rates offer lower prices for week- days, Sunda y morning play and add twiligbt rates for every day. They may bc found in the Elmgate ad- vertisement on this page. The new rates flot ouiy brought forth many smiiles, ýbut also, an in- creaed umbe ofplayers. El1mgate is proýbably one of -the most popular courses on the. north shore., Elmgate, originally a private club known -as Gien Acres Country club, is, located on Shermer avenue just south of. Glenviewv road, 'one, mile West of Glenvaew. Ail the -facifities of -a private club prevail, including lockers and show- ers, w ith special accommodations for women golfers. The dining- room where a luncheon or dinner is served is open to the public. Arrangements have. already been made by several organizations to hold tour .naments at Elmgate.% Special attentioný is given to this play. eimgate èlub- is a. member of the- Chicago daiiy fee association. Cleo1 Campbell of Glencoe. is again in charge of play. NORTHBROOK The neW reduced rates aI North- brook and the wonderful condition of the course have: brougbt increasing and repeated play by tho se who realiy appreciale a good golf course. . Built in 1926 by one of the nation's outstanding golf architects, North- brook still stands out as one of the most perfecîly designed and mai n- tained. inks ini the Chicago area. Its 6,492 yards of rolliaîg fairvavs dotted with. giant oaks, scientifically designed sand traps and water hazards chal- lenges the seasoned golfer. Every green is designed 10 hold NYour "pitclh" shot. Northbrook alreadv, bas a, number of tournaments scheduled. ' With its excellent course, clubhouse,, lockers. and showers, uiot ho mention the truly Wonderful dining rooni service and at such. moderate prices make the Northbrook club an ideal place- ho hold lournamnents. To those who have envied the play- ing advastages cf a private club will find ideal golf within their reach ah Northibrook where Ihere is e%,er% 3 Mlle$Sosuth 0o1 Dude Rd, On ElMlustt Rd.,thies .U Mlle eaet on MceDona)d Rd. te Club.. or River Rd. t. Meflenald Rd. A fine test of golf .. . bemutifuI Astoria Seeded Grecn..Tfle only club in Chicago huving 18 greens of this grass. ceuse Out and EFnjoyYe urseilfai Rob R0. Mi. Prospct.lu FRêNES AliNOTO!! REJGK-tg.1498-164 EASONAiLE RAMES PICKWICK GOLF, The $850,OOO Playground 36 HOLES 0F ý'CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF REDUCEM RTES WEJEKDAYS-AII Day, $.1 o.,7s5.. ftersi 5P.> M. Uc SATURDpAY A. ?4-, 75e-Aftemoein 2. Ah.. SP.: M, ISc SUN. & HOL.-Morimge, *.5.Aftoeaoon., , ter SçP.M,75 PHONE GLENVIEW~ or13 FOR RESERVATIONS iels SUNDAY MORNING GOLF à15 TWILIGHT GOLF AT REDUCED RATES Golf in ideal surroadings Tc.uy ledo ffrs every possible accouaauodatlon -,fttrlbutlng'to your pleauresudcomtrt .. ue erfect golf course. designci exiircusly for YrOD and your frIends. Special accommodations for acomen Wauç,gn &Willow Roads Telcphonc Northbrook 190 NOIRTIBROK GOLF CLUB Forme rly ~1I UNI VERSITY LUB LUBWeek Days 75c Sat. P. M. $1.25 W1~l~awSundays $1.50' Phone-Northbrook 182. Reservations--Lockers...Frec. Dundee Rd. LI4 miles W. Waukegan Rd. 6 A. M. to S P. M. GOLF 5oc mette golf club. Real golf's same sensation, is what they say. It includes nine holes, al "iron-shots," varyig in length from 75 to 165 yards. This course was not built as a cheap amusement Park, but for golfers who wish to impirove their irons, andý lower their. scores.. WNe al know that tie gamne is wvon or lost between the approach, and the putt, and .Ibis courÊe will provide every thrill and every helpful elernent of practice in. that ail-jimportant .".short" gamne. Goifers and -goifing. architects. from ail parts of the coun- try have visited tbis course because it represents the one sound, pleasing method of actual play. Tecourse is eqippe iha electric iighting system'that gives the brightness of day to the darkest night. These ligbts will be turned on as soon as the weather permîts eve- ning golf. ROB ROY Rob Roy Country club, formerly -a privaîe Cl--I, but nôw operating as a daiiy fee course, is offering a Most unusual opportunity to purchase' a piaying membership for the entire family. Complete.details may be had fromn Mr. Rueter, J.r., ma nager and professional aI the club. 1The Rob Roy is a: sporty initriguing course with "real" fairways, excep-ý tional ani ouîstaniding greens ivhich will not be excelied anywhere. CleVer traps make it one of the sportiest courses in the region. It is far enough out so that the course is not over-run, but is easily accessible. Take Dundee road to the. Elmhurst road then thre miles south to McDonald road ' then one quarter mile east. Enîrance May also beé gained from. River road just wesî of Dam NO. 2. The daily fee rates at, Roy Roy will prove very int.ieresting., Probably one of the best advertise- ments for, hie Glencoe Golf club is the fact Ihat so many of the peopieè who have once played thc course come back repçatedly. It is estîimated that no less than 70 percent of the goifers who play at Glencoe, play Glencoe and Glencoe alone, %N-eck after week., This great nuniber of repeat pilayers certainly speaks wieli .for the course. Americati Chanmpion: "I'm gomi Win." Bail: 'You bet, big boy3." Poor Richard Say&: Slotb mnakes ail shots difficut; But practice, aIl shots easy. -Jock Anderson. Mon. tg Ladies! Play 14ed PHONE GLENCOE !O at Glencoe on Tuesda ...No Cbarge for Rcscrvatig hereens on 'the south *course ight, soc werýe t Jp-dressed Monday, of this diti n for ýweek-end play. It 'is the ys plan of the management ho keep Pick- onewick's greens in the "~Pink"' of con- dition 'at ail limes. .~