale, answers te, name "IDina.' Phone Glencoe 50. Reward. ______________2LTN3-ltc LOST-TAN LAPIN JACKET IN.;WIL- mette Sunday. fleward. Ph. Wil- mette 2880. ' 2LTN3-ltc n uSIEw»SER8*VICE FOR YOIJR NEXT. BRIDGE CLUB serve Angel Food, delicious creamy double ling, large ise $1.00, Sunshhne cake, 70c. Ph. Wilmette 3407. 9LTN46-tte WIIJ. MAK NENW DRESSES IN4 order to keep jny work room busy dîlng depresmion. Claire Modiste, Whnnetlca 147. liLTN41-tfc le INSR UCTION Young Promninent Artist NOW FORMING LIFE CLASSES. FOR beginners and advanced students in bis. exclusive studios. Cal for In- formation, Delaware 8.924, or write 25 E. C'edar St., hicago. 15-LTN3-Itc la LAUNDRY LAUNDRY TO TAKE I*ÔME,CALL for and deliver. Good,,ref. Wet, rough dry or linisbed. Wllmette 4288. write: Herm, III, R. R. i. POIt SALE-I -wlr.baired te months old.1 FOR SALE -BOSTON TE-RRIER, maie, 8 montha. Well-.marked, pedi- greed.. Ph. Wihniette 1545 or wri te B-ý 52. box 40, Wilmette, . 2-1t CHOW PUPPIES, Pedigreed. Price very reasonable. 372 Jackson Ave. Giencoe 1472, 26L,3-ltp 38 LOANS $55.000 IST MTG-E. ON WINNETKA residence.. RePutable makers; re-. epensible lndorser; ample security. 'Offered at.discount to yield 8%. This is an. A-1 proposition ini every resp~ect. Phone Gre. 4573. 38LTN3-lte 41- SITUATRON WANTED-PEMALIm DOMESTIC HELP No charge to employer. Efficient service fer the N. S. homes.' We investigate references. SPECIAL NURSE DEPARTMENT Pauline's Emp. Agencies 5S Suburban Offices 522 Center St. Winnetka 2662-3017 41LTN53-tfe WHITE GIRL WISHIES POSITION AS practical nurse for Invalid or chil- dren. Willing to do sorne housework. N. S. ref, Phi. Wilniette 2764. 41LTN3-ltp 2 EXPER. GERMAN GIRLS WANT work by day or heur, washing, iron- in,-, cleanifng, serving, sewing, takin.g care of children. Winnetka 1921. 41LTN3-ltp YOUNGý GIRLý WOULD LIKE TO take careý of children or act. as ilother's helper, by.the,.day or hour, Ph. Wlmette 2623. 41LT3-1.tc GERMAN GIRL WANTS POSITI-ON,ý day or heur work.. Ho6use work, clean- .ing, care of ehildren. Winnetka '1218. 41LýT3-ltp EXPER. LAUNDRESS WANTS, DAY wvork Monday and Tuda each week. N. S. ref. Glencoe 1i2 v~. r~v gworic Or work by th iTN-lt Iatter 7 P. m. Gre. K~ e'%"ry TLus- îrth 2804. ;T CLSS GADEN 4ZLTNA3-t Tr JadSoseGaRnE R, -onCHAUF- >r, anhuiemen. Phyr. Won N4619. ire. Ow unifor. ?h. i469 CHAU FFEUR, C OLORED. CMIA tdon M an, 20 yrs. OeafeipilY. Northý Shore rets.. Theodore Ragan. Phone Oakland1 3142. 42LTN3-ltp EXPER. MAN WANTS LAWN WORK, wlndow washing,' and odd jobs. A-i North Shore ref. Cali WiMnette 2088, ask. for Johin. 42LTN3-ltp WANTED--GARDEN WORK OR ODD jobs about the house. Ph. Glencoe 314, ask for Bert Corso.. 42LTN3-ltp EXPER. GERMAN WANTS WORK cutting lawns'or werking areund the house. Winnetka 2794. 42LTN3-ltp EXPER. GARDENER WANTS WORK by the heur or day. N. S. ref. Cal Wlmette 3073., 42LTN3-ltp EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR AN yard ruan,, good refer. Ph. Kenwood 7664. 