the neck-breaking stunts of the film dare-devils in a thrilling modemi day 'Maurice Chevalier, Jeanette Mac- romance of the air cornes to the WNiî.. Donald and Genevieve Tobin, directed mette theater on Friday and Saturday, by the great Ernst Lubitsch. star in May 27 and 28, wi th the showing of the sizzling comedy, "One Hour Witil the epi c., "The Lost Squadroni," star- You." at the> Varsity theater. on ring Richard Dix. - It is said to be his ThutrsdaN, Friday -and Saw'rday of most rornantîc and dangerous role to this week.: The farce patters 'alonig date. its saucy vay to lingering music by The film is Hollywoods answer to Oscar S traus and Richard MThitingi the persistent public ple'a for -an ac- Mjaurice, à doctor, married to.Jeàni-, tion film, based on the adventurouls ette, is happy 'and'peaceful'until along exploits of men courting danger for cornes, bis wife's. friend Mitzi (played the sake of the thrinu it gives them. by Genevieve Tobin). Roland Young A ghildren's. musical revue, ý"Puss 35 seen asz Mitzi's -husband: and in Boots." is on th e saine program Charlie Ruggles, as a would-be lover, witht "The Lost Squadron."' The is just one, delightfùl, delirious howl. Mickey Mouse club .will mecet at the Sharing' the double. feature pro- WVilmiette theateir at 1 o'clock Satur- gram With "One Hour Withi You,"« day a'fiernoon. will be "The Cobiens and Kellvs i1 Matine performances -%vill be lheld, Holwod"Heesa hnc oget botb Su.nday and Mondas', *Mfay 29 a peek behind 'the Klieg lights. and and 30. beginning at 2 o'clock. '-Th-e microphones. Julie Clyde, Norman .Blonde -Captive" and "The Heart of Foster. George Sidnev and Charliei New Y'ork", are. shown on the'double MuxIrray are 'star,. featuire l)rograms for each of tliese "ýDestrv% "Rides Again." to h é days.- sl1oWv for the spécial. holiday pro- - nFar-Off Auttralia gramn Monday and Tuesd4av, Ifav 30 -The Mlonde Captiv-e,"7 a storv of and 31, will get a great big hand from a white vomn lost among the o](1- the kids. 1Torfi NMix. the king of est living race, is an, interesling. pho- w%%estýernsý is back. And don't forget toplay of life in thie far-off Nwilds of Tony. the .vN%-der horse.ý Doni't miss Australia., The picture bristies ivith this. lI's keen. a-dyventure in'. depicting the effects, of Another' ictUre on these dayrs'-,%ill a of.scienitistsiii seac e"euvadte1BoSs." featuxing 0i the Néanderthal nma. ..11.. arren WVilliams, Mariati Marsh, [)rarna, coin-edy gnd tcar, tragedy, David Manners and Charles Butter- ar e blende<l a(eptly-in **Thé Heart %worth;. of NeVork," starring George Sid- On W\edniesdla\ through Saturdav. néy, Joe Smith and Charlie DJale, Jlune 1-4, the Varsity is: offering one Anna Appel and Ahne MNac.\Mahoni. of the fillest double feature prograins Merýwvn LeRZoy directed. in the, history of this theater, "Tan- " Prestige" and "Are Youi Listen- zan., the Ape Nlai," starring jolinny îng?" comprise the Wilnwtte double Weissmuller, and "Young America," feature progrnm on Tuiesdav and' presenting Spencer Tracy, Ralph \\X ednesdlaN-, \av 31 and, junie 1. Anti Pelan, Bervi Mercer and Doris, Harding tr in *Presýtige." a great Kenvoni. hieant draiia ith a tropical, settinigý ,4\William Haines lias liis 'first draina- Robust Bill Boyd Goes tic role in "r o itnn "the. laid behin d *the scelles ýof a nia- Back to Lu mber Camp tional broadcasting station. Bill Boyd comes back to an old On Thursdav. and Friday, Julie 2 callinig by becoming a lumberjack in, and 3. the \\ilmnette offers twvo fine the stanring noteo Canva0lot ptue,"Alias the Doctor,"' with bis latest RKO Pathe picture show- Richard Barthelmess, and "Dancers ing at the Teatro del Lago on Fridav in the Dark,- featuring Nfiriani Hop- and Satunday, Mav 27 and 28. kins and jack Qakie. For twvo yeans befone he came to TÉbll~,vwooA .,,A,i rn i .l t !. (-harles (Ch ' ïc) Sale in "The-Expert." For there' is also plenty of humnor that only, the whitnsical Chic Sale can inspire as the meddlesome'old man ivho cornes to live with bis son and daugbter-i 1-law. ini the .city after a lifetitme of "1getting set in bis ways." Dickie Moore plays the gnandson who is a -perfect film teain-mate for Chic Sale. Lois WVilson, Earle Foxe, Raîf Harolde and Adrienne Dore are othen members of the notable cast.; The stony is taken frômý Edna Fer- ber's .novel, "Old Mati Minick!Y Pub- lished sevenal seasons ago, Miss Fera- ber's novel niade.sucb a strong appeal to theatrical producens that thev asked ber to help dramatize- it. 'The play had, a long and .successful run on the stage.- with 0. P. Heggie mi the, title role-. The Warners, in looking around for a suitable stony. for'Chic Sale. 'EV8nstou-phone. URI. 8909 Thur., F1.,Sut.., May 2.72 MAURICE CHEVALIER ln ",,ka oua ,, i with JEANETTE MavDONALD and George Sdney-Clkirnle Murray sieII Dt-eorat(on Day Progra n. M .,Tues., Mely 30-31 TOM mix wiifh "Tony";@ilh. Wonder Hors.ý P. M. agOW GJ 7 p9.S. *Pett Bat.,MS%. and Hou", 1:80 p s hg t P. Um Box O e.CIOueaat M$8 OUR COOLING PLANT IS Ltstime" Tonîhf--2 Hlii John -Loe Barrymore in "ARSENE LUPIN" Starfu Boh Days 7:18-, 10:.06 and Thomas MAei4han in '.CHEATERS AT PLAY" Sients Wh Pays ai 8:50 Fri.. Soi.' May 27-28--2 Hifi Doors open Sat. ai 12:45 p. M. Richard. Dix-Mary A"ir in 'OST--SQUADRON.., Siaàris Fri. 7à:18>; 10 Sa*. 1:51. 4:-43, 7:55," 10:32 and ChiIdr.n's Musical Revue "?IJSS 114 BOOTS" Sienfs Fri. 8:44 Starts Sat. 3-.3S- 6:37;, 9:14 Mickey Mous. Club et 1 p. m. Sun., Mon., May 29-30-2 Hitl Matin.. R.+k fâl.,I vu Sients Bih Days 3:18; 6:06; 8:54 Tùes.. W.d., May 31 - Ju*i. 1 Ann Harding-,, PRESTI GE" Sienfs Both Days 7:16;, 10.02 and William Haines in "AÂRE YOU LISTENING'. $+*aits Both Days 8:33 S Thurs.. Fri.,-,june 2-ml RALPH'BELLAMY STARS~ Ralph l3ellamy of WVilmette is a star in ' "Young America," to be shown at. the Varsity theater on Wednesday, Tbursda3-, Friday and Saturday, june Newscartoona "'G1ants of the jungle", NoveIty. "The Jilgi School Hoofer"' comnlng-"M3AN WHO PLAYEJI GOBI, M. I 7qc w 1" wym 1il. L-" 1 il