Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 May 1932, p. 36

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L .1 CLK-AN LAWNS Keeping lawns f ree from noxions weeds and undesirable grasses, helps toe keep gardeners employed and furniàh.-à plenty of f ood for thought. However,, it is possible for almost' any lasvn to be developed into* a good Iawn. In many cases, it requires rigid adherencel I to known principles, and determined effort. Why do so many fine lawns finally become weed infested and thin? The: answer is not hard to find.: Constant,. f requient and close mowing exposes the Soi4 toa-nnatural drying out, subjects the surface roots to the more direct blistering of the summer, suns, and RO S Es f rom youir garden SUREBLOOM ROSES, ..from your ýown rose garden ... wilI be an endless source of pleasure and satis- faction. Neyer befoeb.,ave PrIces been so Iow. When you deal with us you pay for plants . .fotfor f ancy stores, or delivery. For more than 12 years Surebloom Roses have enhanced the estates of many of the leading North Shore families. ORDER YOURS BY NUMBERS---ý Auortmnt No.Z Consists of 13 Tea !Rose plants. T.i- iows, roda, pinka. 2 P.rnet Rose plants FREE! Ail U, ea Sb and carry$10 C. 0 . 544 d3re postage. Cash with order, add Ste postage. Asérmnt. 3 SPECIAL! The Aristoerat of1 E., es. Theý Souvenir Ciaudius de Pernet. A cauary yelowl sensation! 4 for75 Poéstage Ne.75 PotaeteeS10 C. 0. D, aUI 1*c Postage. WALTER, Go POEHLMIANN 2 Blocks West of Lincoln Tavern-Morton ýGroveI. Date ...... .............. Please SUpply me Witlj RosO Assortoeent as checked belo* for whicli 1 enclose $. ......... . ..... Assortment No. 1 ...Asuintmn.nt No. 2 ...... Assortmnt No. 3 Name....................................... ........ ....... Address .................................ACity in adj May inue to grow ing prairie lot, floufd's tooth. The vacant lot bas a deep soljd turf, through which the weed seed can bardly enter, the, mat of, grass is s0 thick -that it smothers weeds already started, and, the soil retains its natural moisture under the ,matting of, grass. the roots are protected f romf the sun's baking. summn1 er persiâtence, and as a resui, the sod of the vacant lot is far superior to. the pampered and at the sanie time ruined front. yard turf. .Watering, awns durinig the latter weeks of, June, is a great. belp to the germinating. of the. seeds of the - wild ,grasses. Old lawns can usually carry through until the first of Juty '%vith- ,out the aid of ýartificial watering, but oi course, newly seeded lawns rnust be watered wvhen it is at aIl dry, unless thev *are very well mulched. *Constant removal of, weeds and, re- seeding the spo ts caused by the larger weeèds wiIl tend tow'ard building up a dense turf, whicli greatly retards the re-entry of. weeds. Neither digging weeds or removal by chemical. pro- cesses, will immediately, deain thé lawn, as* the soit 'iA seed infested and even*- the weed which is eradicated, suppos- edly, may resprout f rom the, portion' of the root lef t ini the 'grouyd. But- persistence will win, as the lîfe of al- most any weed is. limited. miore limit- .ed under presecution, and a socId turf flot o nly prevents réseedinig. but smothers weeds just sprouting -Ildr weakens down the sturdieridvd Liais. 1 WATERING METHODS To understand therigbt and wrong a I DUNDEE ROAD %mile west of S» R arbor PANSY PLANTS Ania". & PermpWs NEW LAWNS. iFLowmR PREsERvATioN SoCITY AMERICAN LANDSCAPE ASSOCIATION rees vvc b btUi to ne true ini theearly spring months, the grass coming slow- ly and the weeds getting the head start. Onie must not be impatient, but must give the newly seeded lawns time to get going before deciding that the seeding .did not take., Ofly cheap in-. 1: ýl 1 1 eyou have secured at the florist's, and 1which you think you have been water- iing, turn it upside down .and Jet the plants corne loose out of the pot, and, you inay be surprised to find .a solid mass of rather dry roots. The plants, we. re sol compact in.'the pot that water could haidly enter, and if the pot was level full'. the water simply ran off as it would off a duck's bavk. Take the example of the bed, of animal flowers, just. plan.ted and watered down sup-, posedly thoroughly with some sort of a spray f rom the gardex hose. Digging down anywhere ini this soit, it is usual-, l-y-- ound that the water has flot gope as deep as the plant, roots, àand there- f ore. thé iplants will suifer and many wilM die. unless wvatered hV means, of pouring water direct at each- root from a sprinkling cati. A glass of, water !-oured at each plant will imm-ediately soak down and the wet spot wil, re- main apparent for a day or several days. vhile -the spraying: system does littie more. than w,%et the top for a fe%%k minutes.. These experiments will lead vou tco investigate ini like inaner when it would. seem that the lawn is being thoroughiy drenched. Usually i.t wilI bc f ound that th.e water does not reach the lower moots and that, the surface effect. causes. the roots to seek the sur-* ,face w here tbey are parched bYý the, mid-day summer sun and the lawn mnay be.no better than if it had fiot hèeri sq waeëred. Instead of watering the entire la%% !î five times each ~ek it is far better to. dinjdeit into five parts and. water each part well, once each week. Any spots which seem dry should receive aid first. Spots develop under trees aund on siopes or where the soil' is too loose. anud.they ileed special attention. A geood blue-grass turf if niot, vatered. will, brown off. during ie summ.er molnths, and cornie ack as green as ever during. the 'faîll et speli. Certain portions of the: laivn ma wel'becgive bhis rest during the bot spell and ail the attention be. given to. the, other parts of *the dooryard lawns.

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