42Lý3-ltp NIOTHER AND SON SEEK POSITON wJth free rent and salary, man as chauffeur, caretaker and houseinan, woman full or part'time, serv. as mnaid or laundress. Write B-54, Box 40, Wllmette, III. 43LTN3-îtp1 CHAUFFEUR, HOUSEMAN, GAR- detier, separately or wlth *Ife, as. maid or care for eilidren. Egxperi1- enced. Good rets. Age 35.* Petersen. Phone Davis 7518. 43LTN3-ltpý EXPER. SCOTCH COUPLE; HUSg-. band chauffeur, butler and garden er. Wife, general housework. Good N. ýS. Ref.. Winnetka 419. 43LT3-Itp COUPLE WOULD LIKE GENERAL hensework in private, famlly. Wife good cook; man exp. Ref. Cal Gre. 8260. . 43L3-ltl) COUPLE (COL.) EXC. -COOK AND butler, gardner, also drives, Will go to summer resort. N. S. Ref. Greenleaf 8171): 43L3-lttp CAP.. COLORED COUPLE, COOK AND butler, ricensed chauffeuir, cityý and subuirban summer. resort, best city ref. Oakland 6469. 43LTN3-Ite 44 -H L ATDFM GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS Positions opîen for experienced domes- tic help. References required. NO REGISTRATION FEE Pauline' s En-p. AgencIes 522 Center St. Winnetka. 3017.2662 ,eik R~ef. eau Tea gequalixeu. kHave U jione iiow before I t 19 too late. Cail Mr. Iraut, day- t-Sme Wilmette 5346, evenings Win- eta3622. Shop.,Iocatedi n the Spanîih Court. Bldg. 6OLTN3-1ltc lui voit IET-U@omS E. WILMETTE, WOODED VIEW, NR. lake, except. lovelyige. rm. well furn. 2 bath prlv. new cor., rem. 5 min. walk -V?' and N. *S. golf, stores., $5.1 Ph. Wllmette 19.5lL3-Itp PLEASANT, ýQUIET ROOM, COOL, private home, aduits. Close to trans- portation and lake. Reasonable. Rets. Board optional. Ph. Glencoe 1589. 51LTN3-ltc LARGE, QUIET, WELL FURN. FRONT rm. ln private east side home, near transportation. Breakfast optional. Garage If desired. FOR SALE,-ANTIQUE SPINDLE BED, love seat, and other pieces. WiI- FOR RENT -FURNISHED ROOM, 2 blks. fromn transp. and business. Very. reasenable. 629 Park Ave. Ph. Wil- *mette 2345. 1 S1LTNç3-lte COM FORTABLE RM. FOR GENTLE- man. Breakfast and laundry If de- sired. Very reasonable. Winn. 1468. BEAUTIFUL ROOM IN REPINE4D private home. Nearbeach, 4 blks. te ""and N. S.. Ref. req. Ph. Wil- mette 171. 51LTN3-ltp, SUNNY ROOM DOUBLE EXPOSURE, near Hubbard Woods school, and transportation. Caîl Winnietka,156. 5lL3-lttp FURZÇ. 114. IN PRIVATE FAMILY, for> rent., Gentlemen preferrd. Win-, netka 2632.' 51L,3-1tp PLEASANT FURNISHflD BEDJROOM in private home. $3. Ph. Wilmnette 934. .51LTN3-ltc PLEASANT ROM -~IN'PRIVA'rE residence. 3 blocks to trans. Winnetka FU-JRNISHJED ROOM, PRIVATE FAM- ily. Gentleman preferred. Phone Win- netka 1686. 51LTN1-tfe AIRY FRONT ROOM. EAST, SIDE. Convenient te. ail transportation. $5. Ph. Wilmette 2133. 51. ,)LTiq3-t-C PLEASANT FURNýISHED ROOM IN private ýhome. $4.00. Gentlemnan pre- ferred. Ph. Wirmette 7Z9. 51LTN3-ltp FURNISlzHE!D RM. POR RENT. WITH kitchen privileges. 5LTN3-ltî) - ieemb,,gas steve,' funnace heat, gar., r-ltc F ?nt ruced. 1730 Walnut Ave., Wil- Imette. Ph. Long Beach. 5322. I 56LTN3-ltp INE LY r "MODELED AM .ON SOC. quiet, esidentiai street ln 1Hubbard nette Woods. Phone Wunnetka 1127. 0