TONIGHT-MAY 26 MSMASTERPIEE USA Hodem .Drama from Reail U. T;H E 'MAIN* WHO PLAYE.DGO Starts 7.-44; #8*48 BOY Frieni ComeY . .. TrAveltalik . . . ewi I J! FRIDAY & SATU RDAY. M4AY, 27-28-TWO FEATURES WILLÈIAM ROYD and GINCER ýROGERS &"CINO TOUTH"'9 SLIM SUMMERVILLE and LOUISE FAZENDA.,- Start FrIl. 8:i-slarts Sat. 3:20; 1:2â; 9:20 Booth irarklngtoýl's "Rlot Doge'.. Cartoon... Conedy . News Organ1ogue SUNDAY & MONDAY, MAY 29-30-TWO FE-ATURE--MAtINEE MONDAY, m a-' Sereen -Uheatcre at Play" ..... Wilmette "One Hour With You" ...... Varsity "The Cohens and Kellys ini Ho!llywood" ........ Varsity Fridayi May 27 "Carnival Boat" . - - . Teatro del Lago "Racing Youth" .,.. .Teatro del Lago 'The Lost, Squadron".....Wilmette 'Puss in Boots"'oý... ...... Wlmette* "The 'Expert" ... . ComimunityHouse "O0ne Hour, With You" ......ýVar'sity "The. Cohens and Kellys, in Hollywood" ......... .....Varsity Saturday,, May 28, "4Carnival Boat" ..-. Teatro del Lago "Racinig Youth" -Teatro del Lago "The Lost Squadron" ... . .Wilmiette déPluss in Boots" .........,. Wilmette "The Expert" ...Conunity House "One Hour With You" . . ...Varsity "'The Cohens and Kellys in Hollywood"............. Varsity Suaday, May 29 d'The Cohens andKellys ini Hollywmood" . Teatro de! Lago "Freaks"... ...Teatro eLg "The Blonde Captive"..Wil!mette "The Heart of New York" Wilmetté Mondmay, May 30f "The Cohiens and Kellys in.c Hollywood"...... Teatro de!. Lago "Fregks"........ Teatro del LagoÀ "The Blonde Captive". Wilniette "The Heart of New York" Wilnette "Destry. Rides Again"......Varsity,, May 31,, "One Houir With You" ...........Teatro de!' Lago fE "Prestige" .... ý.......... .ViInxette.. "Are You Listening?" .... Wilmette a! 'ýIDetry Rides Again" -. .. ..Varsity r, 'Bjeauty and the Boss" .-Varsity c Wednesday, June I "Onie, Hour With You"y .......Teatro del Lagq, "Prestige"....... ......inette "Are You L 1istening". '.. Wilmnette "Trathe Ape Man" ..'.varsity "Sky Devils" ... ........... Varsity * . Thursday, Jtane 2 ".One 1-our With ou ..... , 1eatro de! Lago " Ai es i the Doct r " .. . Wiln ette "Dlas ce iitoer" ...Wilniette Tarzan, the Ape Mlan" . ., Varsity "Sky Dev ils".........1.. ,. Varsity 'f Cliii -SI ci ..........O RWAURE"1.... MILLION" .....: ---. --r- .t .,. LL.f. urI*l. when Metro-Goldwyn-Mayéer cast On Thursdayofti wek te ceuyon of ,"Ae You Listening?" playing at by George Arliss in the inspiring play,, Sidgey' the mette theater Tuesday and *'The Man Who Played God." liton Wednesday, May 31 and June 1. It's 8eJI 1 Cook a straight role-that of a serious,, The Mickey Mouse club will nieet. iii Dne overworked radio continuity writer the Wilmette theater at 1 o'clock ,on - ' with. an unhappy home. Satu.rday a f ternoon9. I. WIAM fP&MoI sata,acv,.wuu i itresing short sub- jects to produce, the finest in enter- tainrnent. SOn Friday and Saturday, May. 27 and 28, the Teatro de! Lago preseuts, "Carnival. Boat" and "Racing Youth." Bill B oyd, a!wàys pcipular at h!etic star of action romance, bas one of !iis best roles in "Carniva! Boat." The, piéture is said to be the first romance of the logging camps. since sound was combined with motion. pictures. Some of the most. beautifu! mountain and timberland scenery 'ever caught by t he camera is the background of the absorbing action of, this adventure- romance of the big trees. It was filmed in the High Sierras. of Cali - fornia. Colorful scenes abroad a car- nival boat offer entertaining'contrast to the outdoors. Film Has Action, Romanée The thril!-dotted, film, -"Raciig, Youth.," features Frank Albertson, june- Clyde, Slim Summerville and Louise Fazenda. Racing scenes, realistically filmned at California's famous Ascot speedway, show Albert- son at the Wheel of a thundering race,. car inbis effort to win the event, to save the -factory, and to Win the girl. Action, speed, romance and -,pep. rhat's "Racing Youth."- ."The, Cohens and Kellys in HolIy*- wood" and "Freaks$" are the arresting. tities of two interesting pictures oin.. the' Teatro twin bill for §Sunday and MAonday, May 29 and 30. Matinee per- formances will be held both days. Many will consider "The Cohiens and Kellys in Hollywood" the comiedy riot of the year, George Sidney and. i'harlie Murray continue to inisun- Jerstand each other-even ini Holly- ýood.. The ýsup porting cast for this icture, which takes you belii nd- the Klieg lights:aind 'the microphones. iii- -ludes Normùan. Foster, june Clyde.. .ujs Alberni, Edwin, Maxwell','john, Zoche, Rober ,t Greig and. Eileeti ýercy. This Picture la Different "Freaks" ivil! amaze. It is the lat,.t' Ontribution of Tod -Browiniig, di- ector of sucli eerie thrillers as -Dra- ula" and "The Unholy Tre"Soule