'OME are. bulýrning, TIÎEY SANG IT in the Argonne, on Broadway and on-every Main Street. Keep t& e Home Fires Burning was a; war s 1ong wiih >a universal iappeal. hI s sili beiug '$un g.today. In 'effect, ià seems tohave become a sort of "tiheme song" for our new habits of living. During the last decade home fires have had tbeir ups and downs. For a while, in 1929 and 1929,) ýthey smouldered- when. families seemed bound to buy ail their entertainment in public places. Not so'. today. Home fires have, been rekindled.,, They are burning even brighter th au during the war. It is a peacetime paradox. IRES brihter as headquarters for fun, for entertainmen. Probably-this is t'ue in your own case.' Probably you're getting qiuite a kick Out of the change., îoo. And we are likely to forget that al ibis' new activity in the hume means burning more lights ini the evenizg--aud longer evenings. That'it means more meals to be cooked-more rdishes to wAsh. Natu.rallyif you'pre spen ding more tirne at, hlomel, yo u're using more gas and. electriciîty. But even, if your bills for't.heseý services are sIightly higher than they used to be, thee evevings are costiug less than they would if'you were buying your entertain-